Part 81

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Part 81

Sang's POV

Thursday in music class I asked Mr. B, "how are we getting to Charlotte? Who is driving? Where are we staying? What things will we do while we are there? Who is cooking on Thanksgiving? How much time does Victor need for rehearsals before the concert?"

All of my questions came out in rapid fire succession. He just held up a hand in a stopping motion and looked me seriously in the eye. "Do you trust me Miss Sorenson? Do you trust all of us?"

"Yes, of course I do."

"Then can we surprise you with the details? If you do not like something we have decided to do, just tell us and we will change the plans, but I think it will be fun to have some growing anticipation about this trip. Not only for you, but for most of the guys. The only ones that know exactly our plans are myself, Mr. Morgan, Mr. Lee and Mr. Coleman."

"Victor because it is his concert trip, Gabriel because he dresses everyone, you because of making the plans but why Kota?"

"Mr. Lee and I were the ones to sit down with Mr. Morgan to make all the arrangements. We only filled in Mr. Coleman because he plans to pack for everyone Friday evening and all day Saturday. He needs to know what types of clothes to pack everyone."

I got the goofiest grin on my face thinking about this trip. Mr. Blackbourne placed his hand on my cheek and traced his fingers over my lips. "I do like seeing this smile on your face." He had his tiny, millimeter smile showing.

"I don't know if I can concentrate on violin today Mr. Blackbourne."

"What would you rather do? I mean, that can be done at school without causing one of us to possibly get arrested?" He asked with his eyebrow raised.

Was he insinuating that all I wanted to do was climb on top of him and make out? Well, now that the thought is in my head.... I blushed a pink color just imagining what fun we would have.

Mr. Blackbourne audibly groaned, his eye going dark, before turning away from me. "Nope! Violin lesson it is."

Just to tease him I pouted and said, "party pooper." And crossed my arms.

"Miss Sorenson, there will be plenty of time for that starting tomorrow after school. For now, we play Jingle Bells." And he held out my violin for me.

I giggled. He said there is plenty of time for all the kissing starting tomorrow after school... NOT starting Sunday. Be still my heart!


After school I had another shift at the diner. Today it was Nathan, Kota and Gabriel who worked with me. When we went into the diner Uncle was his usual chipper self in greeting me.

"Little Bird! Come to the kitchen!"

I followed him with eager anticipation. His chocolate desserts have been phenomenal all week.

"So, this is the last day of work for you until after Thanksgiving. I know you are going with Luke and the others to Charlotte. And I want you to have a good time. But, if Luke gets a little too frisky, just speak up. You have my permission to punch him, if you need." Uncle looked serious.

I was laughing at the thought. Luke would NEVER do that. He has always been a complete gentleman with me.

"This is no laughing matter Little Bird. Boys get all kinds of ideas in their crazy hormonal heads when they think they do not have to worry about parental involvement."

I suppressed my smile. "Thank you for warning me Uncle. You have been really good to look after my needs. I promise to remember that I can punch Luke if I feel he is overstepping any boundaries." I let a small giggle escape my lips.

"Ugh! There you go giggling again." He turned from me and walked over to the stove as he mumbled, "it's like she thinks boys have major self control or something. Ugh!" He threw his hands in the air in defeat.

I dove into the chocolate trifle dessert he had left on the prep table for me. It was in a personal size trifle bowl. The bottom layer was brownie, the second layer was chocolate pudding, the third layer was a white chocolate mouse, then there was a chocolate sauce and chocolate bar shavings on top. Mmmmmmmm! To die for!


At the end of my shift Kota, Nathan and Gabriel took me back to Kota's house. His mom had a night shift and we just barely missed her leaving. Jessica greeted us happily and she grabbed my hand asking me to come with her to her room for a moment.

I followed her in and she asked me, "what do you think about my clothing choice for my trip?"

I felt completely out of place. Gabriel would be better at this and he is in the living room with the guys. "Let me see what you have picked, but I think Gabriel is better for this than me."

"But he is a boy and you are a girl." She protested.

"Trust me, he is good at picking clothes. He helps me pick my clothes all the time."

She nodded her head and I opened the door and called out, "Gabriel! Can we have some help in here please?"

"Oy! What's up?" He asked at the door.

"Jessica is trying to pack for her trip tomorrow and wants to know if she has picked the right clothes or not."

He looked over the clothes she had out on her bed, then he crossed to her closet and looked at the clothes there. He grabbed some clothes from the closet and started rearranging the clothes on her bed. When he was done he had ten outfits picked out and laid in order of what day she was to wear it. They were perfect for travel on travel days and skiing on skiing days. He told her to add her swimsuit since there would be a hot tub most likely and he added two extra outfits for "just in case".

Jessica was very happy and excited and I wanted her to have a marvelous time. I told her that and gave her a hug even though I am not use to initiating hugs with anyone other than my boys.

We left Jessica to go to bed and went up to Kota's bedroom. I got dressed in Kota's old pajama pants he let me use that first night I met him and one of Gabe's t-shirts. When I came out of the bathroom both Kota and Gabriel's eyes grew a little wide and darkened. Kota blushed a slight pink and Gabriel started smiling a goofy smile.

"Oy, you looking fucking hot in my shirt Trouble! You can wear my clothes any day. Except at school of course, or out in public. Shit! Scrap that! You can wear my fucking clothes any time I get to sleep next to you."

"Ten, why don't you climb in my bed while we all finish getting ready for bed. Nathan, you get the roll away tonight. Gabe, you and I will share the bed with Sang."

I climbed in bed and the boys all went to get ready. When they came back in the room one at a time, they climbed into the bed they were to sleep in. Meanie had on his pajama pants and a tank top. Honey only had on a pair of shorts without a shirt. 52 had on a fitted t-shirt and pajama pants.

Kota was on his side with his back to me. Gabriel snuggled close to my ear and whispered, "mine!" and licked the edge of my jaw. I squealed and Kota turned over, propping himself up on his elbow.

"Do you mind sharing why you are squealing like a little girl?"

"It was Meanie!" I said pointing at him.

Kota raised his eyebrow, "do you need to sleep on the floor next to Nathan, Gabe?"

"Thanks a lot Trouble. Damn, I just whisper goodnight and you are fucking getting me in trouble."

"What?! You licked me!" I protested with a giggle.

"Gabe, keep your tongue to yourself. Sang, 10, no giggling." Kota used his command voice.

Meanie was laying on his side just staring at me. I could feel him looking as I was trying to keep my eyes closed so I wouldn't giggle again. Then I felt Meanie tickle my side just under my armpit. I jerked my knees up and curled myself in a ball turning toward Kota and squealing with laughter.

"10! We won't sleep if you keep this up." Kota complained swatting my upper thigh with a spank. Then he wrapped his arm over my shoulder and threw his leg over my hip so he was enclosing me in the cage of his body.

"It was Meanie." I grumbled into Kota's chest.

"No doubt, but I am not spanking him or cuddling him close into my body. I just don't swing that way."

Even though Kota had not let go of me, Gabe curled up tight to my back, spooning me. I was very warm and cozy in my Kota and Gabe sandwich.

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