Part 88

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Part 88

Luke's POV

I understand why I have to work so many hours today, but I am ready to be done. North, Nathan, Silas and I are all leaving since we have dinner prep done. I said goodbye to Uncle since I wouldn't see him again until we get back. He knows I am staying the night with my girlfriend. He just doesn't know it is at Doc's house. He thinks her parents are out of town for a doctor's appointment and I don't want her staying by herself.

That conversation was NOT a fun one with Uncle. He got all parenty with me. "When a boy and a girl really love each other, things tend to happen." Oh God please NO! Somebody save me! "I don't want you being a dad at 16 so use precaution. I won't ask, but treat her right, be gentle and keep her needs first. Here is a box for you to have. If you have questions, you can ask me." He handed me a box of Trojan condoms. They said, 'Trojan her pleasure Ecstacy Feels like nothing's there!' I just wanted to roll in a ball and start laughing. Sex advice from Uncle?! Oh, the horror!

It was 5pm and we hurried to Kota's house in North's Jeep. After pulling up to Kota's house, we were scrambling over each other to get into the house and hug Sang first. North of course won that because honestly, my brother is huge and I like my face being as pretty as it is.

After North bellowed "Sang Baby" he turned caveman as he growled while hugging her. She asked him how work went and he grunted at her. Seriously, did he just evolve from the caveman? Surely he has more of a vocabulary than that, and more than one volume which is currently set on loud.

Silas said something to North in Greek and North handed Sang over to Silas' awaiting arms. They didn't let her feet touch the ground. As he pulled her close she wrapped her body around him like a boa constrictor. I would have been worried she was going to cut off his air supply if I didn't know that she could barely squish a bug, she is so tiny. "Aggele, starting tomorrow you have to give me a hug like this everyday of our trip." Sang giggled at him and agreed to the daily full body hugs. How do I get one of those? I want my daily does of sugar too.

After Silas' greeting Nathan practically shoved me out of the way to get to Sang. "Peanut! You are going to make me sleep alone another night?" I wanted to answer, 'yea you fucker, it's mine and Doc's night' but I held my tongue and let Sang deal with his possessiveness. "I have to spend equal time with everyone Honey, but that doesn't mean I love you any less." She smoothly calmed him down.

She has a gift! Our own personal angel. Just a word, just a touch and we are all big giant marshmallows. Like on the 'Ghostbusters' movie, big giant marshmallow. I am lost in my thoughts about marshmallows and 'Ghostbusters' movie when I realize Sang is looking at me expectantly. Did I miss something?

"Hi cupcake! Can I get some sugar?" I approached her with open arms and gave her a big, loud kiss on the cheek. "You know how I am addicted to sugar." And I kiss her other cheek with a big, loud kiss. "Did you have a good time with Kota and Victor today?"

Sang blushed a little and said she did. I looked over at Kota and Victor and both of them had slightly pink cheeks too. What the hell? Did the three of them do something kinky? Kota and Victor? I looked back at Sang and tilted my head trying to figure out what they did that would have them all blushing.

My brother spoke up just then, "Baby, is there anything you need to do or want to do before our trip tomorrow?"

"No!" Kota and Victor both yelled. What?!

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