Part 165 Skin

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Part 165 - Sunday Dec. 8th

Sang's POV

"Come on Yatzee!" I was shaking the dice in the little red cup willing them to fall out at a Yatzee. No such luck.

"HA! I have beat you twice now." Kota beamed at me.

I groaned and sank back into the beanbag chair. "And what, pray tell, is the winner's choice?" I grumbled. Does he really have that good of luck, or does having a super math brain give him an advantage in a dice game? It is a game of chance, I thought. So no one should have an advantage over another no matter what their skill level is.

Kota's cheeks were flushed red and I realized I didn't hear what he said. "I missed what you said Kota. I'm sorry. I was trying to figure out if your super power gave you an advantage."

He laughed at that, "my super power?"

"You know, your math brain that is the equivalent of a super computer!" He was really laughing now but that didn't stop him from crawling onto the beanbag chair, hovering over me again.

"I said, for winner's choice, I choose to make out with you." He almost whispered to me, since he was an inch from my face.

"Well, if that's what Kota wants, that's what Kota gets." In my head I started humming the tune to "Whatever Lola Wants" from the musical 'Damn Yankees'. But I was switching the word Lola for Kota.

I didn't get far into the song though before Kota made me forget everything. He rubbed his nose against mine and across my cheek until he could pull my ear lobe into his mouth and nip at it. Just that little bit has me heating up and responding to his touch. I love it and I want more!

As Kota kissed my neck and ear, I reached down and pulled his shirt out of his trousers. I want to feel skin on my bare hands. I ran my fingers up his muscular back, feeling every ripple and ridge.

Kota's mouth descended on mine with purpose I call that need? That's what I am feeling, the need for his mouth to fuse to mine.

Somewhere in the back of my head I realized my hands were working of their own accord. I broke the kiss and found I had unbuttoned his shirt. We were both breathing hard and I wanted to just look at him. I pushed his button down shirt open so it would slide right off his arms. Kota helped me out by moving his arms so his shirt would do just that.

I ran my hands over his pecs and shoulders, down over his stomach then lightly tracing my fingertips up his sides. "Sang...Ten..." He hung his head down as I continued to feel his skin. I traced my fingers down his stomach again, then right back up his body, up the length of his neck, and right around his ears.

He grunted, wrapped his arms around my waist and spun us so fast I am starting to wonder if he is Clark Kent. How was that even possible? Kota shifted slightly but he was laying down on the beanbag chair and I was now straddled on top of his hips. I could feel how hard he was below me. I caused that reaction in him! It is amazing to me and makes me feel almost...beautiful.

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