Part 149

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Part 149 - Friday Dec. 6th

Sang's POV

When our shift was over Luke told Uncle he was going to see me home. Silas, Gabe, Luke and I all went down to Nathan's house so I could pack my things. Victor was already there waiting for me with Nathan.

"Aggele Mou...Luke and I will go see North in the morning. Will you tell him for us? We have some things we need to go do now." The Academy is calling. They have got to be tired after a full day of school then working all afternoon and evening at the diner. I hope they get some sleep.

"Of course I'll tell him. Oh yea, did everyone hear? North said Uncle's dessert was good. He actually ate a bite of it!" I was so happy to get his text earlier that told me he had eaten a bite 'for you Sang Baby, Anything for you Baby'.

Gabe started laughing, Luke was sniggering and trying to hide his laughter, Silas snorted then bellowed his laughter. That broke everyone else out in full on laughter. I didn't know North trying a dessert was that funny.

I was looking around at all the boys, confusion clearly on my. "Kota took video footage of North trying the dessert. He more than liked it. He growled and yelled 'mine' at Kota when Kota tried to take a spoonful." Luke informed me through laughter.

"What? I'll have to talk to him about sharing. That wasn't nice of him to growl at Kota."

"Go easy on him Aggele. He has been holed up in the hospital since Wednesday morning. And he did what you asked him to do." Silas pointed out.

"Your right Superman." I hung my head.

"Don't be hard on yourself Aggele." He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss.

"Yea, we will have all the hard feelings for you." Luke beamed.

"I've got a fucking great idea Trouble!" Meanie cut Luke off. "After we see North tonight, we will go back to Victor's and I will paint your finger nails and toe nails. That way you can be all polished for your reward date with Mr. B tomorrow."

"If she wanted to be relaxed and polished, maybe I should schedule a spa time for her in the morning." Victor offered.

"I knew there was a reason we keep you around Victor! Your brain is Fucking brilliant! I have the birthday gift certificates for three at the spa we can use. We can all go, but one of you has to have Adam. I don't know I could enjoy my present if I have to constantly fight off his advances." Meanie ranted.

"Painting my nails AND spa time? What did I do to deserve you guys?" I asked and gave them both a hug and kiss.

"Hey, where is my sugar, Sugar? Uncle gave you that OIAB dessert for me." Luke teased.

"Well, I didn't know you wanted me to kiss Uncle?" I said it like a question.

"Don't you dare Peanut! There are enough of us guys already. We don't need anyone else to compete with." Nathan complained and threatened.

"Nathan, I could never add anyone else. You nine are perfect for me and all I will ever want or need." I reassured him as I gave him a quick kiss too.

"Cupcake! I am hurt, right here." He pointed at his heart. "You still haven't given me any sugar."

"Oh Always, I'm sorry. Where does it hurt?" I asked and he pointed to his heart. I kissed right where he pointed.

"And it hurts here." He pointed at his neck and I kissed there too. I had a smile on my face. I know what he is doing and it is cute. "And especially here. It hurts the most here." Luke pointed at his lips. I kissed his lips gently once, twice, three times.

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