Part 85

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Part 85

Sang's POV

When I woke up the smell of Spring soap hung in the air. Mmmmm, Mr. Blackbourne. As I came to my senses, I realized my left leg was thrown over Owen's hip and his right arm was around my shoulders. He was half laying on his stomach. My left hand was on his chest and my right hand, where was my right hand? My right arm felt numb. I glanced at my right arm and followed it down to where my hand was underneath......Owen's crotch? What?!

I didn't want to move my fingers, afraid I might grab something. I tried to pull my arm back, but it was pinned. I tried to roll away to see if my arm would just come with me, but that wasn't working either. One hard yank, that's all I need. Just like a magician pulling a tablecloth out from under the dishes.

Ready Sang? On three! One....two.....two and a half......two and three quarters......just do it! Three! I yanked my arm as hard as I could. Owen's hand flew off my shoulders and grabbed my right arm, that was still pinned, and held me still. His eyes were boring into mine. "Sang....what are you doing?"

"My arm is asleep and I was trying to move it." I told him lamely.

He rolled away from me, unpinning my arm, and the blood rushed back into my hand. Pins and needles spiked through my lower arm and hand. I sat up as the pain hit.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!" I was waving my arm about trying to get some blood flow again.

"Let me." Owen said as he sat up next to me. He took my arm and massaged down towards my hand, moving the blood in my arm. He moved my fingers to open and close them. The feeling started to return.

Now I was completely embarrassed. I have no idea how my hand got where it was. I was blushing almost purple in color. Owen started laughing and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning my Love. Interesting morning, huh?"

I groaned and hid my face behind my hands.

"No need for hiding. Next time that happens, just wake me up."

"Next time that happens?" As I asked my voices went up in pitch and I was squeaking.

"I don't know about you, but I quite enjoyed waking up to having you pinned under me in bed." He was chuckling.

"How about breakfast?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"As you wish."

We went to the kitchen and I found the bread to make toast and Owen grabbed the eggs from the fridge. He stepped up behind me, wrapping one hand around my waist. He pulled my hair away from my shoulder and neck with the other hand and asked, "how would you like your eggs this morning?" Then kissed my shoulder, moving towards my neck as he kept kissing.

My thought process was about to fly out the window and I blurted out "SCRAMBLED!"

He blew a raspberry on my neck. I flinched as it tickled and was laughing. Owen went back to the stove and began making scrambled eggs. I made the toast, grabbed the plates and took them to Owen for plating the eggs.

We sat on stools at the island in the kitchen. "Do you know what I am doing today or with whom I am doing it?"

"Gabriel is packing everyone up. I believe he is starting at Nathan's house where he will pack both of you and Kota. Then he will probably swing by the Taylor residence where he will pack both of them. Then to Silas' apartment, then Sean's condo and finally back to his house to pack himself."

"Am I going with Gabriel to pack everyone?"

"Not unless you want to. I will be taking him from place to place. Judging by the time, we better get moving. We are to pick him up from Victor's at 7:30am."

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