Part 135

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Part 135 - Wednesday Dec. 4th

Sang's POV

Kota, Nathan and I got back to Nathan's house and I got ready for the day. I decided I just wanted to feel comfortable so I put on a pair of jeans, a long sleeve t-shirt, a zip up hoodie and a pair of tennis shoes. Even though Meanie won't like it, I pulled my hair into a ponytail. I just feel blah. Maybe it is because I should start my period in a few days. Maybe it is because Volto stabbed North in his attempt to get to me. Maybe it was because Uncle was yelling at Luke and me. Where is the chocolate when you need it?

Owen hasn't not told me what the note said. But I didn't ask. Maybe he will tell me in our violin lesson today. Meanwhile, I am to keep my eyes open for anyone, male, female, student, or teacher that has a limp or cast. Volto might not even go to our school. But at least it gave us somewhere to start looking. It was a plan, and a plan is better than nothing.

Luke went with Victor, Gabe and Silas. They were going to get my school bag from Luke's place and bring it with them. I just remembered, I am supposed to work at the diner tonight. I don't know if that will upset Uncle or if he will have enough time to cool down before I get there. Maybe I shouldn't work tonight. I really want to go see North after school. I'll talk to Luke and see what he thinks.

When I was ready Nathan asked, "are you ok Peanut? Not that I don't like seeing you in sporty clothes and all, it just looks like you are worried"

"I am worried...about North, about Uncle and about Volto."

"We will figure this all out soon Peanut. Come on, let's go learn something." He smirked as we went out to Kota's car. In the car Kota handed me a banana nut muffin and a frappaccino. I thanked him and ate as we drove.

I was sitting in the front between Kota and Nathan. Each of them had a hand on one of my knees. Nathan squeezed my leg every few minutes and Kota made circles with his thumb. It was very comforting.

When we got to school, we met up with the others in our corner of the cafeteria. Luke set my school bad down at my feet before standing next to me. He didn't have his normal happy chipper look. I don't like it.

I touch his forearm and ask, "are you going to be ok here at school?"

"Yea, just thinking about North. And as we drove and talked together" he said pointing to the other guys, "realizing North singlehandedly stopped Volto from getting to you."

I could feel the blood draining from my face. "Whoa there Aggele Mou." Silas urgently spoke as he enclosed me in his arms. "North will be fine, we have a starting point to look for Volto, and don't forget, the most important thing is still coming up."

"What is that?" I don't know what he is talking about.

"How could you forget about my reward next Friday? It is only 9 days away. I can't believe you would forget. That hurt me right here Aggele." Silas points at his chest just over his heart.

I smile at him, then kiss his chest where he pointed. He raised his eyebrow at me. "I just kissed it better." I smiled my sweetest smile at him.

"Ouch!" I heard Luke say. I turned to see what happened. He was holding his neck.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"I don't know, but it hurts. Are you going to kiss it better?"

There were a chorus of "ouch" and "oomph" from all the rest of the boys. They were all holding a different part of their bodies. Ears, chests, mouths, and necks. I giggled as they were all being so cute.

"If we weren't at school..." I left that thought hanging in the air. Both Kota and Victor's ears turned a little pink.

Gabriel was verbal, "Goddamn fucking shit school!" Everyone was laughing at that.

Silas laughed the loudest then replied, "sucks to be the rest of you. I got my kiss better." All the others grumbled sending evil glares toward Silas.

The bell rang and I went with Luke to our homeroom. It felt wrong without having North beside us. Luke kept me closer than usual when we walked in the hall.

Then, Luke walked with me to our English class. But after English, I didn't have North to walk with me to Geometry. Kota pulled me along. "But you'll be late to your class Kota." I protested.

"I don't care Ten. I am not letting anyone near you in the halls."

"Have you seen anyone yet today with a limp or cast?" I asked looking at the people walking in the halls around us.

"Not yet, but it is only the second period of the day. We still have time to find him." Kota reassured.

"Or her. We don't know what gender they are."

"After talking to North about the fight, I am leaning toward Volto being male. North is really strong and I think he would have overpowered most females. Given he had adrenaline coursing through his system, his strength would have been heightened. The fact that he hit this person with a bat in the leg is a wonderful advantage for us."

"I hadn't thought about that. What concerns me is the fact that he seems to be working with someone. He has always been alone, when he tried to take me the night I was with Victor and Silas and that time he took Mr. B's car, taking me from the hospital."

Kota groaned, "don't remind me please. He has gotten way too close to you, too many times. Well, the tides are turning." We were at Geometry and Nathan was at the door waiting for me. He pulled me into the room and Kota took off in a flash to get to his class.

After Geometry I told Nathan I need to use the restroom before Violin. He said he would wait for me outside the door. I just rolled my eyes. I was glad I used the restroom though because I had started my period. It must be all the stress from North and Volto and Uncle, combined with being around Jessica earlier this week. Ugh! After washing my hands I took some Midol before the cramps even begin.

In music class, I asked, "what was on the note Mr. Blackbourne?"

He sighed then pulled the note out. "Come sit down here to read it." He pat the piano bench next to him. I reached out to take the note but my hands trembled viciously. "How about I read it to you." Mr. Blackbourne suggested. I nodded my head then placed my hands in my lap.

"You think you can take Sang away from me for an extended time and I won't know? I will show you just how it feels for her to be gone for an extended time."

The breath whooshed out of my lungs. I was finding it hard to remember to breathe. Owen grabbed both sides of face commanding me to "breathe and focus on my eyes." I did as he said until my breathing regulated again.

"Miss Sorenson, because both of the Taylor brothers stayed with you last night, Volto didn't have a chance. We will take extra precautions until we catch him. Sorry to be over bearing." His face looked sympathetic.

"I don't want him to take me away from all of you. This is my family."

"Yes we are Sang. As for what happened with Uncle, I think I have a solution that will help us for a bit."

"Anything. I don't want Uncle to hate me or his boys."

"With this letter from Volto, we need two guys staying with you at all times. I plan on calling him to explain this to him but wanted to make sure you were ok with that. I think that helps us until we can have everyone old enough that parent's opinions don't matter."

Hopefully that explanation is enough for Uncle. Class with Mr. Blackbourne was over and Victor came for me. He greeted me with his smoldering fire eyes. "Were you being serious earlier about kissing our pretend boo-boos better?" His smile almost melted me where I was.

"I wish we didn't have school anymore." I grumbled.

During History, Mr. Morris kept eyeing me in a strange way. Did he want to ask me about where North was? Has he ever seen Volto when he was following us? Did he want to give me information about Hendricks? Was I supposed to have an update for Mr. Morris to feed Mr. Hendricks? I had completely forgotten about helping Mr. Morris since we went on Thanksgiving break.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize that the bell for lunch had rung. Victor was standing in front of me, "Sang...Sang...Princess!" I looked up at him and blinked. We were the only two in the trailer anymore. Not even Mr. Morris was present. "Where were you just then?" Victor asked.

"Lost in thought. It was just the way Mr. Morris was looking at me. It made me start thinking of North, Volto, Mr. Morris and Mr. Hendricks."

"How about we stop thinking of three of those guys?" Victor asked with a smirk.

"I'll try." I sighed.

We stopped by the bathrooms on our way to lunch, per my request. At least the cramps were not bad since I already took some Midol. At lunch I asked the guys if they had noticed anyone limping.

"It's hard to tell if some of these jackasses are limping or trying to do a fucking gangster strut!" Gabriel exclaimed.

"I know what you mean. But those people usually have their underwear showing." Luke laughed.

"Why do Americans think it looks cool to have your pants stop just below your butt? Because I for one do not like looking at some guys dirty underwear." Silas questioned. I was giggling because I agreed with Silas' statement.

"We have a list from Mr. B of the absent students. After school Silas, Gabe, Nathan and I will be splitting this list up." Kota said as he was looking at his cell phone.

"Doc and I will be going through hospital admittances after school." Victor inserted.

"Cupcake is with me at the diner." Luke volunteered.

"Oh yea, Mr. Blackbourne said he was going to call Uncle and explain that since Volto was trying to take me away he had instructed both of you boys to sleep in the room with me."

"That might help with this whole situation. Uncle likes you too much to want to be mad at you for long Forever. You are like the daughter he never had." He smiled as he said that.

I hope he is right. I can't keep getting kicked out of homes. My own parents don't want me. Mr. Griffin called me a whore and demanded I never come back. Mr. Morgan has threatened me that if I come back to his house, he will take a turn to show me what a man really is (I shudder at that thought). Now, Uncle is mad at me. So far, Erica and Charlie are the only ones who still like me. I haven't met Pam yet, nor have I met Sean's parents. Maybe I can get back in Uncle's good graces.

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