Part 3

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Part 3

Kota's POV

Sang asked me to teach her to drive. I don't mind teaching her, in fact I would love to teach her. I am just worried that once she learns she will want to go get her license. I will need to talk to Mr. B soon so that he can have a plan ready so we don't have to tell her she is a ghost yet.

"Sang, go get changed while we clean up. Then I will give you some basic instruction that you need BEFORE you get behind the wheel and actually drive."

She jumped up with the biggest smile on her face and ran-skipped to the bathroom. Luke and Nathan were laughing and discussing if we should have her play some driving games on Xbox in preparation for her actual driving. North was helping me clean the kitchen.

"North, I know you are probably the most knowledgeable about taking cars apart and putting them back together. And you are probably the best tactical driver in our group, but you need to let me 'teach' Sang about driving. There is a lot to know before you get behind the wheel."

"Fine, but I want to make sure she knows how to change a tire and check the oil in the car. If she can't do those things, I don't want her driving."

Sang bounded into the room, lighting it up like only she can. It is as if the lights are only on half power until she enters, then they are on full beam. I know I am staring at this beautiful girl in front of me, but what do you expect?

"Sang, I am going to go over some important information for driving first. Then North wants to show you how to change a tire and check the oil. After that, we can each take turns with you while you practice driving. Does this plan work for you?"

"Yes it does! I am so excited. Let's start now." Sang said while bouncing in her seat.

I chuckled a little then began. "Rule one: Safety First. What does that mean exactly? When you get in the car, first thing you will need to do is adjust the seat. Each of us are taller than you and some of us by a lot, so your feet might not even touch the pedals in Silas or North's cars. You will want to sit so your arms are comfortable with a slight bend at the elbow. Your hands will be placed at 10 and 2 if the steering wheel was a clock. Once you have the seat in a comfortable position, then adjust your mirrors. Both side mirrors should show the back corner of your car and as much of the neighboring lane as possible. Your rear view mirror needs to have your back window centered in your vision. You will be checking a different mirror every 3-5 seconds. After the mirrors are set, then you need to put on your seat belt. And then check that all your passengers have their seat belts on too. Sang, what is rule one?"

"Safety first. Adjust seat, adjust mirrors, seat belt and then passengers seat belts." She said it like she was checking off a check list.

"I think you will be ready to actually drive soon." I said with confidence. Sang giggled. "Rule two: know traffic signs and markings on the road. A solid yellow line on your left means there is oncoming traffic to the left of you and you cannot pass slower traffic. A dotted yellow line means there is oncoming traffic on your left but you can pass slower traffic in your lane. A solid white line means you cannot cross the line but the other lanes have traffic going the same direction you are. A dotted white line means traffic is moving the same way and you can change lanes. There are speed limit signs that will be posted on your right and they are always white with black writing. Yellow signs are warnings to be aware of. Orange signs are construction signs and if you get a ticket in a construction zone the fee will be double. Mile markers and street exits off of Interstates are green with white writing. And rule two is what Sang?"

"Know traffic signs and road markings." She smiled as she answered. I couldn't help but smile at her.

"Rule three: always use turn signals and keep the volume of the music down so you can hear sirens, trains, horns etc. Now, something that is on the driving test but doesn't seem like it is necessary when you live in the city is, 'what speed can a tractor drive when it is on the road?'"

"Um...I have no idea." She says as a full blown giggle fit takes over.

"I know, it is crazy. 20 miles per hour is the answer though." I said as I joined in the laughter. "North, you want to take Sang outside now?"

We all follow North and Sang outside to his car.

North POV

"Sang Baby, what I am going to teach you is much more interesting than Mr. Encyclopedia over there just droned on about. I am impressed you stayed awake for that snoozefest." I said as I winked at her, then gave Kota a 'I'm just teasing man' look.

"Ok, North Star, show me what you got!" She chirped.

"You need to put the emergency brake on." I showed her where the brake was. "Then you need to know where the spare is located." I walked to the trunk space and opened the hatch of my Jeep. "You want to pull out the spare and the car jack. There is a specific slot under the frame of the car to place the jack. Then you will pump the handle of the jack until the tire you want to change is not touching the ground. Why don't you come over here and jack up the car Baby?"

She slowly stepped forward. "I don't know if I am strong enough to lift the car with the jack? I don't have as big of arm muscles as you North." She looked worried.

I smiled and explained, "Baby, the jack does all the work for you. It is easy, you'll see. Just come push this down and up." She did and the biggest smile plastered on her face. I want to look at that smile for the rest of my life. I would do whatever she asked if I could see this everyday for the rest of my life. Don't get sidetracked North! Focus!

"Now, you use the lug wrench to loosen all the bolts. Do not remove them until they are all loosened first. And you want to loosen them in a star pattern. Top left, bottom, top right, left, then right. Once they are all loosened, then you unscrew them all. After the lug nuts are off, you can remove the tire. Then you place the spare on and tighten the lug nuts in the same pattern you removed them." She was doing exactly as I instructed and it was sexy as hell! Only Sang Baby could give a guy a hard on from changing a tire. As I look over at my brothers, I see they all are having to adjust themselves too. HA! It is not just me!

"Well done Baby! Once the spare is on, remove the jack and put it away and put the flat tire in the trunk. Then don't forget to release the emergency brake. Chances are you will never actually need to change a tire, since you will always have one of us with you, but it makes me more comfortable knowing you know how to do basic emergency repairs."

"That was harder than I thought it would be. The tires are so heavy and the lug nuts are on their so tight. But I did it, North Star!" She said as she hugged me tightly around the neck.

I have needed that all day. It is hard to remember that my brothers are around and I need to focus on what we are doing. Sang's body is just so perfect. I want to hold her forever. It's like she was made for me. She just fits perfectly in my arms. Stop daydreaming North! That is a Luke move. Ugh! "Now for the oil. First, pop the hood, once the hood is held open, grab the dip stick and pull it out. We wipe it off with a towel, then put it back in. Once you have put it all the way back in, pull it back out again and look at where the line of the oil stops on the stick." Is it just me or did that have a sexual sound to it? Nathan, Luke and Kota are clearing their throats or slightly coughing, so I know it definitely sounded sexual. Damn! We are all going to need cold showers today.

"That's it Sang Baby! As far as I'm concerned you are cleared to drive." The guys laugh.

Sang looked at Kota and he gave her the all clear to start driving. You would have thought Sang won the lottery the way she is jumping around in the driveway. And of course, Luke had to join in on her little celebration. Nathan must have felt left out because he picked Sang up under her arms and started spinning around. Her legs flying out behind her.

"What the f**k Nathan! You are going to hurt her. Put her down!" I yell at them. They are acting like 5 year olds. We are 16. Act like it!

Sang POV

I looked at Kota and asked, "who is taking me driving first?"

"I will take you sweetie." Kota stated.

"Hey, when do I get to teach her something?" Nathan whined.

"You can ride in the back. If you feel I forgot something you can bring it up." Kota said.

"Do I need to go get my own keys, or are one of you going to give me yours?" I smiled my sweetest, most innocent smile I could. All four guys pulled out their keys and offered them to me. All I could do was giggle, it was so sweet of them.

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