Part 48

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Part 48

Gabriel's POV

Saturday Morning

"Shit it's early! Why are we f**king getting up this early on a Saturday again?" I am asking Luke. My phone alarm had gone off when it felt like I had just fallen asleep. Yesterday I had gone to Nathan's house after school to sort out Trouble's clothes for tonight and Sunday. Then came here to Luke's to spend the night. Sunday?! My Birthday!!!

"To get done with your assignment so you can play with your Trouble later tonight and all day on your Birthday. Or do you want to be working on your Birthday?"

"No f**king way am I working on my damn Birthday!"

"That's what I thought. Besides, today you have it easy. You just have to help another team shop for undercover clothes."

"You call that easy? You don't know shit about shopping! I don't know their personalities and that can change the way they look in clothes. This is going to take me all f**king day!"

Luke started laughing. "Come on, let's get you something to eat. You are much more pleasant after you have eaten."

I was grumbling incoherently as I went to eat. Uncle's house is a little cold in the mornings so I grabbed a blanket off of the couch and wrapped myself in it before heading into the kitchen. I looked like a burrito with only my face sticking out. "What are we having?"

"Let me see" he said looking in the fridge, "how about French toast?"

"As long as I don't have to cook it, I'll eat practically anything."

"If you had to survive on your own cooking skills, you would be dead by now." Luke teased me.

"Hey! I wouldn't be dead you f**ker! I can cook the shit out of toast!" Luke doubled over with laughter and I began laughing too.

We ate without much conversation. He is a damn good cook. And he is right. When I get out on my own I am going to starve if I don't learn how to cook.

"Gabe, I need to talk to you about Sang."

"What about her? Did she get into trouble again? Shit, I swear, you leave that girl alone for one f**king minute and all hell breaks loose."

"Calm down! Nothing has happened to her. She is with Mr. B and Doc. And Victor is picking her up this morning."

"Then what's the problem?" I ask him.

"Nothing. I just want to know how deeply you feel for her."

How deeply do I feel? Like I cannot breath when she is out of my sight. Like the world has lost all color if she is not a part of my day. I feel some deep shit for her. "She's cool." I say nonchalantly.

He just stares at me. He wasn't moving and he did not have a smile on his face like usual. "Yes, we all think she is cool Gabe." He says sarcastically. "What I want to know is do you love her or do you just think of her like a dress up doll you get to play with?" He was smiling again.

"How I feel is my business. And if I decide that I love her... She will know before you!" I was getting angry at him. Why would I tell him first? So he can swoop in and tell her first? I have a lot of competition with all my brothers. Only one guy gets the girl and what do I have as an advantage over the others? Not much. I can do her hair and help dress her. Big deal! Anyone could do that with a little instruction and common sense. My breathing rate was increasing.

"Gabe, man, I would never try to take her away from you. You are my best friend." He put his hand on my shoulder and was trying to look in my eyes.

"Then why are you asking me this? Has North already convinced her she loves him? Because that motherf**ker is going to have to deal with me if he has." I was pulling at my hair now as I thought about North taking Trouble away from me forever.

"Gabe, stop! Before you get all worked up and then hyperventilate. North hasn't done anything, I haven't done anything. No one has convinced Sang that she loves them." He held my shoulders and looked right at me. "" He said each word slowly.

"It doesn't matter even if I do. She would never choose me over Silas' Greek God everything; or North's bad boy, motorcycle riding persona; or Nathan's muscular ninja mojo; or your pretty boy, model good looks; or Kota's boy next door; or Victor's almost famous, rich boy, I can buy her the world, life. And that isn't even considering that Doc and Mr. B might be trying to woo her too."

I was having a hard time breathing now. Luke shoved my head between my knees and kept talking calmly in my ear. "She is not leaving you, all of your brothers are here for you, you have a lot to offer Sang, we are all in this together, Trouble loves you." That was what pulled me out of my hyperventilation. Trouble loves me? Is that what he just said? Did she say that to him?

"There you are...I am glad I didn't just lose you. Sang would have kicked my ass!" That made me laugh.

"Did Trouble tell you she loves me?" I asked eagerly.

"No, it is just the body language she sends out. I can tell."

"I'm sorry Luke. I didn't mean to hurt you. When we have ever liked the same girl they always want you. I don't want you to feel bad. There are lots of great girls out there....."

Luke cut me off. "I haven't made myself clear. Just keep quiet so I can tell you."

I was really confused now. He just told me she loves me and that he hasn't tried to make a move to steal her from me. What the f**k is going on? "Go on then."

"Gabe, you love Sang, I love Sang, North loves Sang, and I am sure all the other guys love Sang too. Mr. B has come up with a plan. We either ALL love her, or we ALL lose her. We share her, kind of like we already are. No one gets left behind. You can love her all you want, as long as you are ok with everyone else loving her too. Can you live with this plan? Because if you can't, no one gets the girl! We all lose! We all lose her!"

Shit! F**k! Damn it! I cannot lose her. I am the Michaelangelo to her David, she is the yin to my yang, the Ping to my pong, the normal to my crazy.

"If she agrees to love us all, I am in. I don't think I could handle losing someone else that is important to me. She is my everything."

"Mine too Gabe, mine too. The way I see it is, All for Sang, and Sang for All!" He cheered like we were ready for a three Musketeers adventure. That is pretty fitting. We could get up to some serious fun, the three of us. But could this really work? Will Trouble go for the plan? Only time will tell. I was smiling and laughing.

"With this plan we get to have our cake and eat it too. I don't need to lose a brother to gain a girl. This plan is f**king awesome!"        

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