Part 171 S.O.D.

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Part 171-  Monday Dec. 9th

Sang's POV

What dessert can I make that even North would be happy, since it is to celebrate his welcome home.  Hmmm, I could make dessert crepes.  They have eggs, flour, sugar, salt, milk.  

I dug through the fruit compartment and found some blueberries.  Perfect!  Now, whipping cream?  I looked through the fridge door contents, but no whipping cream.  I opened the freezer, thinking it would be really good with vanilla ice cream.  As I scrounged around... No ice cream.  "Well DANG IT TO HECK!"

I could hear the guys sniggering in the other room.  "Ten, is something wrong?  You almost cussed."  He had a goofy smile on his face.

I blew out a breath of frustration, "I burnt the cake and now I can't find one ingredient for my back up plan."

"What is it you need, Sweetie?  I will go get it for you."

"You will?"  My spirits lifted as I saw he meant it.  "Kota, 52... You're my hero!"  I threw my arms around his neck and he chuckled.  "I need vanilla ice cream."

"Neither rain, nor sleet, nor dark of night will keep me from getting you that last ingredient."

I giggled, "Do you work for the U.S. Postal service?"

"Sorry, it was the first line I could think of.  Be right back, Ten."  Kota left out the back door.

"Where did Kota just go?"  Victor asked from the doorway.  He didn't enter the kitchen and I wondered if he was afraid to come in since I kicked them out.

"I was lacking one ingredient and he is acting as my hero by going to the store and getting it for me."

"Do you need help or want us to stay out still?"  He asked me.

"You better stay out so I don't get distracted again."  I shrugged my shoulders.  He left with a smile and I got to mixing all the ingredients to make the crepe batter.  Then I washed the blueberries and half of them I cooked down with sugar to make a blueberry syrup.

While I was cooking I received a text.

Silas: diner is slow tonight, we are leaving in 5 minutes.

Me: impromptu party for North, tell Luke I'm making dessert.  ;)

Silas:  I thought we were supposed to keep North calm Aggele?

Me: he approved :P

Silas: we will be there soon.

"Silas, Nathan and Luke are on their way."  I called out to the others.

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