Part 79

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Part 79

Sang's POV

I was so excited! Just think, I get to spend six whole days with just my guys. I wonder where we will stay? What kinds of things are there to do? What am I going to wear to Victor's concert? How will we spend Thanksgiving day? There are just so many questions and I am all but bouncing around Kota's bedroom.

"Peanut, why don't we go home and go to bed now?"

"Who can sleep with this amount of excitement coursing through their body?"

"Ten, you need to get some sleep. We have school tomorrow."

"I know, but I am ready to go on our road trip now!" I all but whined. Then I lowered my voice to a whisper, "Do you know I have never been on a road trip, aside from moving here from Illinois?"

"Sang, Sweetie, we will have the best road trip ever. But you have to get some sleep leading up to the trip. We don't leave for five days."

"I know." I pouted at that. I have to wait 5 whole days? And I have three days of school to still sit through. At least I will not be on my period for the trip.

"Come on Peanut. You can bounce around in circles at my house." Nathan was laughing.

"Bye Kota. I'll see you tomorrow." I walked over to him and hugged him around his chest. He smoothed his hand over my hair as we held each other tightly. I didn't want to break the moment we were having and neither did Kota.

"Peanut! He isn't going to disappear during the night."

"You promise Honey?" I asked with a giggle.

"Scouts honor." He said holding up two fingers.

"You weren't ever a scout Nathan." Kota said sarcastically.

We all laughed as Kota walked us out the front door. Nathan and I walked to his house while Kota watched us from his front porch.

Once inside I went to Nathan's dad's bathroom and got ready for bed. I put on a pair of red satin pajama pants and matching pink v-neck t-shirt with tiny red hearts. These pajama pants feel nice. They are all slick and it doesn't feel like I have anything on my legs.

As I walked into the living room, Nathan was sitting on the couch watching TV. He looked up at me, his cheeks tinged pink, "you look cute Peanut. Come relax with me before bed." He pat the couch seat next to him.

I tiptoed over to him but before I sat down I grabbed the throw blanket off the side chair and curled up in it at his side. I tucked my feet up under my butt, my knees almost on Nathan's lap, and my head on his shoulder.


"Yes Peanut."

"Have you been to Charlotte before?"

"No. Why do you ask?"

"I was just curious what we might do there."

"Just a second." He got up and went to his bedroom for a moment. He came back with his iPad. "Let's look up the best things to do there."

The list was pretty overwhelming. 'The Top 30 things to do in Charlotte, NC' was what came up. Thirty thighs to do? But we only have 6 days there!

"Don't start that worrying Peanut! That's why we have Gabe, Victor, Kota and Mr. B. They are great at organizing everything for us. I haven't felt cheated on any trip we have taken." I yawned really big. "Looks like I need to take you to bed."

He scooped my up and carried me to his bed. He laid me on the bed before he went back to turn off the lights and pull off his shorts and t-shirt he had on just a moment ago.

"Goodnight Honey." I said content.

"Goodnight Peanut." He spooned me and held me around my waist. "Mmmm, I like these pajama pants." He said as he ran his foot up and down my leg.

I giggled at what he was doing. But sleep took me quickly.

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