Part 91

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Part 91


This is fucking awesome! Better than driving our own cars and only getting to spend half the drive with my Sang Baby. Mr. B outdid himself this time. He must want everything to be perfect for his Miss Sorenson. I hope on this trip he can drop the formality some and just enjoy our time as a family.

As I sat here enjoying our drive on the party bus I remembered what happened earlier. This morning I was up preparing the food for our breakfast when Uncle came in making Sang her favorite muffins. That's when he shocked me.

"I know you are going on a team family Thanksgiving trip and Luke is taking his girl. Does that mean you are taking a girl too?"

Technically, yes. "Why do you ask?"

"Because it would be bad parenting on my part if I didn't talk with you about physical intimacy with a girl. I know you have had some, well let's just call them 'advanced' girlfriends before. But I don't know that anyone has talked to you about how to really pleasure a woman and protect yourself at the same time."

I actually looked like a five year old. I stuck my fingers in my ears, closed my eyes and yelled, "la la la la la la!" Yuck! Sex advice from an old guy. My UNCLE, none the less. No, no, no, no! I am not listening to this SHIT!

Uncle pulled at my arms to remove my fingers. "North, I am being serious. I feel that it is important to have this discussion. My parents just stuck their heads in the sand, thinking if they didn't talk to me about sex, I wouldn't have sex. We both know that is a lie!"

Time to turn the tables. "Uncle, what would you like me to teach you?"

"WHAT? NO!" He wiped his hand down his face. "Just... Here. Use them wisely." He handed me a lunch sack with a box of Trojan condoms Ecstasy for her pleasure in it.

Well fuck! I guess Luke was trying to tell me last night that the bag in the car was not really his. Uncle must have given it to him. After I had dropped them off at Doc's I went and looked in the trunk at what he threw in the back. I was not expecting to see condoms. I about stormed back in Doc's house to demand he explain himself. But the condoms were in the car, not inside with him. I was so confused I was going to ask him about it today. No need now!

I physically shuddered at remembering that conversation. Sang touched my chest. "Are you alright North Star?"

"Yea Baby! Just a bad memory came to my mind."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"NO!" I roared.

Everyone stopped talking and playing games and looked at me.

Sang leaned in to my ear and quietly whispered, "if you ever want to talk to someone about it, I am all ears." Then she gently kissed my lips and got up to go sit with Silas.

Mr. B's eyes said, 'care to explain?'

I shook my head no at him and he dropped it. For now that is. I don't know if it is ever over until you tell him what is bothering you. He doesn't demand you spill your guts, but he has the patience of Job! He just waits you out until you cave.

"Aggele, why did the orange stop in the middle of the road?"


"Because it ran out of juice." She giggled at his corny joke, but I sent him a thank you with my eyes. Silas knows how to lighten the mood when I ruin it.

The drive was actually nice after my outburst. Everyone took turns playing Xbox and holding Sang Baby. And the muffins Uncle made really were good.

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