Part 127

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Part 127

Sang's POV

In the car I remembered that I still need to text Luke the list of supplies for my reward. I pulled my phone out of my bra and began the text.

Me: here is the supply list for today. Heavy whipping cream, olives, butter, baguette, a smokey cheese of your choice, strawberries, grapes, and pound cake.

Luke: a food related reward! I can get into that! What are we making?

Me: I'll tell you when we get to your house.

Luke: nnnnnooooo! Why are you making me wait 8 hours?

Me: anticipation makes things better.

I was giggling at myself.

"Who are you texting?" Kota asked me.

"Luke. I'm staying at his and North's place tonight. Kota, how much trouble are we in with your mom?" I didn't want to ask him, but also felt I should know.

"You are not in trouble. I told her your parents were not home last night so you stayed with me. She was mad at me for 'sneaking' you over. But she was pleased with you taking care of Jessica. I will have a punishment to fulfill though." He looked worried to say anything more.

"I already told her about your mom's test and videos." Nathan spoke up.

"I will make sure she doesn't force you to participate. Only one of us should have to endure that level of punishment." Kota tried to smile but it looked forced.

"I'm sorry for getting you in trouble."

"I'm not sorry you stayed, I'm not sorry you have such a big heart and took care of my sister at 3am, I'm not even sorry for my wardrobe malfunction this morning. I enjoy having you around Ten. I love you."

"I love you too 52." I smiled at him, then remembered the glorious site of his bare naked butt, followed by his sensual kissing. I could feel my cheeks heat up as I turned yet another shade of red today.

We had arrived at the school and Nathan pulled me out on his side of the car. "Let's go Peanut before you turn into a tomato."

We again were the first ones here. We found our now normal corner away from the masses as we waited for the others to arrive. As North, Luke and Silas arrived, I heard various sounds of grunting coming from the three of them.

"Morning Aggele! That's a nice skirt on you."

"Yea Baby, you look nice today."

"Thank you." I looked down at my clothes. I knew I would be spending the afternoon and night over at North and Luke's place so I put on a black lace covered pencil skirt and a long sleeved powder blue fitted sweater with a cowl neck. For shoes I picked a simple pair of Mary Jane looking flats.

Luke finally came out of whatever daze he was in when he blurted out, "wow, you look like cotton candy." I giggled not knowing how to respond to that. Silas chopped him on the head.

"She does not look like a carnival treat, Luke." We all laughed as Luke started floundering to make what he said sound better.

"I just meant... No that's not what I was trying to say... Just look at her! She looks good enough to eat!" Just then Victor and Gabriel showed up.

"Why are you fucking talking about eating Trouble?" The others laughed louder and I tried to save Luke from the moment.

"Thank you Luke. I know how you love your sweets, so comparing me to something you love is just fine." They all got quiet and Luke smiled one of his biggest smiles ever.

"You are the best! I am keeping you Forever!" He stepped toward me and gave me a big hug.

Our phones binged with an incoming text. He stepped back so we could read the message.

Owen: you are at school now Luke. Watch the PDA!

Sean: he's just upset he doesn't get to hug Pookie in school.

Owen: Sean, I don't want the other POS males in this school thinking it is open season.

Sean: you're right. Watch the PDA boys!

"Um, I'm just curious about the acronyms. What is PDA and POS?"

"Princess, PDA is public displays of affection. And POS, is piece of shit."

"Mr. Blackbourne called the guys here at school that?" I was shocked he would cuss first of all, but on a text message?

"What else would you like him to call them? Dickheads, jackasses, asshats, fuckers?" North asked in his deep voice.

"Or he could use bastard, cocksucker, lameass, motherfuckers, peckerhead, ..." Gabriel started in with his list.

"Gabe! I think she gets the idea." Kota commanded for him to stop.

The bell rang for us to go to class. "Let's get to class Forever. And leave these guys to their bad word list making." He was laughing as he and North pulled me along to homeroom.

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