Part 151 Tub Time

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Part 151 - Saturday Dec. 7th

Sang's POV

Why would I even ask if this day could get any better. Of course it can and did. When we got home from the spa, Victor looked at his watch, "We only have an hour before Luke arrives to take you and Gabe over to Doc's place."

Meanie and my Prince each grabbed one of my arms, lifted me off the ground and ran up the two flights of stairs. I was giggling as they whooshed me to the bathroom. Gabriel threw a bikini at me and demanded, "get changed. You have 2 minutes."

"What happened after 2 minutes?"

"We enter whether you have that on or not. 1 minute 54 seconds and counting Trouble." I could hear Victor laughing from the bedroom.

I was excited and suddenly a little nervous to get changed so quickly. I was having a hard time getting the buttons on my shirt undone. Screw it! I decided my bottoms are more important to change than my top first.

I unzipped the skirt, let it drop, yanked off my panties, stepped into the bikini bottoms and pulled them up. The bottoms were white with hot pink and black circles. Similar to huge polka dots but they were random, not in a normal polka dot pattern. They were a string bikini with hot pink ties. They needed to be tightened but I can do that after I get the top on.

The bikini top was a triangle top string bikini with the same pattern on it. I finally got all the buttons on my shirt undone, then stripped it off. I unhooked the bra and let it drop. I tied the ties of the string bikini around my neck. Just as I made sure the triangles were where they should be the bathroom door opened.

Meanie looked at me from my head, trailing down my body slowly, pausing at my hands holding the bikini top over my breasts, then he continued looking down my stomach, continuing all the way to my toes.

Victor was standing next to him, and even though his eyes took the same path, his feet were in motion. He came to me, trailed his fingers over my ribs, took the bikini strings that tie around the back, and pulled them so he could tie my suit for me. Once he was done, he traced his fingertips down my spine to my suit bottoms and then back up my spine all the way to my neck.

Meanie had moved over to the bathtub and began filling it, adding scents and bubbles. He looked totally in his element. They both had on their boxers. I was a bit surprised they didn't put on their swimsuits but wasn't about to say anything. I got to see more of their gloriousness in their boxers than their swimsuits.

Victor assisted me in climbing into his bathtub. "I should have asked," he began as he was climbing in, "If you wanted a bath or if you wanted to try another first and take a shower with us."

"That is unless she has already taken a shower with one of the others." Gabriel interjected.

They both looked at me, head tilted to the side, trying to flush out if I have showered with the others. I haven't showered with anyone, not do I plan on it anytime soon, thank you very much!

"Thanks Prince, but I like taking baths with you guys. Besides the two of you, only Kota has taken a bath with me."

"When did Kota take a bath with you?" Meanie questioned. He looked a little hurt.

"It was my reward and Kota was there so he joined us." Victor answered. The look on Meanie's face relaxed.

I dunked under the water to get my hair all wet. When I came up, Meanie was holding the shampoo bottle. I turned my back to him so he could wash my hair. Victor grabbed another bottle of body wash. He squirt some on a washcloth, lifted my arm out of the water, and gently rubbed my skin with the soapy cloth.

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