Part 150

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Part 150 - Saturday Dec. 7th

Sang's POV

Gentle kisses on my lips brought me out of my dreamless sleep. "Time to get up Princess."

I groaned and turned into Victor's chest to sleep a little longer. His arms encompassed me in his warmth. I was slapped on my butt with an, "oy, no more fucking sleeping Trouble! We are going to the spa!" Usually Meanie is the one to fight getting up, but not today. My eyes were wide open thinking about the spa and I couldn't contain the smile that broke out across my face.

"Mmmm, spa day." I moaned.

"You better cut that shit out before we can't or won't leave." I was a bit confused what he was talking about. My face scrunched up as I replayed the comment in my head.

"The moaning sounds you made Princess. It affects us. Makes us want to kiss you and stay in this bed all day." Victor spoke with a small smile and fire raging eyes.

"Oh, sorry Meanie. Well, let's get up." I jumped out of bed and headed toward the bedroom door. Both the guys rolled their eyes but got out of bed too. We went downstairs and ate breakfast. Trying to be quick, we had cereal and fruit.

"No need to get a bath this morning, since Lei will be covering you with massage oils." Meanie commented.

"We can get a bath after the massage." Victor's eyes smoldered at me.

"That sounds good to me." I replied. We went back upstairs and got dressed. Meanie had on designer jeans and an orange v-neck long sleeve shirt that fit snugly to his torso and chest. His collar bones prominently displayed through his tight fitting shirt. I have to check myself for drool. Victor was wearing his traditional black slacks and white button down shirt. He was sexy with his hair in loose waves and holding that confident air about him. I had on a hot pink pleated skirt that hit about 3 inches above my knee and a cream colored button down shirt. I felt so plain next to their gorgeousness.

"Are we ready to leave?" Meanie asked. Victor answered in the affirmative. I insisted that Gabriel get a turn sitting in the front seat, since this is his birthday gift we are using.

When we got to the spa Janet greeted us with a hug. "Victor! And you brought Gabriel and Sang! Adam and Lei will be so thrilled it is the three of you."

"Janet, can I ask that Lei massage Sang? She doesn't like having different people touch her and it would just make things easier. And my back is really killing me, so can I have Adam work out my pains? That would leave you to massage Gabriel. If you don't mind?" Victor is good at asking in a way that tells people what he wants without being demanding.

"We have all three tables set up in the back room, but it is going to be a tight squeeze. Are you sure you all want to be in the same room?"

"Yes please." Victor answered.

We went to the back room and there were three massage tables with barely any room to move around. With the added table the changing screen was closed up and moved to the wall. I realized there wouldn't be a place to change privately. Both Gabriel and Victor had a pink blush across their cheeks as they realized the same thing.

"Turn around, and I'll get changed and lay on the table. Then you two can change and I'll keep my face down. Ok?"

They both turned around so I have a semblance of privacy. Trying to keep myself calm as I strip off my clothes with two of my guys not more than 5 feet away from me I started asking questions. "Do you want me to lay on the middle bed?" My shirt came off.

"That would be good Trouble. That way we both get to be by you." My skirt was removed and added to the pile with my skirt. I took a quick glance toward the boys to make sure they are still facing away from me and remove my bra and panties.

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