Part 198 Biology Frisky Dice

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Katydids , also known as "The Queen of Comedy" in my opinion. You put trust in me to finish one of your stories, "When darkness Comes" and even though I found it challenging, you were so supportive of where I took the story. Currently, I am glued to my library for "In the Shadows" and "Unloveable" updates. All of us from the forum want to be able to claim you as one of our besties! Thanks for giving so much to all of us and helping the lesser writer feel they can conquer anything.

Part 198 - Thursday December 19th

Owen's POV.

Walking into the room I asked, "So what will the verdict be Miss Sorenson? Are we playing Biology Frisky Dice or not?" I wanted to laugh at the absurdity here. We are asking our girl to play a game that is meant to get everyone worked up.

"Let's play!" She exclaimed, all the blood that was feeding me brain moved south in an instant. Silas had a Cheshire Cat grin on his face.

He gave me the quick rundown of how we are playing. He had covered the dice with tape and wrote on them. Essentially, every other time it is Sang's turn, she might be doing one of these six things on one of the six locations of my body. What does that mean for me? That means I have to give up control. And, I only get to reciprocate if either of them misses the question. I have never wished for any of my family members to not have knowledge about something, until now. I want to be the one doing those things to her. Watching her come apart at my ministrations. Losing control. But for her to have control over me like that? I just don't know.

We sat down on the ground, and everyone got comfortable removing shoes. "Since you two are giving the answers, I'll ask the questions." I looked over at both of them nodding. "Silas, you go first. What is the first phase of Mitosis?"

Silas smiled a huge smile, (bastard), "prophase." Then he picked up the dice and rolled. The first die was lips and the second die said tickle. Okay, that's just weird! Silas chuckled and reached his hand out toward Sang. Then ever so lightly, he traced his monster finger over the edge of her lips. He stopped when she used her teeth to scratch at her lips, getting rid of the tickling sensation.

"Next question to you Sang. How many pairs of Chromosomes do humans have?"

"23." She answered and rolled the dice. She got lips and lick. "Who do I do this to first?" She asked sweetly. Never wanting to choose one of us over the other.

"Why don't you attend to Silas first." I offered.

She knee walked over to him, placed her hands on his shoulders and leaned in. She traced her tongue back and forth over his lips as if asking for entrance. Just as she pulled back from him, he parted his lips and groaned. I wanted to yell, "sucker!", but I knew my turn would be just as torcherous. God! Why did I ever decide to get involved with a game of fore play when I know there is not the resolution I want? Damn it! Stop thinking like that Owen.

"Silas, which gender is x,y?" I know, these are easy at first.

"Male." He rolled the dice. He got stomach and suck.

I looked over at what Sang is wearing and held up my hand. "Hold that thought, Silas. I have some other clothes for Sang to wear for this game." I took her hand and led her to my bedroom. I opened up my bottom drawer and pulled out a pair of dark grey yoga pants and a pink v-neck t-shirt in her size. "Will these do?"

"Yes. I didn't know you had clothes here for me."

"We all have at least one change of clothes for everyone. That includes you, my love." I stepped out of the room and waited for her in the hall. When I got home tonight, I had put on a pair of casual slacks with a button down shirt. This is comfortable for me.

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