Part 6

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Part 6

Nathan's POV

I knew as soon as we pulled up at my house that I would be in deep s**t with the guys for pulling this prank on Sang. I just wanted to tease her and get a little laugh. Maybe lighten the stress she was probably feeling about driving for the first time. But when she turned around and gave me the 'stink eye' glare, I knew I had gone too far. But I couldn't help the smile that I had plastered on my face. Peanut was just so damn cute and I was excited to get to go for her maiden voyage.

All the guys were here, I knew, because besides North's car, I also spotted Silas', Victor's, Dr. Green's and Mr. B's. Peanut is shaking while leaned against Kota's side. That near accident must have really shaken her up. We pulled up and Kota scooped Sang into his arms and I ran to the door to open it for him. I could hear everyone laughing as we entered the house. But all sounds ended the instant they saw Peanut in Kota's arms.

An eruption of questions and emotions flew at us and Dr. Green was asking Kota questions. He instructed him to set her on the couch. Then started looking over her and talking to her. That is when I heard Dr. Green command me, "Nathan get me some water."

I hurried to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of water and went back to Doc. He helped Peanut get a drink and told her to relax and take deep breaths. I was assessing Sang myself and she was already looking better.

"What s**t-tastic kind of look is that Nathan?" Gabe barked at me while laughing.

I just said the first thing I could think of that would keep my face intact. I didn't want to have to deal with an angry North or a pissed off Silas. "I just thought I would tease Peanut a little. You know, right of passage and all that s**t? She didn't appreciate my need for all three seat belts in the back. " I started laughing and the rest of the guys joined in. Phew!

"The next person that does that will get kicked out of the car." Sang growled as best she could. Although her growls were more like baby kittens softly mewing. It was just so damn cute we couldn't help but stop and listen.

"As you wish, Miss Sorenson." Mr. B stated. Was he smiling? I don't know I have ever seen him smile. Sang must be affecting him too. He would have to be dead for Sang to not have an affect on him. Even a dead man would probably try to get up from his coffin for Peanut.

I took off the helmet and pads and went to put them away in my closet. When I got back to the living room, Sang was sitting up in Silas' lap. North was hovering close by Sang and Silas. Gabe and Luke were setting up the Xbox. Kota and Victor were waiting patiently to play. It looked like the driving game Luke and I talked about before Sang went driving with me and Kota. The Doc and Mr. B were having a quiet conversation over near the kitchen. I went to the couch and sat down to watch the others play.

"Baby, do I get to take you out driving next?" North was asking Sang in his best quiet voice.

"Hey, you said I could have a turn if I promised not to wear all the protective gear." I whined.

"You already got to be Aggele's passenger. It's someone else's turn." Silas stated.

"North and I were here before the rest of you. We have dibs next." Luke bantered. North just grunted his agreement.

"Miss Sorenson, would you like to practice driving next with North and Luke as your passengers? Or would you prefer someone else be present?" Mr. B asked her so formally.

"Yea Pookie! We all want a turn. I bet you did great your first time out." Doc cooed.

"She really did well. A slight mishap at first, but after that..." Kota was saying.

"Slight mishap?" Luke guffawed. North reached out and smacked his head. "Sorry Sang." He said while hanging his head. Peanut looked at his hanging head and reached her tiny hand out toward him. He took her hand and she sweetly said, "it was a little funny, I guess. I can't be the only one who has ever had the car in drive when I meant to reverse?"

"Ha! Gabe had more than one mishap Aggele." Silas bellowed.

"Shut it, motherf**ker. You're such an a**. Gabe grumbled.

"Don't remind me. My car almost suffered. Princess, can I have a turn with you after North and Luke take you driving?" Victor changed the subject from Gabe quickly. And he was giving her a puppy dog look. I swear she started to blush. Ahhh, absolutely gorgeous! I don't think she knows what that coy look while blushing does to any of us.

"Why don't we relax and play until lunch. Then after lunch North and Luke can take you out driving. Does that sound good to you Sweetie?" Kota, of course, had a planned schedule.

"Oooo, what are we making for lunch Pookie?" Doc beamed.

"Yea, we forgot to have snacks earlier!" Luke chimed in.

"You are not going anywhere near the kitchen Sean. We will all end up admitted to the hospital." Mr. B said with a teasing tone. Wow, he really is changing.

"I think we have all the ingredients for chicken fajitas. Will one of you guys be in charge of the grilling?" Sang asked happily.

"Silas and I will grill." I volunteered. Maybe she would forget my earlier prank if I was helping out. "For now, let's play!"

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