Part 90

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Part 90

Sang's POV

I woke up with a giggle escaping my mouth, I was just sooooo excited to be going on a vacation with my guys. ROAD TRIP! Hehehehe.

"Pookie, it is too early for giggling." Sean mumbled as he pulled me in closer to his chest.

"Hey Doc, quit hogging Cupcake!" Luke complained and pulled me closer to him.

I wiggled out of their holds, sitting up in the bed. "Come on! It's road trip time!"

With that they both bolted out of bed, grabbed my hands and drug me toward the bathroom. "We have an hour, get ready and we will use the other bathroom."

"Sean, I'll use the downstairs bathroom because I like your tub down there. You two can stay up here and use your bathroom."

Luke was holding out his phone, looking at a text, "North says don't eat breakfast."

"Won't we get hungry?"

"He is bringing everyone breakfast that Uncle is preparing for all of us. He said that Uncle says he made something special for you Forever."

"If you boys keep feeding me the way you are, you will have to roll me around."

"Psh! You are not fat nor will you ever get that way. North will always stay on your case about 'healthy foods' and Nathan would set up an exercise regimen for you." Luke was saying.

"Pookie, you are at the bottom of your healthy weight range. You don't need to worry about your size. I don't want you to make yourself uncomfortable eating too much all the time, but if you feel like eating, eat. Trust me, I'm a doctor! Now go get ready so Owen and North don't get mad at us for being late." He swat my butt and I yelped.

I took a hot bath and made sure to shave so there wasn't any prickles left on my legs. I had washed my hair and body with the special soaps Gabriel made. After getting out of the tub I used some lotion Gabriel made and put my perfume on.

I put on the navy blue lace ultra low rise cheeky panties from Victoria's Secret and a navy blue lace strapless bra. The dress I am wearing today will be comfortable to ride in the car and I will still look good for all of my boys. The dress is a strapless navy blue sundress with big white flowers, tiny green leaves and red button centers in the flowers. I have a red cardigan sweater to wear with the dress. Once it is on I really look at the details, there is a bow tied on the front side out of the same material the dress is made of, and the dress hits me mid thigh. The bust to waist is fitted and it flares to a full skirt.

I figure that Silas will like the navy, Kota will like the green, Nathan will like the red, Owen will like that I am in a dress, and Victor will like the white flowers. I cannot appease all my boys or I would be a walking rainbow. But looking good for half of them at once is a real accomplishment.

I brush my hair out not knowing how I should do it today and exit the bathroom. Luke was standing right there. "Your head is still wet." He states.

"Yea, I'm not sure what to do with it today, so I was letting it air dry."

"Do you mind if I blow it dry for you?" He asked. Will he know what he's doing? Probably since he has long hair himself.

"Ok. Come in." We went back into the bathroom and I handed him the hair dryer. He had me sit on the toilet facing him. He grabbed the brush and began blowing it dry. From root to tip, brushing as he went. I closed my eyes just enjoying the sensation of someone brushing my hair. When he was done he pulled out bobby pins, pulled back my bangs to the side and pinned them so the hair in the back would hide the bobby pins.

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