Part 41

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Part 41

Kota's POV

As we left the Veterans hospital, I was happy to show my affection for Sang even if Nathan was holding her too. Mr. Peters didn't seem to judge us, in fact, it seemed like he was encouraging us to have a relationship as a group. But as a group? Would Sang even want that? Right now, it takes all of us to keep tabs on her and keep her out of trouble, and STILL, trouble finds her wherever she goes.

I heard Mr. Peters say to Sang about the two big guys speaking for her. That was when Silas and North brought her on Monday. I'll have to ask them what exactly was said. Nathan answered quickly that he had spoken for her too. But when he asked me if I spoke for her, the look in her eyes was pleading for me to say yes. I could tell that this one answer could make or break our relationship.

I wanted to scream loud enough for the entire hospital to hear me, that I claim her as MINE! I have always wanted to claim her as mine. But, Nathan has just said he claims her. And it sounds like both North and Silas have claimed her too. We can't all claim her, can we? Could I walk away from her or take her away from one of the others? This is making my head hurt just thinking about it.

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. S**t! Counting is not helping. Does how Nathan feels about Sang matter more than the way North feels about her? I can tell that both of them have very strong feelings for her. Nathan's Peanut keeps his rage under control. Although, it seems at times like he is jealous. I thought we had worked out all of the jealousy issues a long time ago. North's Sang Baby, it is amazing to watch. Just one little touch and his temper goes from boiling over to a slight simmer. And kind and caring Victor, could I take his Princess away from him? Besides our chosen family, Sang is the only good thing in his life. He would be devastated if I took her away. Gabriel's Trouble...gets into too much trouble if you ask me. But she is his muse. It is obvious to all of us. Silas' Aggele Mou is probably what kept him here with us when the whole Theo fiasco was going on. I almost lost a brother with that one. But Sang's presence kept him grounded on why he is here in the first place. And daydreamer Luke, has been much more focused on his assignments since his Cupcake showed up. Although, by the goofy grin on his face sometimes, I think he is daydreaming about Sang a lot. Doc seems to flirt more with his Pookie than I have ever seen him flirt with anyone else, yet, I can't recall the last time I saw him flirt with another girl. And Mr. B has changed in a way that is hard to describe. The best way would be that he is a little softer around the edges when Miss Sorenson is around and a little more high strung, if that is possible, when she is out of his sight. As for me...she couldn't be more perfect. A perfect 10. She completes the family as the 10th. It evens things up to have her. And as I count off the family I always end with her, 10. My 10!

I don't know if it is even possible to ask her to stay with all of us. I need to figure this out. I am team lead. I am supposed to have the answers. What if one of the others comes to me with a question about this very subject? What would I tell them? 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10..... Ahhhh 10! You complete me!

I come out of my thoughts as I look over at Sang while I'm driving. Her head is resting on my shoulder, eyes closed, my hand on her thigh, Nathan's arm is around her shoulder and his other hand is holding her hand. I glance at Nathan and he seems content. It is nice to know that I get to hold her all night long as it is our turn to sleep next to her.

"Have your heard anything more about your Dad?" I ask Nathan.

"No, I think he will stay away for a while though."

"No chance he will come home for Thanksgiving or Christmas?"

"God I hope not! But with starting a new position in Singapore, I would say it is unlikely he will be home for quite a while."

"That's good. You going to spend Thanksgiving with my Mom, Jessica and I?"

"Are you not inviting Peanut?" He asked with concern.

"I am going to invite her, but I would guess she will have at least two other offers. Mr. B and Dr. Green's Thanksgiving or North, Luke and Silas' Thanksgiving."

"You don't think Gabe will ask her too?"

"I'm not sure. It depends on Pam's relationship status at Thanksgiving. If she has a steady boyfriend, they might have to go to his Thanksgiving gathering. Maybe we can have Gabe join us. And if Victor's parents are gone, he could come too."

"It would be cool if we could all be together at the diner or something. Because it seems it is only Uncle and your Mom that are keeping us all apart."

"That might be an option. I'll have to discuss it with Mr. B. But it could be tricky with Sang being my girlfriend around my mom and Luke's girl around Uncle."

"Unless we got Uncle to flirt with your mom a little!"

"Ugh! I don't want to even think about my mom like that. Could you imagine Uncle dating my mom?"

"Sure! Uncle might be eccentric, but he treats women right. And your mom is a sweetheart. Why shouldn't she be happy?"

"I'm not having this conversation with you right now. But I will talk to Mr. B about Thanksgiving. We should all be together. Maybe we should even invite Charlie and Pam. Could you imagine those two getting together? Ha ha ha!"

"We don't need another Greek horndog schmoozing the ladies. Although, it would be comical to watch."

We pulled up to Nathan's house so the conversation was over. Nathan scooped Sang up in his arms to take her into the house. "Why are you carrying me?"

"Sleeping Beauty has awoken, and without A true love's kiss. Go back to sleep so I can wake you properly." Nathan teased.

"Put me down. I'm awake now." And she playfully hit his arm.

I opened the front door and Nathan carried her over the thresh hold. The sight of that brought back all my earlier thoughts. I want to be the one carrying my girl over the thresh hold, and how could Sang, my 10, ever be my girl if she is with all of us? "I'm going to go get ready for bed." I said a little to glumly.

I saw the look of confusion and sadness in Sang's eyes as I walked down the hall. But how do I fix that without knowing the answers myself?

Nathan's POV

We pulled up to my house and the conversation was over. I scooped Peanut up in my arms to take her into the house. "Why are you carrying me?" She asked with sleepy confusion.

"Sleeping Beauty has awoken, and without A true love's kiss. Go back to sleep so I can wake you properly." I joked with her.

"Put me down. I'm awake now." And she hit my arm. It didn't hurt, of course. It was just cute to see. Like a kitten swatting at you.

Kota opened the front door as I carried a tired Sang in. The pained look on Kota's face has me really worrying. Then he sadly states, "I'm going to go get ready for bed." Dude! what just happened? He was happy in the car. Maybe I should have Mr. B talk to him about the plan. When Victor told me, I didn't want to accept it. But Mr. B came to me before the homecoming dance and explained it better. It is still hard to accept at times though.

Here was my time alone with her and I am not going to waste it. "We probably only have five minutes alone Peanut. And I need to kiss you." I told her as I pulled her along into the living room. I sat on the couch and pulled her onto my lap.

Holding her cheeks, I kissed her lips with all the need I had building up in me. The kiss was more aggressive than it should have been, but she also needs to know how much I need this. I let her have air but never stopped kissing her. Her jaw and neck are just as inviting as her lips. And when I free up her lips, the best sounds come out of her mouth.

Kissing down her neck brings me to her shoulder and the way she arches her back to push out her chest toward me, damn! Oh God, Peanut! I pull her as close to my body as possible, with clothes on. Who cares if you can feel my erection. That's how you make me feel Peanut. Do I make you feel good too? My hands are exploring her back and sides and hips and thighs. She feels amazing.

I hear a noise from down the hall and pull back from making out with Peanut. My forehead on hers. Both of us are breathing fast and I know my heart beat is racing. "Peanut.... You hold my heart in your hands. I need to go get ready for bed now. And I think Kota needs you right now. I don't know what is going through his mind, but I don't want to see him become closed off and bottle up his emotions. He needs you to be there for him as much as I do."

She nodded her head. "I'll try."

I smiled at her and kissed her cheek, then turned to head to my bathroom. Kota looked lost in his own thoughts. I slapped his shoulder with my hand in an encouraging brotherly affection move. That shook him out of his thoughts and he focused on my face. "I'm going to go get ready for bed. I think you should keep Sang company so she doesn't get into trouble." And we both chuckled.

He proceeded toward the living room and I am headed for a cold shower to take care of my current needs.

Kota's POV

I am still in my head trying to figure out how any of us would have a relationship with Sang and what it would do to our family if anyone did have an exclusive relationship with her when Nathan was right in front of me and giving me that manly shoulder slap thing. "I'm going to go get ready for bed. I think you should keep Sang company so she doesn't get into trouble." And we both quietly laughed. It is true, she can find trouble when there isn't any even present.

I found Sang sitting on the couch with her knees pulled up tight in a ball. I hope she doesn't feel uncomfortable right now. "May I sit with you?" I questioned.

"Of course" and she pat the seat next to her.

I sat down and put my arm on the back of the couch around her shoulders. My hand was rubbing her upper arm, more to comfort myself than anything. "Do you have plans for Thanksgiving Sweetie?"

"Not that I know about."

"I need to talk to Mr. B, but Nathan and I got thinking that maybe we could see about everyone being together on Thanksgiving. That would include my mom, Jessica, Charlie, Pam, and Uncle. Does that even appeal to you, or would you rather just spend it with one or two of us?"

"I wouldn't mind spending it with all of you, but will it be awkward with all of those parents included?"

"Let me see with Mr. B before we plan anything, but I wanted your opinion before I asked Mr. B. You are always my first priority. You know that right?" I almost pleaded with her to know my thoughts.

"Kota, do you regret Max knocking me over that night? Or my agreeing to come back to your room and staying the night?" She was blushing the most beautiful shade of pink.

"Never! I wish I had had Max tackle you the first day you moved in, instead of a couple of weeks after watching you come and go in the woods. You are my perfect 10, Sang. Do you mind if I call you 10?"

She drew in a sharp breath and her fingers drifted up to her lips, "no, I don't mind. But I'm not really a 10."

"Ridiculous!" And I pulled her hand away from her mouth. Running just the tip of my thumb over her lips as I held her face. I leaned in slowly and just before kissing her lips I paused. Just waiting to increase the anticipation. Her breath hitched and my lips descended faster than I could stop myself. Pure instinct. The kiss was perfect. Slow, smoldering, passionate. I ran my tongue over the seam of her lips and she opened up to allow me entrance. Our tongues touched and caressed and my entire body responded to her. Her hands went into my hair and around my ears. Ahhhhh, yes, more, please.

Wait! I am at Nathan's house and he is in the other room. I kissed her gently on the lips, then the nose, then between the eyes. "You are my Perfect 10." I whispered as she slowed her breathing. "Let's get you ready for bed and go to sleep before I do something neither of us are ready for." And I winked at her with my own blush creeping up my neck.

After she got ready she climbed into the middle of the bed and I got in on the left. Nathan turned out the light and got in on the right. He spooned her with his arm around he waist and I laid facing her. My finger running through her hair and my other hand holding hers. All three of us had our feet tangled together. And this is bliss. Or better yet, this feels like home.

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