Part 121

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Part 121

Sang's POV

It felt like hours before we got a phone call from Victor. "Princess, it is done and everyone is safe."

"Can I see with my own eyes?" I asked him.

"Meet us at Blaze's house in 20 minutes. That gives us time to clear out anyone extra. Give the phone to Nathan so I can give him the address."

"Ok my Prince." I said to Victor then handed the phone to Honey, "Victor wants to talk to you."

I looked at Meanie, "I'm going to go to the bathroom and then we are going to Blaze's house." He nodded as I left the room.

In the bathroom I noticed my eyes looked wild. I tried to smooth out my hair and make myself presentable to see Blaze and his family. He was a new friend of mine, but I felt he was a friend. It is after midnight but I don't feel tired at all. I feel all wound up with adrenaline actually.

We got into Kota's car. Nathan drove, I sat in the middle and Meanie in the passenger seat. Gabriel's arm was around my shoulder holding me to his chest. Nathan held my hand in his lap. I know they said everyone is fine, but I won't believe it until I see it with my own eyes.

When we got to Blaze's house, all of my guys were outside waiting for me. They gave me hugs and I assessed all those that were near any action. No one had any visible injuries. Maybe it did all go well like they said. Owen walked inside and the others hesitated allowing me to go inside.

"Please? I need to see if Blaze and his sisters are ok." Kota and Victor took my hands as North and Silas lead the way into Blaze's house. Luke and Sean were right behind me with each of them touching me. Gabriel and Nathan walked behind everyone.

"Sang! I want you to meet my wife Tenley. And these are my five sisters that your guys and their friends graciously rescued. Star, Rayne, Willow, Echo and Breezy. Girls, this is Sang and her family." I shook Tenley's hand and Blaze pulled me into a side hug. The other Academy team from the diner had a look of confusion on their faces.

"Why is the waitress here?" The tall guy asked.

"Rude much?!" Rayne slapped his chest then rolled her eyes. I repressed a giggle.

"She is friends with Blaze." Owen explained to them. That is just the easiest explanation for why I was freaking out at the diner and why I am here now.

"It is getting late, but we wanted to make sure Sang got to see your family really was safe." Gabriel spoke up. They really just wanted to get me out of there before too many questions could be asked.

I rode in Kota's car back to Nathan's house. I leaned into Nathan's shoulder as Kota said, "we have school in the morning. Get some sleep Ten."

When I woke up it was morning and time I should be getting ready for school. I hurried to be ready on time. I was met by Nathan holding a breakfast sandwich in his right hand and a frappaccino in his left hand. Kota was waiting out in the car for us.

I slid in between them in the front seat again. "I can't believe it is back to the same old routine. We just had so much time together where we could be ourselves, but now we have to go back to barely being friends in public." I sighed. This is getting harder to keep up this act.

"We don't like it anymore than you Peanut. But the good news is, it is already December 2nd. So that means there is only 18 days until we get another break from school."

"I guess you're right. I can keep this up for 3 more weeks of school." I just wanted to complain. Maybe it is just the coming back to school blues, maybe all my emotions over the last couple of days are just finally settling down or maybe I am PMSing. I chuckle in my mind at that. I'm not due to start my period for 6 more days. I better stock up on chocolate.

At school we met in a corner of the cafeteria because it is too cold to keep meeting outside in the courtyard. We were the first ones there. "The others better be on time." Kota mumbled to himself.

"Why not send a text to check?"

Kota: everyone going to be on time today?

Nathan: Sang and I are here

Luke: just pulling in the parking lot. Have North and Silas

Sean: already gracing this school with my presence. Owen's here too.

Owen: that was a stellar review for my presence, thanks

Gabriel: my fucking electricity went out last night so Victor had to wake my ass up. Be there in a few

Kota: just your place, or the neighborhood?

Gabriel: didn't have time to check.

Owen: get to school safely, but on time. We will check out the reason for the electricity later.

"Why would he lose electricity? There wasn't a storm last night." I asked.

"That's why I asked if it was just his place." Kota had worry written all over his face.

"Do you think Pam forgot to pay the bill again?" Nathan asked.

"Possibly....everything would be so much easier if we were all in one location." Kota grumbled.

"Aggele!" Silas had his arms open for me to give him a hug. I stood up and wrapped my arms around his waist, my cheek pressed to his chest.

"What is wrong with the electricity?" North was asking Kota as he was looking at his phone.

"We don't know. Maybe Pam just didn't pay the bill." Kota answered.

"It's possible. Pam has a new boyfriend and she has been spending a lot of time out with him. She might be neglecting her bills." Luke put in his opinion.

"We'll get it sorted out after school." Kota commanded. That meant conversation about this was over.

"Come on Baby, it's time for class." North said as he pulled me in the direction of our homeroom.

"But the bell hasn't..." (Bing, bing, bing). Uncanny! How does he do that? He doesn't even look at a watch.

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