Part 176 Cat & Mouse

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Part 176 - Friday Dec. 13th

Sang's POV

Riding back to Victor's house in Owen's car with Silas and Owen seems a little odd.  "Mr. B, how about we stop by to get my car while we are out."

"Sounds like a good plan."  He affirmed.

"So are you all staying the night at Victor's?"  I questioned my boys.

"I would love to, but...there is something... that I need to do at my house that prevents me from staying."  Owen informed me.  What was with the pausing when he spoke?

"Vague much Mr. B?"  Silas laughed.  Owen looked at him sideways and Silas held up his hands in surrender.  "Kidding."  Silas backed down.

I was sitting in the back seat and occasionally I saw Owen look at me.  His eyes showed me he was happy and relaxed.  The third time he looked at me he winked and I of course blushed.  The fourth time he looked at me, his eyes changed and it looked as if he was looking past me.  I noticed his hands gripped the steering wheel tighter.  This put me on alert that something was wrong.

"Silas, where exactly is your car?"  Owen asked through clenched teeth.

"At the downtown mall outside the strip mall portion of shops."  Silas responded.

"You did not park inside the parking garage?"

"No, it was quicker to walk to our starting point from street parking."

"Good, because I believe we have a tail."  Owen was weary.

I wanted to turn around to look, but knew from the previous time of following Mr. Hendricks to the golf club and all the tails we had from school, I was not to turn around.  I slunk down in my seat not wanting who was following us to see me.  I was already feeling paranoid from earlier.

Owen used some tactical maneuvering through the dark streets, finding traffic where he could, to help us hide in plain sight.  I was so turned around, I quit wondering where I even was.  As long as I am with one or more of my guys, I will be safe.  They seem to know every back street in this city.

All three of us received a text message at the same time.

Dr. Green: where the hell are you?  We got to Victor's and you are MIA with Pookie!

Mr. B: losing a tail

Victor: Do you still have him?

Mr. B: shook him two minutes ago.

Silas: stopping to pick up my car

Victor: where is your car?

Silas: downtown mall outside the flower shop on the corner

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