Part 125

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Part 125

Sang's POV

Kota was stirring in the bed and it woke me up. "Go back to sleep Ten." I'm just going to go check on Jess and then get ready and make breakfast."

"I'll check on her, you can make breakfast." I wanted to save Jessica from an awkward moment.

"I meant to ask you last night, what was wrong?"

"Just a stomach ache."

"What did you do for her?"

"Got her to take a warm shower, gave her some medicine, got her to eat a little something, then tucked her back in." That was all true so he wouldn't see the secret in my face I was keeping for Jessica's sake.

"It's 6:30. Let's get the day going. Daylight is burning." I groaned but climbed out of bed and headed downstairs to check on Jessica. I heard Kota's shower start upstairs. It was a good time to talk to Jessica.

I opened her door quietly, she was still asleep. I padded toward her bed and ran my fingers through her hair. "Morning sleepyhead." I smiled.

"Ugh!" She grumped.

"Do you need more medicine? And chocolate?"

"Yes please." She whimpered as she sat up.

"The first day or two is the worst each month, then the pain goes away. Wear comfortable clothes that won't squeeze your stomach. Do you have pads in your bag for school?"

"Not yet."

"Go get that all set before Kota is down here bugging you. And by the way, I told him you had a stomach ache last night. I didn't feel it was my place to tell him about your personal life."

"Thanks Sang! You are the best big sister I never had." She giggled as she hugged me.

"You are the cutest little sister I never had." I was giggling too. "Go, get yourself and your school bag ready."

I heard the shower upstairs was done so I made my way back upstairs. When I got to the top of the stairs, I saw Kota's very tight, muscular, naked butt as he was stepping into his boxers, his towel on the floor at his feet. I gasped as I stood there frozen in place. My hand covered my mouth, my eyes wide.

Kota's face whipped around as he brought the boxers up to his hips. His eyes showed surprise, then he stood to his full height and walked toward me, his eyes focused directly on my mouth.

His abs still glistened with a few lines of water that had run down from his wet head. I watched as the water droplets danced over the lines of his abs, with each movement of his walking.

I swallowed hard as he placed his hands either side of my head on the wall behind me. Kota pressed his lower body against mine, molding his body to mine. Kota leaned in, placing his mouth next to my ear. "I am glad it was you that just came in. My whole body is tingling just from looking at you."

He nibbled on my ear lobe and my breath became ragged. He kissed just under my ear, pressing more of his body into me. I responded by lacing my fingers into his hair. I traced the edge of his ear slowly. Starting at the top and moving down until I hit the edge of his jaw. I tickled my fingers down his jaw.

"I want to caress and kiss every part of your beautiful body." He moved so he was looking me in the eyes. "May I kiss you Sang?"

"Yes" I squeaked. He gently touched his lips to mine. His hands moved from the wall, tracing down my arms until he was holding my hips. He ran the tip of his tongue over the seam of my lips and I opened to allow him entrance.

As his tongue dove deep into my mouth, his grip on my hips tightened. He was pulling my body closer to him. I wound my right leg around the outside of his left calf. Since that opened my legs, he shifted to stand in between my legs more. "I wanted to kiss you like this all night." Kota went back to stroking his tongue along mine.

He lowered his hands to run down my hips to my thighs. He traced his fingers around to the back side of my thighs, cupping mid thigh. He hoisted me up in one swift motion. I crossed my ankles behind his back to hold myself up. Kota wound one arm around my waist, the other hand trailed up my side. He left a line of fire where he touched me. His fingers moved slowly over the outside curve of my breast. I was feeling heat build in my body and a fluttering in my stomach. I wanted more, I needed more. But more of what?

I continued to tickle and stoke his ears and the hair behind his ears. I felt Kota's body hardening under mine. He turned us and walked back to his bed. He lowered us so I was laying on the bed with him on top of me.

"Kota....I...mmmm..." I wasn't sure how to tell him what he was making me feel. He placed his head on my shoulder and he held his body off of my in a plank position.

"I'm sorry Ten. I didn't mean to push you." I unwound my legs from around his body and stopped messing with his hair and ears.

"I didn't mean to walk in on you while you were getting dressed. I should have announced myself or made some noise."

He chuckled, "I don't mind if you see me naked. You are the only girl I want to see me naked. But maybe next time, can be on purpose." He winked at me and rolled over onto his back. He placed his hands on his chest, taking deep breaths.

"Kota," I whispered burying my face in his shoulder, "you have a nice butt." I felt like I should compliment him after seeing his backside bare, but I felt like such a dork saying it. I need to learn better sexy talk or pillow talk or whatever it is supposed to be called.

He laughed and hugged me tight to his chest. "Go get ready and I'll make breakfast now. We still have school today." Then he kissed my forehead and swat my butt.

"Eek!" I squealed and giggled as I hurried to his bathroom to get ready.

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