Part 83

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Part 83

Gabriel's POV

Packing for everyone is shit! Straight from the mall we went to Mr. B's house. I went straight to his closet, pulled out his grey suitcase and got to packing. Underwear, socks, shoes (dress shoes, tennis shoes, loafers, golf shoes, combat boots and flip flops), tux in the hanging bag with shirt and tie, swim suit, pajamas, polo shirts, slacks, jeans, military fatigues, t-shirts, and button down shirts.

And that is just one person's packing for 6 days. Now I get to do that times 10. Fuck me now! Why do I agree to shit like this?

After I was done packing for Mr. B, I went into the living room. Sang was by herself curled up on the couch reading a book. I went and curled my body around hers. "Why are you all alone?"

"Mr. Blackbourne had some paperwork that needed to be done."

"Well, I only need to pack up Victor tonight. Is there something you would like to do?"

", I don't want to add more to your already busy night."

I spanked her thigh, "don't give me that shit! If there is something you would like to do, tell me. We are on break and I want to do things you want to do too."

"I would like to introduce you to my friend Mr. Peters."

"Oy, what friend is this?"

"He is a patient at the Veteran's hospital. He is an old man that is really cute and I promised him I would introduce all of you to him. And neither you or Mr. Blackbourne have met him yet."

"MR. B!!!" I yelled loudly.

"Mr. Coleman, is there a reason you are bellowing at me in my home?" He asked as he walked into the living room.

"Yea there is! Trouble wants us to meet her friend. And we need to go do it before I need to go to Victor's house tonight."

He looked at Trouble and raised his eyebrow. "Is that something you would like us to go do tonight Miss Sorenson?"

She put her finger to her lip and I grabbed it and kissed her finger. "I promised Mr. Peters I would introduce each of you to him and it has been a week since I saw him last."

"Very well. Are you done here Mr. Coleman?"

"Yea, we can go. Just don't touch your bag because I am not coming back to fix your shit!"

He shook his head and rolled his eyes at me. I did it to make a point though.

We got to the Veteran's hospital and it smelled bad, like old people, urine, hospital cleaners and decaying bodies. I don't know why Sang wants to come here. Even if she made friends with an old guy.

"Sang! You came again! I have missed you sweet girl. Will you marry me?"

"What the fuck? You are a creepy old bastard! What kind of dickhead proposes to a girl 5 times younger than him?" I asked as I stormed into his room.

Mr. B placed his hand on my shoulder and shook his head 'no' at me. With his eyes he said, "be careful what you say. This is Sang's friend." Right! I forgot.

I turned back to Sang and Mr. Peters, "sorry for mouthing off at you and jumping to conclusions and, um, calling you names. We have a hard time keeping the guys at bay around Trouble, I mean Sang." I hung my head in shame.

Mr. Peters started laughing. "That's what I have told this sweetie here". He pat Sang's hand. "It is going to take more than one person to care for her. I take it you are another one of her guys?"

"Yes sir. We both are actually." I said pointing at Mr. B.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Peters, my name is Owen Blackbourne. And foul mouth over there is Gabriel Coleman."

"Ah, foul mouths I can handle. I am a war veteran after all. He would have to get very creative to top some of the things I have heard come out of the mouths of my old war buddies."

"I can get creative if that's what you want."

"Mr. Coleman." Mr. B warned me. "I prefer he save his foul language for when Miss Sorenson is not in his presence."

"Your a formal one aren't you?" Mr. Peters looked at Sang. "Is he that formal with you when you are alone or only in the presence of others?"

She giggled and leaned in to whisper to him, but I could still hear her. "When we are alone he drops some of the formality." She blushed and giggled some more.

"I am glad you came by to see me. I haven't been feeling up to snuff lately and thought you had forgotten me."

"I could never forget you Mr. Peters. Besides my guys, you are one of only a few friends I have."

"What do you mean? You are gorgeous, friendly, smart and obviously you have a lot of well built handsome guys after you. Why do you not have friends?"

"Well Mr. Peters" I began for Trouble, "she just moved here at the end of the summer and her parents are a bit strict. They wouldn't let her have firends. But we took her anyway because you are right! She IS gorgeous, smart, friendly and there are too many guys after her pretty ass!"

Mr. Peters raised his eyebrow at me, "are you referring to all of the guys she keeps introducing me to? Because I would say they are all good guys and actually care about her well being."

"Fuck no! I am referring to the other shitheads around that think she is a toy for them to play with."

Sang was blushing red at my conversation. I went to her side and hugged her shoulders. "Sorry if I am making you uncomfortable Trouble."

"It's ok. I have had a few problems with some other people since I moved here."

"Now that we have you, we won't let anything happen to you again." Mr. B said as he caressed her cheek with his thumb.

"Good to hear that these two are just as protective of you. Do these two know about all the others?"

"Yes, there are nine of them and they are all self proclaimed brothers." Sang told him.

"You are all so different. I am going to ask you two the same question I have asked all the others. Do each of you speak for this young lady?"

"Trouble is mine 'til the end of time, for sure!"

"I can assure you Mr. Peters, I have never felt for a woman the way I do for Miss Sorenson. She seems to have a way to sneak into your heart without you even realizing it. I wouldn't know how to exist anymore without her in my life."

"I will take that as a yes." Mr. Peters said with a laugh.

"Will you be alone for Thanksgiving Mr. Peters?" Sang asked him.

"I'll be here with the hospital staff and the other patients, but yes alone. My wife is dead and my only son died a long time ago."

"We will be gone for the next week but I will come back to see you when we get back ok?" Trouble told him.

"I will hold you to that promise. Thank you for caring about a lonely old man Sang."

"Your welcome Mr. Peters." She gave him a hug and we said our goodbyes.

As we left the room I heard Mr. Peters call, "you two take care of her now! She's going to need it."

"Don't I know, don't I know." I said as we walked down the hall to leave.

"Mr. Coleman, do you need me to get you some dinner before we take you to Mr. Morgan's house?"

"No, he said he would have dinner for me. I think he is trying to avoid his parents tonight. They don't leave until Sunday after we leave."

"Good to know."

They drove me to Victor's where I get to repeat the whole packing process for him. Fan-fucking-tastic! Let the fucking packing party begin!

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