Part 84

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Part 84

Sang's POV

After we dropped Gabreil off at Victor's house I realized I was alone with Mr. Blackbourne. And I knew that I was staying the night here, but I guess I thought that someone else would be staying too.

I don't dislike being alone with him, I love it, but I am always a little nervous when it is just one of the guys with me. I was like that with Silas right before Homecoming and I was like that with Nathan just after he had told me he wanted to run away with me. Now that one was probably a different reason for why I felt nervous. More that he would actually follow through with it.

"Do you want to make dinner with me tonight or would you rather we go out to eat somewhere?"

"Um, either option works for me. What would you rather do?"

"I think tonight I would rather cook with you at my place, if you don't mind."

"What do you want me to make?"

"Don't you mean, what are WE making for dinner?"

I blushed at the way he said that, "yes. What are WE making for dinner?"

"I thought we could make fried chicken, mashed potatoes and steamed green beans." A real southern meal.

"I haven't ever made fried chicken before, but if you give me a cookbook I could make it."

"That's ok, I can make the fried chicken, you can make the sides. It will just be fun to cook alongside you." He glanced at me from the side. He reached over and took my hand in his, lacing our fingers together and pulling my hand over to his thigh.

We drove the rest of the way to his house in silence. It was a comfortable silence though. When we arrived at his house he hurried around to my side. I already had the door open and he frowned at me but stuck his hand out to assist me getting out of the car.

When we entered the house,meh relocked the door and turned on some lights. We went straight to the kitchen to get to work on the dinner. I began with peeling potatoes and he mixed up some seasonings with breadcrumbs in one dish, he mixed up an egg in another dish and had buttermilk in the last dish.

"Wow, this is a messy meal." I commented.

"Yes it is. And since I am making the chicken, you get to do the dishes." He smiled a real smile at me. My knees almost gave out at the sight. I grabbed the edge of the counter to steady myself.

"Are you alright?" He asked me moving right in front of me and holding my waist. How do you tell him that his smile almost put you flat on your ass? I giggled at myself.

"Yes, just a little lightheaded there for a minute." He studied my face and intently looked into my eyes. I could tell he saw I was lying and he looked disappointed in me.

I groaned and covered my face with my hands. "You smiled a real smile at me and my legs gave way."

I head him laughing. He pulled my hands away from my face and lifted my chin so I was looking right at him. "That is a real boost to my male ego, Sang. I hope to be able to make you weak in the knees more." He leaned in kissing me almost possessively. My insides were a jumbled mess. I wasn't sure which way was up anymore and I clung to his shoulders so I didn't fall over.

He lifted me up and set me on the counter. Scooting in closely, he stood between my legs. Then he pulled my hips forward so I was pressed up against his groin. I know I moaned with the sensations he was causing in me. But what I didn't expect was to hear a growl from the back of his throat.

He stopped kissing my lips and began kissing my neck, just below my ear. He nipped at my ear and kissed along the jawline then down the length of my neck to the hollow at the base of my neck. He lightly traced his tongue over that hollow on my neck and I shivered with pleasure. He pulled the collar of my shirt back and traced his tongue over my collar bone. My vision was going spotty and I mumbled, "Mr. Bla-" when my voice cut out completely.

He pulled back from me, leaned his head down on my shoulder and said, "forgive me Sang. I was going too far too fast."

"There is nothing to forgive Owen." I whispered. No louder sound would have come out of my mouth.

He chuckled and pushed off the counter, "well dinner won't make itself. Let's get to it."

Just like that he was back to making dinner. I had to sit there a minute so when I jumped down I didn't end up in a heap on the floor.

After pealing potatoes and I started boiling them, I snapped the green beans. Owen had the chicken in the frying pan and it made a delicious popping sound as it cooked. I started on the pre-dinner dishes so there wouldn't be as many to do after dinner.

Everything finished cooking at the same time, as if Owen had timed everything to perfection, just like him.

As we ate, I tried to ask him more about the trip. "So, which store did Gabriel go back to without us?"

"Ha! You think I'm falling for that trick? Nope! Remember, lips sealed."

"Ugh! Pleeeease." I a pouted out my lip. He just leaned in and bit my lip. I gasped at the action.

"Now you know what I will do if you pout your lip during our break from school. For the next nine days I am not your teacher. I am one of your boyfriends." He reached for my hand on the table. "As long as you consider us that." He said with almost uncertainty.

"Of course I consider you my boyfriend. I consider all of you my boyfriends. I just don't get to say things like that in public."

"Aside from the concert Victor is doing, no one knows us where we are going. We are all be free to be ourselves."

"Does that mean I can kiss more than one of you in public?"

"Ha ha ha, yes. But you might want to refrain from kissing or being kissed by multiple boys at the same time in public."

I turned beet red. Just imagining more than one of the boys kissing me at the same time. There are so many combinations to imagine. Would they all want to do that? Or would any of them be upset with me for even suggesting something like that.

"Sang," I looked at Owen, "you at first looked embarrassed then a little excited." He smiled, "but then your look changed to almost sick to your stomach. You do not have to do anything you do not feel comfortable with."

"It's not...." I trailed off.

"Sang, my love, You have the power to say no and we will listen. None of us want to make you uncomfortable. We love you."

"And I love you. All of you. This is all just so new to me and I don't know what I'm doing. I'm nervous I will mess up and"

He cut me off, "you can't mess up. If there is something to learn, we can spend the time to teach you."

I nodded my head in understanding.

"How about we clean up the kitchen, get into some pajamas and watch a movie until bed?" He asked me.

"Sounds nice. Thank you for always calming my nerves."

After cleaning the kitchen I got into the pajamas that Gabe has stocked here at Owen's house for me. They were a grey cotton scoop neck t-shirt and black cotton shorts that came to mid-thigh. I felt like I was showing way too much skin around Mr. Blackbourne. But I tried to remember that right now he is not Mr. Blackbourne, he is just Owen, my boyfriend.

He motioned me to his small collection of movies and asked me to pick one out. Most of them are action movies. I saw that he had the movie Captain America and it reminded me how a couple of weeks ago I had a conversation with the boys about which super hero they all were. I figure, might as well.

"How about Captain America?"

He raised his eyebrow at me and gave a small smirk but went ahead and put the movie in. We curled up on the couch together. I laid down with my head against the arm rest and my legs over his legs. He had his back against the back of the couch and he laid down on his side behind me. His right arm was under my neck and his left arm was over my waist. His hand curled around my waist and ribs. He pulled a blanket over the top of us and I was all cozy and warm.

"I love you Sang." He whispered as he kissed my ear.

"I love you too, Owen. I am excited to spend this week with you." I wound my finger in his hair at the nape of his neck and stroked my fingers, feeling how soft his hair was.

We stayed curled together as we watched the movie. I kept smiling as I pictured Captain America as being Owen. I fell asleep with a smile on my lips and my hand in Owen's hair.

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