Part 136

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Part 136 - Wednesday Dec. 4th

Uncle's POV

I was livid at North and Luke for betraying the trust I had in them. Here I thought so highly of Little Bird, and what does she go and do??? Allows both my nephews in her bed at the same time.

At the hospital, I put it all together. North couldn't have come in through the door, Luke didn't come charging down the stairs, the way Sang ran to North when he was hurt. She yanked her shirt off to stop the bleeding instead of getting a towel. That meant she was a lot more comfortable with both my boys than any of them let on to believe.

"You Bitch!" I yelled at her with an accusing finger. "Are you fucking both of them? Here I thought you were this sweet, innocent, little bird and then to find out it was a LIE!!!"

Luke tried to placate me. "Do NOT speak to Sang like that. Uncle, it's not what it looks like." I noticed that Silas and Nathan stood protectively in front of her as Luke faced me head on.

"Mr. Taylor. I assure you..." I don't want to hear Owen's authoritative tone so I cut him off.

"Do what you like, but she is not to stay at my home again." I laid down the law then turned and left the hospital. I went home to put on clothes and look in the guest bedroom. Sure enough, the bed obviously had slept them all. There was not a bed rolls on the ground. No evidence that suggested the boys slept on the floor.


I was at the diner now, taking out my frustrations on the pots and pans and cooking utensils. The staff was just trying to stay out of my way as I stewed in my anger. Around lunch time my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Owen. Nope! Not talking right now.

But the persistent bugger called and called every two minutes. I was ready to break my damn phone. But, what if it was about North? That thought went through my head and I realized I better answer.

"What?" I barked.

"We need to talk." Owen told me coldly.

"Unless it is about the health of North, I don't want to hear it."

"We can either talk over the phone, or I will come to the diner to speak to you face to face. Either way, we are having this conversation." The little pissant thinks he can control this situation? Fine! Let's hear it!

"Alright, speak!"

"The guy that was in your house, we have named him Volto. He has stocked Miss Sorenson for a couple of months but this time he left a note. The note said that he was taking her away from Luke. Volto must have left the note first, with the intent to take her after. I knew about the threat he posed and had instructed both the boys to stay the night in her room."

I was numb at first and then I slouched. "Shit! I called her some really awful names. Why didn't the boys just tell me that you told them to stay in her room?"

"Are you listening to yourself Mr. Taylor? Your two nephews, who are hot blooded, hormone raging teens, tell you that I said they are to sleep in the room with one of these boy's girlfriend. And you are going to be alright with it? Of course not. But we were hoping there wouldn't have been an incident and you wouldn't have to know they slept there. It is my fault and I take the blame."

"Damn, now I owe Little Bird an apology. And Luke one too. Next time Owen, just tell me there is a threat. I am Academy remember? I might be an old dog, but that doesn't mean I don't still have tricks."

"I know Mr. Taylor. We just didn't want to call in any favors for this. Not when we have the man power to handle it ourselves."

"If you ever need my help on this one, I will help without favors. Little Bird is a good catch and I don't want to be the reason the relationship tanks. Luke can make his own mistakes on this one."

"Thank you Mr. Taylor. I believe Miss Sorenson and Luke will be at the diner after school today. I will be visiting North after school, but maybe you should go see North for a bit too."

"Yea, I'll see him after I apologize to Sang and Luke."

Eating your words to apologize, is like eating a shit sandwich. I deserve any anger those kids send my way. I was upset about someone being in my home, and they hurt North, and then I blew up at Sang. She doesn't deserve to be treated that way.

Even if both the boys were in her bed for their own pleasurable reasons, they obviously didn't mind. The hardest thing to do as a parent is let your kids grow up and make their own decisions. The Academy has taught me a lot of things. The one thing I need to remember is the first rule of the Academy, 'family first'. My boys might fight now and again, but they have never let anything come between them.

I feel defeated, tired, drained, empty. I go to my small office, lock the door, turn away from the small window in the door and let my despair take over. I am crying like a Baby. What grown man cries like this? Especially Academy type grown men!

But I cry nonetheless. North could have been killed, in MY home. Sang could have been kidnapped from MY home. I said hateful things to Luke's girl, which could cause him to hate me. What have I done?

I allow myself to stay in my office until I have let all the pent up emotion out. Luke and Sang should be here within the hour. I go back to the kitchen and busy myself with dinner prep. I could hear the happy cadence of Luke's voice before he even got to the kitchen. Just hearing it makes me smile.

As he and Sang enter the kitchen, there is a silence followed by a tension that fills the room. I took in a five second breath, then in a commanding voice "everybody out! Except you two." I was pointing at Sang and Luke.

Luke shifted slightly in front of Sang and my heart broke a little. When the room was cleared I began, "I owe you both an apology. But especially you Sang. You don't deserve any anger from me. Please forgive me of the way I spoke to you Little Bird?" I was definitely a repentant dog with my tail between my legs. I realized my head was even tilted to the side just a little.

"Uncle, you didn't even give us a chance to explain before you jumped all over Sang." Luke raised his voice at me.

Dropping my head in forgiveness I replied, "I know. We had just finished seeing North and I was upset about his injuries. And the fact that someone came into my home to cause that injury, only to find out, that guy was there trying to take you away Sang. I am soooo sorry! I feel like an ass."

"Jackass is more like it." Luke piped in with a chuckle. I had to smile at him. He was right, of course. And the way he said it, I know I have his forgiveness.

"Little Bird? Can you forgive an old dog?"

Her fingers fretted over her lower lip as she nodded, but still didn't make eye contact. I pushed Luke out of my way and scooped her up into a big hug. "Thank you Sang. And I realized, my boys are man enough to make their own mistakes, just please don't break their hearts." Why did I say their? I should have said Luke's. I am just going to let it go. No more opening mouth and inserting foot.

"Alright! Luke, go tell everyone breaks over, get back to work. Sang, I need you to help with dinner prep please. Once everything is started, I will be leaving for a bit to go see North. He needs to know I care, after all."

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