Part 57

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And without further adieu......I present the start of Gabriel Coleman's 16th Birthday!!!

Part 57

Victor's POV

We decided to sleep in my room, that way we would have enough beds. I had 4 double size Aero Beds in my closet for when the guys stayed over. I suggested Silas share my bed with Sang and I, since he is so big and the double just isn't big enough. This way North can also have a bed to himself, Mr. B and Doc shared a bed, Nathan and Gabe shared, and Kota & Luke shared.

Sang fell asleep right away. Mr. B nudged my foot and motioned for me to follow him. Silas hugged Sang tight so she wouldn't notice me leaving. Once in my study, Mr. B told me why he brought me in here.

"I just wanted to let you know that everyone has agreed to the love her or lose her plan. We feel that it is time to let Sang know but we cannot bombard her at once. We will have to tell her individually, but also let her know that each of our brothers loves her too. Then we need to ask if she is ok with loving all of us. Some of the boys want to tell her after we race tomorrow."

"Why after the race?"

"Luke thinks we should throw the race so she can get 9 rewards where we will tell her we love her."

"We will have to drive really poorly. Her best time today was 10 minutes 5 seconds. I did one run and wasn't even trying and beat her best time."

Mr. B groaned and wiped his hand down his face. "I don't know if We can really let her win. We are all too competitive for that. And if we do worse than that...I think she would know what we are doing."

"So let the best man win, and he can be the one to tell Sang we all love her."

"You might have a point there Victor. The one that wins gets to be alone with a closet...for two minutes...but will be left with the duty to tell her of our plan." Then he chuckled. I think he was lost in the memory of the last time he was in the closet with her. And he expects to win, but I will not go down without at least trying for my two minutes in Heaven with Sang.

As I fall asleep I am left thinking about leaving early in the morning to go to Nudge to pick up everyone's helmets. I think the guys will like having Sang 'claim them' with her nickname for them on their helmets. She is putting her stamp on us.

This 'all love her' relationship will be unusual and I will have to be the most careful about being seen with Sang. I have too high a profile in society. If the press take a picture of me with Sang, none of the other guys could ever be seen with her or the gossip column would have a field day about her cheating on me. And she would lose her ghost bird status. Ugh! Why does everything have to be so complicated all the time?


My alarm went off at 5:45am. I quietly moved to my closet and grabbed my clothes I had set out for today. So not to wake anyone else up, I head downstairs to my parents bathroom. I hate being in here. My father is vile and my skin crawls being in his space.

I have agreed with the owner of Nudge to pick up the helmets at 7am on a Sunday. It is true, money can buy you most things. But what it cannot buy you is true love. I jumped on true love one August morning and she continues to ask that I not spend money on her. Psh! Like I am ever going to stop!

I want to give her everything she has ever thought she wanted. And I think these helmets, with her nicknames, will have the same effect that her own helmet had on her. I cannot wait to see everyone's reaction.

I am dressed in my dark fatigues (grey and black camouflage shirt) with black military pants and my combat boots. I admit, I look a little badass in this. I head downstairs, grab my keys and quietly head out the door.

As I drive to Nudge, I start getting excited to celebrate Gabe's birthday today. My youngest brother is sixteen now. Today should be epic!

I pulled up to Nudge ten minutes early. Standing at the front window is the owner, Bryce. He was waiting for me. I walk to the door and he opens it for me.

"Victor! So good to see you. Was everything good with the pink helmet you just picked up?"

"It was perfect. That is why I needed these other helmets done too. Thank you for working so quickly."

"Anything for my best customer."

On the table are the 9 helmets with our nicknames on the backs. I zero in on my white helmet and smile like I am whipped. And I don't care who sees me look this stupid. Princess is worth it.

"What do you think?" Bryce asks me.

"They look perfect. Can you help me load them in the car?"

"You don't even need to ask. Clare!" Bryce calls and his girlfriend comes from the back smiling.

"Hey Victor!"

"Hello Clare."

"Clare, help me load these for Victor." Bryce says.

Between the three of us, we have loaded up in less than 5 minutes. And now I get to go play with my family.

Gabriel's POV

"Gab---ri---el. Mea---nie." I heard Trouble sing song in my ear. I wasn't ready to get up, but she was being too damn cute. "Oh Birth---day---boy."

I grab her around the waist and pull her down on top of me. "If it's my birthday I get to do what I want to do. And what I want is to go back to sleep with you." I haven't even opened my eyes yet.

She was giggling, and laying on top of me with morning wood from the sweet dreams I had of her, was causing more trouble. I reached down and swat her thigh. "Stop giggling and hold still."

"Meanie! You have to get up! It's your birthday!"

"I am UP Trouble." I heard Luke and Sean laugh. I peeked one eye open.

"Gabe, get out of bed before North comes up here and drags you out." Luke said to me.

I grumbled, "why were we getting up so early? We don't need to be there until 10am."

"We let you sleep in. It is 8am already." Nathan pointed out.

I looked around and everyone else's beds are cleared up and put away. Those in the room are milling about in their dark fatigues. Why did I agree to us being dressed is such monochromatic clothes on my birthday? I should have made everyone wear orange. Ha! North in orange would be hilarious! I am laughing out loud at my own thoughts.

That's when I saw Trouble standing at the bedroom door in the girl fatigues we got for her. Those military pants are hugging her ass just perfectly. She is looking over her shoulder at me. "Meanie!" I focus because she called my name, "are you coming?"

"Not yet Trouble. Come back here and maybe I will." Nathan and Luke were laughing and Trouble looked confused. Doc snorted. I waved her to go downstairs. "Forget it, I'll be right there."

"Meanie, are you coming?" Luke mimicked Sang as he batted his eyes at me, then doubled over in laughter.

"If she would have stayed on top of me giggling, I would be coming."

"Hurry up getting ready. Victor says he has a surprise and won't let us know until you go downstairs." Nathan was pushing me toward the bathroom. Why is he so excited for a surprise on my Birthday?

"I'll be down in ten minutes."

I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. Then I put on my colorless clothes that leave me a little depressed. I know why we are wearing them. We are playing laser tag and doing a lot of physical activities. These clothes work well for our day, but I love to be different and I love color.

I hurry downstairs and can smell breakfast. As I walk into the kitchen there is a chorus of "Happy Birthday!!!" I have the biggest smile on my face, I know, I can feel it.

"Here Gabe." North steps forward holding a small box wrapped in orange paper. I open the present quickly and find an orange Aston Martin matchbox car. "I had to give my baby brother a car on his 16th birthday." Everyone was laughing.

"Thanks North. This car is awesome. Maybe you can give me the real thing on my 18th birthday."

Luke handed me a plate of eggs, bacon, hash browns and fresh fruit. "Thanks."

"Your welcome! Now, can we see the surprise? It is killing me!"

"Let Gabe eat, then I will show you outside." Victor said with a huge smile.

I ate as fast as I could because everyone was jittery, wanting to see what Victor has in store. How did he keep a surprise from everyone? Even Mr. B looks intrigued.

We followed Victor outside to his car and he had us stand a few feet in front of the car while he went to the trunk. "Gabe, I already had your gift when this idea hit me. So you will get two gifts from me this year." And he pulled out my orange helmet. I looked at him confused because that's not a gift, I already have that. But I am trying to filter my words right now.

Victor starts laughing when he walks toward me. Then he turns the helmet around and presents me with my orange helmet with the word 'Meanie' painted on the back. The letter 'a' has devil horns sticking out and the last 'e' curls back around as a devil tail.

Sang was right next to me and she starts giggling. That sound is so Goddamn beautiful! "It's perfect!" Sang says.

"You took the words right out of my mouth." I respond.

"Well, that is not the only surprise. Guys....go look in the trunk." Victor says as he hugs Sang from behind.

All the guys rush to the trunk, Mr. B and Doc walk more calmly behind the mad dash of the others.

"Just watch Princess." He says softly, but I heard too.

There were cheers, hoops and hollers, and high fiving going on.

"Come show me!" Trouble says excitedly.

Nathan came over with his red helmet and showed her it said 'Honey' but the letter o was Winnie the pooh's honey pot. He was laughing. Sang ran her fingers over it like she could actually feel each letter.

Luke was behind him with his light blue helmet that said 'Always'. The letter 'y' swooped down and created an infinity symbol. Sang giggled at it and nodded her head yes.

Silas was next with his navy blue helmet and the word 'Superman' with the 'S' being the superman crest. "What do you think Aggele?" He said with a smile.

"It fits you perfectly, Superman."

Kota stepped forward presenting his hunter green helmet to Sang. His head cocked to the side in confusion. "52? As in the number of weeks in a year?"

Shaking her head no, she used her finger to trace another hidden heart between the 5 and 2. "You found me and opened my heart, just like now you will always find my heart when you look at the number 52." Kota hugged her and kissed her forehead.

"Fucking hell Trouble! You cannot make me cry on my birthday!" Trouble and everyone else laughed at that.

"Sang Baby, here is my helmet." He showed her the black helmet with 'North Star' written on the back with the 'a' as a star.

"You will always guide me home." Trouble said and smiled at North.

Doc was behind North with his purple helmet that read 'Dr. Sean'. A stethoscope was using the 'D' and 'n' as the ears with the stethoscope hanging down. She just stared at it, not saying anything, but lost in thought. To break the silence, Doc asked her, "want to play doctor, Pookie?" Her eyes grew wide and he winked at her. "Maybe later." He responded to his own comment. And she blushed a deep red. Finally! Some color for these outfits!

"Miss Sorenson, it looks like Victor has done well with this gift for all of us." He showed her his grey helmet with 'Mr. Blackbourne' on the back. The bottom of the 'M' was dressed in a white shirt collar and a red tie.

"Perfection." Was all she said. Mr. B almost broke into a smile. Then smoothed his t-shirt in a nervous gesture.

"What about yours Victor?" He went to the trunk and pulled out his white helmet with 'Prince' written on it. The 'P' was wearing a crown.

"Did you get all these done yesterday after our conversation?" She asked him.

He just nodded yes. She launched herself at him and gave him a bear hug. Luke ran and hugged her from behind saying, "group hug!"

I wasn't about to be left out of this. I hugged my arms around Victor and Luke with Sang's face right in front of me. All the others joined in too, I think. I couldn't really see if North and Mr. B joined or not once Silas towered over me and smushed us all together.

This was the best start to my 16th Birthday! I couldn't have planned it better.

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