Part 63

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Part 63

Sang's POV

There was enough food out to feed probably a hundred people. How much pizza and salad can 10 people eat? Well, of course each of the guys could eat 1/2 to a whole pizza just themselves, but still, that is just 10 pizzas at the most. Looking at the selection I think there are 20 different pizzas to choose from.

And yes, the salad bar looks good too. Every topping you could imagine is available. I also noticed there were breadsticks and dipping sauce. And there are also, what looks like dessert pizzas. I walked over closer to see what they were exactly.

"I don't think so Baby. Healthy food first." North grabbed my arm pulling me away from the desserts.

"Don't worry. I've got you covered." Luke whispered from behind me.

I put a slice of pepperoni pizza and a slice of Canadian bacon and pineapple pizza on my plate. Then I added a little salad, because it looked good, not because North would put it on my plate if I didn't. And I'm sure he would.

Some tables had been put together for us so we could sit together. Yesterday the eating area was so loud I couldn't think, but today it is just us and a few employees over in the corner.

"What are we doing next?" Meanie asked.

"I think we should wait the allotted 30 minutes before strenuous activities, so how about arcades?" Kota suggested.

"I think waiting 30 minutes is for swimming, not playing Kota." Honey teased.

"Fine, if you would rather do something else and get a cramp, that's your choice." Kota defended.

"Arcades sound good." Honey said with a smile.

"What is the biggest prize they have?" Silas asked looking toward the arcade area.

"Whatever it is, we will win it for Pookie!"

After finishing lunch, Victor handed everyone a card that looked like a credit card. I was confused and scrunched my eye at it.

"This allows you to play the games." He informed me.

"Oh, that makes sense." I said dumbly.

Owen chuckled from behind me. Leaning in close to my ear he whispered, with the edge of his lips grazing my ear, "you swipe the card, just like a credit card, for the game to start. Do you want me to show you how to do it?"

I shivered at his lips brushing my ear and nodded my head yes.

"Gentlemen, you have 30 minutes. Go win some tickets for Miss Sorenson."

"The person that brings back the most tickets wins!" Luke exclaimed and there was a rush toward arcades.

"What would you like to play first, Sang?" Owen asked me while tracing his finger around the borders of my lips.

Did he expect me to actually think about arcades when he was causing those wiggly feelings in my stomach? "Ummm, what games are there?" I practically whispered to him. I couldn't get any more volume out.

With a real smile he laced our fingers together and pulled me along as he said, "let's go see what interests you."

As we walked around I saw Nathan playing a basketball shooting game. Silas was playing a pitching for speed game. North was playing a football toss game. Kota was playing a rifle shooting game. Gabriel was playing a dance party game, and he was quite good at it. Victor was racing cars. Luke was playing a game of chance. And Sean was playing ski ball.

"Can we play that game?" I pointed at Sean.

"As you wish Miss Sorenson."

"Come to play games with me Pookie?"

"This game looks fun." I told him.

"It is, and you win more tickets playing this than the driving or the dancing games."

"Sang, get your card." I did as Owen instructed. Then he placed his hand over mine and swiped the card. It was that simple. Yet, Owen made it feel intimate in a way.

All the balls came rolling down. I rolled the first and it missed all the holes. I rolled the second and it barely made it up the ramp. I grabbed the third ball and Owen placed his hand on my arm. "May I show you how?"

"Yes, please." He took the ball from my hand, stood in front of the lane, pulled his arm back and real eased the ball right into the middle hole marked 100. "Wow! How did you do that?"

"You have to square your shoulders first, then make sure your arm is pointing in the direction you want your ball to go when you release it. Finally, use just the right amount of force. Too much and you will over shoot the target, too little and you won't make it to the target."

"And have lots of years of playing this game." Sean piped in with laughter. This caused me to giggle and Sean moved in front of me almost immediately. My insides started heating up with his intense look and proximity. "Is that an invitation Pookie?"

"I think you are supposed to win something first." I teased.

He made a stabbing motion to his heart. "Uuhh" he grunted, "you wound me." And he started stumbling around like a dying man.

"You will not be the winner for arcades if you keep playing around like that." Owen said with a smirk.

"Right! Win the kiss! I mean, most tickets!" Sean said winking at me with a melt my insides smile.

Owen had me roll a couple more ski balls but I wasn't getting much better. He positioned me right in front of him and put a ball in my hand. He kicked at my foot to move my feet into position better. Then with his front completely flush with my back he rolled the ball with me. It went into the 100 hole again.

I laughed and jumped up and down with my hands in the air and gave a little, "woo!" Owen and Sean both looked happy and they were standing right next to each other. I threw myself at them, hugging each one around the neck, one in each arm. I felt Sean's right arm and Owen's left arm wrap around my back and waist. I was hugging both of them and they were fine with this. I think there is hope after all, of telling them tonight I love them all.

We continued to play ski ball for a little longer, then I wanted to try the rifle game. Both Owen and Sean came with me. Kota was a very good marksman. He gave me one of the rifles and I could hit the targets, but way off of center.

Kota helped me position myself correctly. With his chin on my shoulder, he spoke to me. "Now, aim your gun with both eyes open. I want you to take in a breath and on the release I want you to pull the trigger." Then he removed his chin but stayed right behind me.

I did as he said and almost hit a bullseye. I shot six more times and everyone of them hit within the circle just beyond the bullseye. I felt like a I did pretty well. "Thank you for teaching me that Kota."

"Anytime and anything, 10." He ran his fingers through my hair and then they traveled back up my arms to my cheeks. I thought he was going to lean down and kiss me when Sean cleared his throat.

"You have to win something first Kota." He looked at Sean and nodded his head pulling away from me.

"Your right, I better get back to winning then."

Just then we heard Luke cheer loudly. "Woot Woot! Shit yea! Beat that Bitches!" And then he was laughing.

We all hurried to him to see what he was going on about. The game of chance he was playing you have to push the button right when the light that is running around the circle gets to the one red light. He did it and won 5,000 tickets.

"Motherfucker! You found the jackpot." Gabriel shouted excitedly.

"Shithead, stop showing us all up." North said with a smirk on his face, as he did that man hug slap on Luke's back, in congratulations.

"We still have 10 minutes until our time in the arcade is done." Owen told everyone.

A couple of the guys got onto other game of chance machines. Kota was so intense playing it, and Victor looked like he was trying to find the rhythm. I had gone to play the racing game with North and Silas. Between games Silas asked, "hey Aggele, how do you have a space party?"

"I don't know, how?"

"You planet!" (Get it? Plan it)

I gave him a giggle for effort even though it was lame. Our time was up and we met up with everyone and the amount of tickets they were all holding was astounding.

"How many tickets did each of you get?"

"Let's go find out." Meanie said as he threw his arm around my shoulders. When we got to the ticket counter they had 5 people there to help find how many tickets we had. They just fed the tickets into the different machines that counted them and spit out a ticket with the number on it.

Each of us had:
Me 583
Luke 5,976
North 1,842
Silas 1,399
Gabriel 2,581
Kota 3,053
Nathan 1,749
Victor 2,824
Sean 6,001
Owen 5,275

"When did the two of you win big?" Luke asked. "You didn't even cheer about it."

"Because we are more refined Mr. Taylor. And well done Sean. It seems that the better man won this round."

"Why thank you Owen for the compliment. Now, come here Pookie and pucker up!" The others groaned and I giggled. He turned me so his back was to the guys and whispered, "thank you for the invite." And kissed me with a quick but intense kiss. His lips were on mine, then his tongue was stroking my lips, then back to pressing his lips firm on mine, and then it was over. I know I was blushing.

"Laser tag now? Or Rock climbing?" Nathan asked.

"Laser Tag!" Almost everyone said in unison.

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