Part 167 Can I Get a Hot Tub?

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Part 167 - Sunday Dec. 8th

Nathan's POV

We of course caught up with Peanut at the bottom of the stairs.  She was giggling as she ran down the stairs.  Her playful side is really cute, but the apartment stairs are concrete and I was worried if she tripped how badly would she get hurt.  Not on my watch!

But there is nothing I can do about it in public where Silas lives.  So Silas threw all the towels at me as he hoisted her over his shoulder, carrying her toward the gym.  Both Victor and I laughed at the look of shock on her face.

When we got into the gym, there was an elderly man walking on the treadmill, but no one else.  We all yanked our shirts off and Silas found the remote to turn on the TV.  Watching Peanut remove her swimsuit coverup is the best!  It's like watching a girl strip for you.  You know she has on a swimsuit underneath but the anticipation of seeing her in such small scraps of material is just...damn it!  I need to get in the hot tub before she sees my shorts tenting out.

I must not be the only one thinking those thoughts because Victor got in he hot tub when I did.  Silas on the other hand just stood there watching her, like the confident fucking Greek he is.  After his display just a little bit ago, he is probably wondering why we are even wearing swimsuits right now.

Once Peanut is out of her coverup, Silas picked her up and set her on the edge of the hot tub.  Then he pressed the button for the jets and climbed in himself.  Peanut sat between Silas and I.  Victor sat across from her with her feet on his lap.  We were all able to touch her without making a scene.

"Silas!  Are you hogging the hot tub?"  The guy from school, Kyle, asked as he and a couple of his buddies entered the gym.

"Just making use of the facility."  Silas answered.  "You guys lifting?"  He was asking them if they were lifting weights today.

"We were going to, but looking as you have brought along a little peach, maybe we will join you guys in the hot tub."  One of Kyle's buddies said.

I am afraid I messed up because I know I growled.  Victor's look could kill a man.  But Silas just laughed it off.  It was a forced laugh to my ears, but others wouldn't have picked up on it.

"You know, Silas is a big fucking ass Greek, he is taking up too much room as it is.  I don't think you four would fit with us."  I tried to explain nicely for them.

"Then why don't the two of you get out so we can join Silas and his little hot tamale?"  Another of those guys asked.  Sang's hand grabbed my leg and her face looked nervous.

Victor shifted like he was going to get out and teach the guy a lesson for talking to his Princess like that.  I had barely restrained anger myself.  But Silas, did his thing to diffuse the situation again.  "You do NOT get to talk about Aggele Mou like that!"  He looked fucking scarey!  Like I wanted to shit my pants and I know the guy.

Kyle held his hands up, surrendering to Silas' fury.  But his buddy must not have many brain cells.  He was a big guy, close to my size.  He piped in with his lack of intelligence, "How about we clean and jerk once for time in the hot tub with her.  Winner takes ALL!"

Kyle had backed away to the door while his buddy was talking.  The other two looked between us all in question.  Silas stood up, cracking his neck looking 8 feet tall and just as wide.  Both Victor and I flanked him.

"I am not a prize for you to win, idiot!  I already made my choice.  I choose Silas" Peanut stepped around us and placed a hand on Silas' stomach, "AND Nathan" she touched my arm, "and EVEN Victor" she touched his shoulder, "but NEVER you!"  She flipped her hair as she turned her back on him.  Both of her hands went up to the side of her head as she flipped him off, dismissing him as she sat back down.  

We all laughed and sat back down around her.  Leave it to Peanut to diss a guy simply with words, flipping her hair and the finger.  Even his friends were going, "ohhhhhhh" while covering their mouths. 

"You little BITCH!"  The big guy wailed.

Silas shot out of the water, with a speed equal to Poseidon and the strength of Hercules.  He punched the guy before his feet had even hit the ground.  Big guy's head snapped to the side and he went down like a tower of cards.

He didn't continue hitting him like I thought.  Instead he fell to his knees, and grasped his head in his hands.  Peanut jumped out of the hot tub and climbed into his lap.  She curled up in a ball, placing his hands around her.  I don't know what she was saying to him because Victor and I went to block the other two guys from advancing on him.

To my surprise it was the old guy from the treadmill that ended the situation without any more fighting.  The old guy stepped between us and Kyle's buddies.  "That is quite enough!  This young little thing does not deserve to be treated like a toy."

"And who are you old man?  You couldn't stop us if you tried.  Face it, we are younger and faster."

The old guy shocked me, he popped one of the guys in the nose and pinched the throat of the other while saying, "Face it, boys, I'm older and I have better insurance."  He looked at us, "get your friends out of here.  I'll watch them."

"Thanks," I told him.  "Victor, get Peanut."  I commanded.  Victor collected Peanut in his arms and I coaxed Silas to get up.  I don't know where he is right now, but he is lost in his head.  When we get back to his place, I'm going to have to call Mr. B.  I don't know what else to do.

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