Part 117

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Part 117

Gabriel's POV

"Trouble! What were you thinking?" I quietly asked her as we walked back into the kitchen.

"I heard loud voices that just drew me out. I felt the need to protect each of you." She mumbled.

"Do you know how crazy that sounds? If the nine of us cannot handle some guys, how was one small girl going to handle 5 guys?"

"I don't know." She said just as we walked into the kitchen. I still had my arm around her shoulder and Uncle was looking at a crying Sang.

"What happened?" Uncle almost yelled, similar to North.

"She just got hit with a moment of grief. Can she sit in your office for a bit? Luke is still busy." I explained.

"Of course she can. Little Bird, do you want me to make you something? Or would you like a piece of chocolate cake?"

She shook her head no as tears streamed down her face. Uncle looked lost. "It's ok Uncle. I will sit with her until Luke gets done." He nodded at me and ran his hand over the black bandana on his head.

Once we were in Uncle's office I sat down and pulled her onto my lap. I rubbed her back as I spoke quietly to her. "Sang, we didn't want to stress you out more after you just had to deal with Mr. Peters death the last two day. But you should know what's going on. Will you hear me out?"

"Just tell me. I can take it." But tears were still streaming down her face.

I tried to wipe the tears away. "So, you remember Blaze for laser-fx?" She nodded. "He has five sisters. The youngest is 17. The others are in college or have already graduated. Anyway, on Friday afternoon, someone rear ended them when they were out and they went missing. Blaze was given instructions to get his sisters back. But he was told not to tell anybody or they would be killed or sold into slavery......Are you listening to me Trouble? This is some serious shit here."

She has stopped crying but she is as white as a ghost. "Did Blaze contact you guys?"

"Blaze called Mr. B yesterday morning."

"Then why were we out looking at a house when his sisters are missing?" Her voice rose in volume.

"Victor had some computer searches going while we were out. His phone would have pinged if there was a match to the abductor's van. God Sang, if someone ever rear ends you and you are without one of us, do not stop on the side of the road. I can't even imagine having to find you after being abducted." I shook my head trying to clear those thoughts from my mind.

"Meanie, have they found them? Are they alive?"

"We know who has them and why, we have until tomorrow at noon to get them out. But we cannot miss school tomorrow. That's why the other team is here and involved. They will go in and rescue the girls. It sounds like they were asking for us to help with the rescue tonight but I had to bring you back here so I don't know what the full plan is."

"Again, I ruin things. Why can't I just do what you all ask?" She was beating herself up.

"No! You heard yelling and you did what you always do, you react first and think about it later. Although, Mr. B might not be happy that you just exposed yourself to this other Academy team." I mused.

"How are they going to save them?"

"I don't know Trouble. But however they are doing it, you will be far away from any action that could possibly take place."

"But what if something happens to one or more of Blaze's sisters? He needs to have a friend there."

"He has his wife to be with him Sang. I will make sure that you get to see your friend Blaze after all of this goes down, but you are NOT, I repeat not going anywhere near these abductors. They are bad news."

"I won't." She said quietly.

"No way, you are going to promise me, or pinkie swear, or put it in blood. Look me in the eyes and tell me you are going to leave this to the Academy team out there!"

She held my gaze, "I promise Gabriel, no bad guys for me." She was shaking her head no.

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