Part 56

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Part 56

Sang's POV

North and Nathan voted a movie, everyone else voted a game, except Owen. He didn't place a vote. "Why didn't you vote Mr. Blackbourne?"

"It doesn't matter. Majority has already ruled." That seemed wrong that he didn't get a say, even if his choice wasn't picked.

"Which game do you want to play Ten?"

"Well, if no one is really in the house anymore except us, can we play Sardines?"

"Miss Sorenson, please inform me what Sardines is."

"It is like hide and seek except in reverse. One person hides and when everyone else finds them they hide with them until the last person arrives and is it next."

Some of the boys groaned while others were excited to play. "Or we could play penny chinny." I gave them another option.

"Penny what?" Silas asked.

"Penny chinny. Everyone has to put a penny on their chin and keep it balanced while you try to knock everyone else's penny off. But you cannot use hands. When your penny falls, you are out."

"Vote?" Kota asks. "I say Penny chinny."

" I vote sardines." Victor states.

"Sardines sound like fun to me." Gabriel votes.

"I like sardines too." Luke said with a mischievous smile.

"Sorry Aggele, but my size is hard to hide. I vote the Penny game."

"I'm with Silas on that." North said quickly. "Penny."

"Party poopers. I say sardines. It might be nice to squeeze in a small space with Pookie."

"I don't squeeze well either. My vote is Penny chinny." Nathan stated.

"I guess you are the deciding vote, Owen. Since it is my game." I told him, wondering if he caught that I just called him Owen in front of the rest of the guys.

"I think I feel most comfortable with the Penny game as well, if you don't mind...Sang." I smile. Nothing gets past him.

Victor went into his study and came back with 10 pennies. Silas, North, Nathan and Kota moved all the furniture to leave the middle of the room open. "Ok, so to keep the penny on your chin, you have to hold your chin up in the air. No using hands, and no kicking." I looked to the guys and everyone seemed to agree to the rule.

"On my count." Kota commanded. "3, 2, 1, go!"

I quickly moved away from the guys so I could get the best strategic position. Right away Silas, North and Nathan were trying to bowl over whoever was near them. But being the tallest is not to your advantage. With having to look up, I am best off, being the shortest I can see everyone.

Gabe, Luke and Victor were trying to stay away from the bigger guys pursuit. I lost sight of Owen and Sean, so I backed up toward the wall so I could have the clearest view of the room. Silas and North bumped into each other and were both out.

"Shit, you were supposed to get Luke." North complained.

"He and Gabe crossed paths, then we collided." Silas defended. They went and sat on a chair to watch.

Kota was headed my way. I slunk down lower, to be out of his site. As he came near me I reached my foot out and ran my foot up the inside of his thigh. He yelped and jumped and down the Penny went.

"Hey now." Kota said. I giggled.

"I hear you Pookie!" I stifled the giggles and moved away quickly.

Victor was lurking on the far side of the room and I realized he had found Owen and was stalking him. I heard quick movement behind me and shifted to the left to side step whoever was approaching. I hadn't moved my right leg yet and Sean tripped over my foot, losing his penny.

"You can't trip people Pookie!"

"I wasn't trying to. You did it to yourself."

"She's right Doc. We watched the whole thing." Silas told him. Sean went and sat down with North, Kota, and Silas. Four down five to go.

In Victor's attempt to shove Owen with his shoulder, Victor lost his penny and was out.

"Nice try Mr. Morgan."

Luke and Gabriel were practically running circles around Nathan and he couldn't move away. Then they both shoved into him at the same time causing Nathan to drop his penny.

"Damnit! You two!!!" He didn't finish the sentence as they both laughed.

And then there were three! I can do this. I was able to sneak my way behind Owen and prepared myself for him to turn. As soon as he did I blew air towards his ear. He reached out and grabbed me around the waist, pulling me in close.

"Your out Mr. B! No hands!" Kota and Victor called.

"Mmmm, another time Sang." He whispered. I shivered at the thought.

I saw Luke and Gabe standing next to each other plotting my demise. They could have taken each other out by now. I had better have a good idea to get past these two.

Quickly tiptoeing to a different spot I thought if I could get ahold of Luke's hair in my mouth I might be able to pull him over backward. But what about Gabe? One at a time Sang. Stay focused. They were splitting up and trying to crouch low so they could see me better.

I squat low again and slowly drew toward Luke. Right behind him I straightened up and bit a mouthful of his hair as I backed up.

"Ouch!" He yelled and twisted as he turned, dropping his penny. "You little devil!" I was smiling, distracted by Luke. I got a butt bump from behind and and almost fell on my face forward. Luke had quick reflexes and caught me before I hit the floor.

I was laughing at being distracted. "Well played Meanie, well played!" I gave him a tight hug and kissed his cheek. "Thanks for playing with me Meanie."

"We have another whole day of playing ahead of us." And he kissed my cheek in return.

"Alright everyone. We have a busy day tomorrow. Time to hit the sack."

"Who all is staying here?" I asked.

"I believe we all are, if that is all right with Mr. Morgan, that is." Owen said while looking at Victor.

"My house is always open to my true family." Victor said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Do you want to sleep in my room or out here watching a movie?" He was asking everyone but looking at me.

"Wherever everyone else is sleeping." I responded.

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