Part 2 One More Question

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Part 2

Sang POV

I can feel the early morning sun shining on me through the window as I stir to wake up. The spice smell of Kota is strong and I know that he is still here with me. I can feel his fingers still linked with mine. I can also feel Nathan's strong arm around my waist and there is the hint of his cypress and leather smell mixing nicely with Kota's spice. I smiled slightly. They stayed with me the whole night, like they promised.

Did I wake up first? I open my eyes and see Kota three inches away from me and he is smiling. It is a smile that takes my breath away. He whispers, "how did you sleep the rest of the night sweetie?"

"I slept soundly. No more dreams turned nightmare." I whisper back with a slight cringe as I start to recall the horror of Luke being hurt.

"Let's go make breakfast and let Nathan sleep longer." Kota said as he helped me to get out from under Nathan's arm.

Once we get to the kitchen, I pull out cocktail sausages and crescent rolls (to make pigs in a blanket), and Kota grabs a cantaloupe and the eggs. Definitely a North approved breakfast.

I preheat the oven and get the pan for the pigs in a blanket, while Kota scrambles the eggs in a big bowl. I notice he has used the whole carton of eggs. "How many people are going to be eating here today?" I question.

"I know that North will come by this morning since you had a nightmare, and I already texted him to make sure he brings Luke so you can be reassured he is fine." He looked at me with a question on his face. "Is that ok with you?"

"Yes. Thank you for thinking of me." I say softly. Surprised that he would have already thought about my need to see Luke with my own eyes. They said it was a nightmare and I believe them, but it was so real I need to see him with my own eyes.

Kota came over to me and embraced me in a firm hug. "Are you really ok after the nightmare last night?"

"Well, I know you and North both told me it was just a dream, but it does bring up some concerns I have." When I said this, Kota leaned back from the hug, not letting go of my waist, and tilted his head to the side, confusion clearly on his face.

"What concerns you Sang?"

I put my finger to my lip. How do I tell him the things that worry me the most? Will he just tell me I am being a silly girl and to stop worrying? I felt his hand wrap around my finger and pull it towards him. "Sang, tell me." He said, with a little command in his tone. He kissed each of my fingers lightly one at a time. My breath caught at this gesture. Was he counting my fingers with kisses? If so, I liked this way of counting a lot! Maybe later he can count my toes too. I started blushing at my own thoughts.

I quickly cleared my head and remembered he had just told me to tell him what was bothering me. "It all became clear to me after I spoke to North last night. Anytime I go anywhere, it is with one or more of you guys. But I don't pay attention to the roads we are on. I don't really know my way around Charleston. Could I get somewhere on my own if I needed to?" It all came pouring out of my mouth so fast.

"Sweetie, where is it you want to go by yourself?" Kota asked.

"Nowhere, really. But in that dream I found myself in a situation where Luke needed help and I was the only one that could help him. And I had so many questions that went through my mind. The car was right there...but how was I going to get to the hospital? I don't know where the hospital is exactly. Is it best to just call 911 if something happens to one of you guys? If I call 911, will they know how to get to the hospital where Sean works? Should I redline one of you guys and wait for help?" I can't stop all the questions flowing through my mind right now.

"Sang, let's finish making breakfast and then we can discuss your worries." He calmly stated.

"Just one more question,, can you teach me to drive?" I feel so weird asking this. I am 16 yrs old and do not know a thing about driving.

I think my question caught him off guard, but he said, "of course."

"You could have asked me Peanut." I spun around to find Nathan standing right behind me. How did I not hear him or smell him? Was he in stealth ninja mode? I put my hand to my chest as my heart about jumped out of my chest.

"You startled me." I breathed.

"So, do I get to teach you too, or is it only Kota that gets the honors?" Nathan asked.

The front door boomed open when Nathan began that sentence and North and Luke came into the kitchen. I was so happy to actually see Luke was fine that I ran straight to him and jumped up to hug him. I was clinging to him like a koala hugs a tree. He was chuckling at my sudden attack. North asked,"Sang Baby, what is it that only Kota gets the honors to do with You?"

"I asked him if he would teach me to drive." I said into Luke's neck. My breath must have tickled his neck as I spoke because he squeezed me tighter as he gave a little shiver.

North scared me as he bellowed, "why the hell would you ask him? I am the one with the most knowledge of cars and driving!"

Luke lowered me down to my feet. He kissed my cheek and whispered into my ear, "I am perfectly fine, but if you want to look over my body for yourself, I will gladly oblige." I blushed and North must have heard Luke because he ducked his head after North hit him in the back of his head.

"Let's finish making breakfast, then we can discuss who gets to teach Sang to drive." Kota said to end the debate.

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