Part 38

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Part 38

Sang's POV

After Sean changed, he said bye and gave me a quick peck on the lips. I sat in his desk chair and just waited. I was just hanging out in the office waiting for the day to be over and one of the guys to come retrieve me.

Mr. B came back into the office, "Miss Sorenson" and gave me a knowing look. But he didn't look upset. He sat at his desk and was just looking at me. "You have a shift at the diner today?"

"Yes, right after school."

"And tomorrow, you are doing what with Nathan and Kota?"

"Grocery shopping and laundry. Not too exciting." I smirked at him.

"Well, I guess every moment cannot be exciting. Sometimes there are just things that need to be done. Friday you will stay with Dr. Green and myself at Dr. Green's condo. Is there something you need us to do or want to do?"

"I need to get a present for Gabriel before Sunday, but I haven't figured out what to get him yet. I might have an idea, but I need to think about it."

"Friday, we will take you shopping after school. Then we can get some dinner before going to the Condo."

"Thank you." The bell rang for the end of the day and Luke, North and Silas appeared in the office. "I guess my ride is here. See you tomorrow Mr. Blackbourne."

"Good day Miss Sorenson."

"Come on Baby! Let's go to the diner." North grabbed my hand to pull me along. Silas wrapped his arm around my shoulder and Luke came up behind me to mess with my hair as we walked.

"The big tip jar for sure!" Luke blurted out. I turned to look at him. That comment was random. He was looking down at my ass as we walked to the car and North smacked his head.

"Knock it off! Get your mind off Baby's ass." He grumbled but then chuckled. Silas and Luke were both laughing too.

"What is so funny about my butt?" I asked and tried to twist to look at it.

"Nothing is wrong with it Aggele Mou. It was funny because we have all been thinking about your ass all day. It is a cute little ass! Only Luke blurted out a comment he should have kept to himself." And they all laughed again.

Boys! I will never understand them. I climbed in the back of North's Jeep with Luke. Silas and North were in the front. Luke scoot me to sit in the middle seat and North was smiling at me through the rear view mirror. My legs were brought up into Luke's lap and he traced small circles on my calves. It is very soothing. I nuzzled into his neck and inhaled his delicious vanilla and sugar scent. I might have even nibbled a little on his neck but he made no move like he noticed.

When we arrived at the Diner, I was greeted by Uncle. "There's the little bird. Come to work the front for me? I hope so, because that outfit is to die for. We will have a good day today."

Uncle had me work the front counter and I got busy filling drink orders and restocking straws and napkins. When a food ticket came up I said "Thank you for coming" and took payment. The guys had put out my tip jar and everyone that paid in cash dropped some change or dollars into the jar before they left. I think I might have enough to buy something for Gabe. Now what to get him.....

Something personal or personalized? Something useful or just something to look at? Something hand made?! Not after everyone else buys him something. New jewelry? Maybe.

"Excuse me, can I just sit anywhere or do I need to wait to be seated?" A guy asked from the counter.

"Oh, sorry. Just take a seat wherever you want. One of our servers will be right with you."

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