Part 169 Leading Lady

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Part 169- Monday Dec. 9th

Nathan's POV

Yesterday was pretty scary to me. I have never seen Silas like that. He just got so lost in himself that I thought he might have actually broken. But once Mr. B came over, he and I were able to get him to focus and tell us what was going on.

I had thought his move flying out of the hot tub was pretty cool. He launched himself from the hot tub with record speed. Like something you only see in the movies, where the water flies off his body in a perfect arch. Something you would only expect through special effects. Then, his fist came down across the guy's jaw at just the right angle before he even touched the ground with his feet. My brain processed it all so fast that it looked like he was moving in slow motion. The big guy just went, Timber!

Once Silas was talking to us again, I realized he was upset because he never wanted his Aggele to see him like that. He knew when she first met him she was scared of him, by sight alone. But he has always made sure to be sweet and gentle around her. He doesn't mind using his sheer power against those that need taking down, just not in front of his Aggele.

Like that last time he put the guy in the hospital, that Silas kept mumbling about. It was about two years ago and that time he hit the guy repeatedly. It took North to pry Silas off of the fucking slime ball. In the end, the guy needed reconstructive surgery on his face, his ribs were broken, and his femur was broken too. He shouldn't have kept hitting that lady after Silas told him to stop, but some people just have no fucking common sense.

I could understand not wanting Peanut to see how violent we can be, given the right circumstance. I never wanted her to see how my dad was or my reaction to him. Would she think that was how I would turn out in the end? I'm not sure any of us want our pasts to come to light for Peanut. She is too sweet, too innocent, too fragile for most of our pasts.

"Good morning Honey! What's for breakfast?" Speak of the angel and she shall appear!

"Hey peanut! Silas has cereal." I shrugged at the lack of options. "You seemed to sleep well. Or no nightmares that I was aware of, at least."

"After my crying binge yesterday, I think I wore myself out. So, no nightmares. Do we know for sure if North gets to come home, yet?"

"We will know by lunchtime." I looked at the clock on the wall seeing it is getting late and Silas better hurry up. "Eat quickly Peanut. We are almost out of time." I left her in the kitchen to check on Silas.

I knocked on his bedroom door but didn't hear anything. Worried, I opened the door and peered around the door. Silas was sitting on his bed, fully dressed, just staring at his feet.

"Silas! You okay man?" I asked as I crossed the room to him.

He looked up at me, concern clear on his face. "Do you really think she isn't scared of my size? Or the possibility I could hurt her with just my pinkie?" He was holding up his pinkie finger as evidence.

"Dude, I thought we went through all of this last night. I don't think she sees you as anything other than her hero. Just like Superman, you are as strong as steel, yet just like Clark Kent, completely gentle with Lois Lane or in this case Sang Sorenson."

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