Part 11

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Part 11

Sang's POV

I was in a really good mood when I got home from driving with Victor and Meanie. Maybe it was listening to Thor talk to me, or maybe it was because Victor was so sweet and encouraging even when I almost hit that one car in my blind spot, or maybe it was because Meanie kept his thoughts to himself. I saw him grabbing the handle above his seat like he was truly afraid, but he kept his mouth shut. He must have remembered when I said I would kick them out of the car if they yelled at me. Whatever it is, I'm happy!

Oh, and I'm excited it is sleepover time! I have the perfect game, as long as they are willing to play. I know the guys enjoy sleepovers too, but Dr. Green and Mr. Blackbourne always seem to have other things they need to do, but not tonight!

"Welcome home!" I was greeted by all the guys.

"We can watch a movie, we can play a game, we can paint nails, whatever you want!" Nathan exclaimed.

"And we have snacks!" Dr. Sean chimed.

"Fruit, popcorn, cookies, and chips." Luke spouted.

"Trouble, go put on pajamas and then we will get the party started."

I hurried and put on my grey pajama pants with yellow winky faces wearing pink bows and a matching black t-shirt with a giant yellow winky face wearing a pink bow. This way, no matter what activity we do, I will be comfortable and covered.

When I came out all the guys were in their pajamas and Silas was flipping channels on the TV. "Sang, sweetie, why don't you pick the movie for us." Kota instructed.

"Do we want to watch a super hero movie?" I asked with a smirk.

"NOT THOR!" Meanie yelled.

"What the f**k are you yelling about?" North grumped.

"Princess likes his accent." Victor answered and his shoulders seemed to sag just a little.

"Whatever movie you choose we will watch Miss Sorenson." Mr. B is still being formal.

"Is it only Thor's accent or any foreign accent that you like, Aggele?" Silas is waggling his eyebrows at me.

"Doesn't everyone enjoy listening to different accents?" I inquired. But no one answered me. "How about we watch 'Captain America' then?"

"Good choice!" Nathan said while hurrying to put the movie in.

Mr. B sat in one of the side chairs and Dr. Green took the one next to him. Silas, Nathan and North all sat on the couch. Kota, Luke, Victor and Gabriel were sitting in the 2 bean bag chairs they must have brought over from Kota's house. "Come over here Pookie. You can sit with me." I skipped to his seat and he grabbed my waist and pulled me to his lap. He swung my legs toward Mr. B. Before I knew it, Mr. B had my feet in his lap.

The movie started and Mr. B had set his hand on the top of my foot. He was making little circles with his fingers the same way Silas did on my thigh earlier today. When they touch me like that it feels really good.

Since I am sideways on Sean's lap, my lower back is pressed into the arm of the chair. Sean has his arm draped behind my shoulders and he is making the same circles with his fingers on my shoulder blades. I feel really loved right now.

After the movie ends Kota asks, "what now Sang?"

"I have 2 different game ideas so the 9 of you vote and decide which one. Option 1: spin the nail polish bottle. Or option 2: dare or double dare"

"Do we get to hear the rules for each game first or do we need to vote based on the titles alone?" Mr. B inquired.

"All you get are the titles." I said gleefully.

"I vote spin the bottle." Luke quickly chimes in.

"Oy, are you afraid of my f**king dares?" Gabe challenges. "I vote dare or double dare."

"I hate to say it, but I'm with Luke on this. Spin the bottle." North voted.

"Dares are fun! I vote dares." Sean says happily.

"If spin the bottle means I am going to have to kiss one of you guys, I vote dare or double dare." Nathan voted.

"Nathan might be right. Dare or double dare." Kota votes.

"Spin the bottle sounds fun to me." Silas winks as he votes.

"I love you all like brothers, but I don't want to kiss any of you. I vote dares too." Victor says.

"It sounds as if the decision has been made without the need for me to vote. So dare or double dare it is." Mr. B says with a straight face. "Might I ask what the rules would have been for spin the nail polish bottle Miss Sorenson?"

"We would have sat in a circle. Then you grab a nail polish bottle and spin it. The person it is pointing to has to paint a nail that color. Then a new color of nail Polish is spun." I explained.

"And what are the rules for dare or double dare Pookie?" Sean asks.

"Each of us will get 2 note cards. You have to write a dare on each card. We will fold them up and put them in a bowl. When it is your turn you have to decide if you want to do Dare (by yourself) or Double Dare (with the person that asked you). After you decide to do it alone or with the other person, you draw a card out of the bowl and do that." I instructed.

Everyone took 2 cards and wrote out their dares and placed them in the bowl. I mixed them up and put the bowl in the middle of our circle. "We will only go around once so only one of your cards might get drawn or neither of them or possibly both of them."

We sat in a circle around the bowl. Starting from my right is North, Silas, Mr. B, Dr. Sean, Gabe, Kota, Luke, Victor and on my left is Nathan. "This is your game Miss Sorenson, why don't you pick the first person to go?" Mr. B stated.

"I pick...... Luke." He is usually up for some fun.

"Double Dare! You get to join me Sugar." Luke exclaimed with a giant smile. He drew his card out of the bowl and read it. "Lick peanut butter off a banana without holding the banana."

I'll get the bananas with peanut butter." Nathan called as he headed to the kitchen.

He came back in with 2 peeled bananas covered in peanut butter. "Should it be a race? Whoever wins gets a favor?" Luke winks at me as he asks.

"You're on!" I agreed. "Meanie and Honey, will you each hold one of the bananas since we can't hold them?" Dr. Sean doubled over with laughter. And the others had huge smiles on their faces, except of course, Mr. B who had a bit of a smirk.

"On your marks, get set, Go!" Kota started us off. I started licking the peanut butter with just my tongue, like a dog, when I realized Luke had wrapped his mouth around the banana and was sucking the peanut butter off. He was going to win if I didn't change tactics. Nathan's eyes about bulged out of his head when he saw me open my mouth wide and grab half the banana in my mouth and used my lips to pull as I sucked the peanut butter off the banana. It was close but I won!

"I won! For my favor, Luke, you have to watch Thor with me." A huge smile spread across my face. "I thought you were going to beat me. You had gotten so far ahead at the beginning." I commented with a slight question in my voice.

"I heard the rest of the guys groan and stopped to look at you. And no one else was moving, so I had to take a picture myself." He said while laughing. Just then all the guys phones chimed a text message. 8 pairs of eyes looked at their phones and then groans were heard all around.

"Gabe, dare or double dare?" Luke asked.

"Double Dare! If I have to do something, you are joining me." Meanie was saying. He pulled a card out of the bowl and read, "do a strip dance removing 1 piece of clothing of my choice." Luke was not wearing a shirt so that only left him to remove his pants. Meanie had a choice, his tank top or his pants.

"It's a good thing I have boxers on tonight!" Luke commented and I couldn't help but let out my own soft groan. He might have had to take off his pants without anything on underneath. A naked Luke would have been........(groan). North and Nathan both turned and looked at me. They must have heard that. I just smiled at them sheepishly, with pink tinged cheeks.

Meanie found a song, hooked it up to the stereo and the strip dance began. They are both such great dancers. Luke's pants came off and Meanie took off his tank shirt. He has the best collar bones!

The dance ended and Gabe called, "Nathan."

"I will probably regret this but double dare." Honey said while grabbing his card. "Kiss passionately, the foot of the person 2 people to your left."

That means Gabriel has to kiss Luke's foot and Nathan has to kiss North's foot. I can't help but start laughing at this.

"You better not f**king use any tongue!" North boomed. Now everyone was laughing.

Nathan moved over and grabbed North's foot while Luke was offering his foot toward Gabe so he didn't have to get up. North and Nathan were both stiff and grimacing. Gabe was cussing while Luke smiled and wiggled his toes. Both guys completed the kiss dare and then they both went to wash off their mouths.

When Honey came back in he said, "Silas."

"Dare." Then he grabbed a card. "Massage, with oil, the back of the person to your right." He looked at North, "get your shirt off and lay down."

Victor went and got the massage oil he had used earlier on my shoulders. I wonder if this dare was his idea. North started grumbling. "Why the f**k am I involved in so many of other people's dares?" I giggled.

Silas covered his hands in the massage oil and and began his task. He only did North's shoulders and I have no idea what they said to each other because they were speaking in Greek again.

"Doc, dare or double dare?" Silas asked as he headed to the bathroom to wash the oil off his hands.

"Double Dare." Sean said with a wicked grin. He grabbed a card and read, "put your hand in the pocket of the player on your left the rest of the game." Sean looked at Gabriel, and then stuck his hand in Gabe's back pocket.

"No squeezing Doc. The only person that gets to squeeze my ass is Trouble!" Gabe said.

We all looked at Silas. To his left was Mr. B. Silas quietly pushed his hand into Mr. B's back pocket. I was giggling like crazy now.

"Pookie, you better stop giggling. Or I will have to make you stop." Dr. Sean said as seriously as he could, with his hand on Gabe's butt. I quieted down. "Victor, dare or double dare?"

"Dare." He drew his card. "Switch shirts with the person 2 people to your right." That was me. Good thing he had on a shirt. That could have been bad. I would have had to play the rest of the game in my bra. He took off his plain white t-shirt and I went to Nathan's room switched them and brought my t-shirt back out. His shirt smelled just like him. I like this switching shirt idea. Although, my t-shirt looked like it was painted on Victor. Not that that was a bad thing. (Sigh)

"Alright Sang, dare or double dare?" Victor asked me.

"Dare." I grabbed a card from the bowl. "Have someone draw a mustache on your face." Phew, this was easy. "Meanie, you want to do the honors?"

He ran and grabbed a marker and got to work on my mustache. It felt like he drew quite a large mustache. All the guys had their phones ready to snap a picture when Gabriel was done.

"Mr. Blackbourne....dare or double dare?"

"Double Dare." Drawing a card he read, "go commando for the rest of the night." He looked at me and winked.

"Show us proof when you get back." Dr. Sean chuckled. "Owen is sneaky you know."

I went to the bedroom again and got my panties off and put my pj's back on. Mr. B had gone to the bathroom to change. I had my pale pink boy short panties in my hand. Owen was holding his boxers. We came back to the living room holding up our underware for everyone to see. I could hear everyone laughing and I was turning red.

Mr. B sat down and Silas put his hand back in Mr. B's back pocket. "Try to keep from playing grab ass, will you?" He said then kind of jumped with a little yelp.

"Sorry, I had to readjust my hand." Silas countered. Sean fell over laughing and Gabe started yelling.

"Oy, stop that s**t! Your f**king pinching my ass!" The room filled with laughter.

"Kota", Mr. B said, "pick your poison."

"Dare." He took a card. "Give a foot massage to either person beside you." He looked to his left and Luke was wiggling his toes at him. Then he looked to his right and Gabe was doing the same thing.

"Since Gabe is already being felt up by Doc, I 'll give Luke the foot massage." Then he started massaging Luke's foot.

"North, dare or double dare?" Kota asked him.

"Double dare. If I have to do some s**t, you can too." He grabbed a card. "Run your fingers through the hair of the person 2 people to your left three times." North looked over and saw he would be messing with Mr. B's hair. He grunted and knee walked over. Roughly he shoved his fingers through Mr. B's hair. "1, 2, 3. Done!"

Kota looked at Victor, said "sorry man". Then he gently ran his fingers through Victor's hair. Victor nodded his head and said, "I understand."

"Wow, if that's how the ladies are treated North, we need to sit down and teach you about gentle caresses. Foreplay is important, you know." Dr. Sean quipped.

"The only f**king girl I touch the hair of is Sang Baby. And I would never be that f**king rough with her. But, Mr. B is not Sang Baby." North defended himself.

"Alright, the game is over. It's time for bed." Everyone hurried and got the room cleared. Nathan and Kota had all the blankets and pillows. I had gone to the bathroom and was scrubbing the marker off my face. When I got back, there was a space between Victor and Kota.

"Oy, Trouble. You didn't just go put your panties back on did you? Because your dare was for all night to go commando."

"No Meanie! I was getting the marker off my face." I started blushing from the fire burning in Victor's eyes. I glanced to my other side and Kota had a similar look. Nathan turned out the lights.

"Owen, are you still commando?" Sean chuckled.

"Want to come check Sean?" Mr. B retorted.

I started laughing. Many others joined in.

"Go to sleep." Kota commanded. The room quieted down and I fell into a blissful sleep.

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