Part 138

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Part 138 - Wednesday Dec. 4th

Sang's POV

Working at the diner today was a nice distraction since I didn't have any homework and I would have fret about North all afternoon. When Uncle came back from seeing North, he looked happy. A switch has been flipped on Uncle, he is a different man now.

I was working the register when Uncle came out of the kitchen. "Little Bird, the dinner rush is over. Why don't you and Luke go see North. I know it would keep his spirits up to have both of you visit." I was looking at Uncle like he had grown a second head.

Luke commented from behind me, "who are you and what have you done with Uncle?"

Uncle smirked at Luke, "I had a good talk with North, he seems to be healing as fast as can be expected, Little Bird forgave me for being a dumbass, and I did not lose either of my nephews. I would call that a successful day." Uncle nodded his head, pleased with himself.

"In that case, Cupcake, are you ready to go?" I asked her.

"Just let me go freshen up and I'll be ready." I replied. In the bathroom, I took more Midol for the cramping that started up again, I redid my ponytail to catch all the hairs that fell out and I put my hoodie back on.

On the drive to the hospital, Luke held my hand, our fingers laced together. Occasionally, he would bring my hand up to his mouth and kiss the back of my hand, kiss the knuckles, kiss my finger tips. The next time he brought my hand to his mouth he didn't kiss my hand. He just guided the edge of my knuckles to brush over his cheek from his nose to his ear, then down along his jawline. With his thumb and pointer finger he extracted my pointer finger from our hand holding so my finger was pointing straight. With as light as a feathers touch he used my finger to trace the outline of his lips. Then he kissed that fingertip and put our hands on his thigh.

Once we got to the hospital, we went straight to the ICU. North looked like he was asleep. We didn't want to wake him but I needed to see him, to touch him, to know he really was alright. Luke and I slunk quietly to North's side. We were in stealth mode.

I leaned over the railing of the bed and placed a gentle kiss on North's lips. Faster than I could process, North was holding me behind the head and kissing me with everything he had. Luke started laughing. We could all hear the beeping of his monitor go crazy. His heart rate got too high and it set off an alarm on the machine.

North let me go and a nurse came running in the room. She quickly pushed button and got the machine to quit making the alarm sound. "North, you need to keep from getting too worked up or excited." The nurse looked at us.

"He is not supposed to exert himself. Hey, wait! You were the guy who drove the van during my rescue." A lightbulb went off in her head as she pointed at Luke.

"You're one of Blaze's sisters. What was your name again?" Luke asked.

"I'm Star. And no, I don't normally work here. I am just filling in for a sick nurse."

"I'm impressed that after everything you've been through, you are working." I contemplated.

"If I stopped, the memories would all be too clear in my mind. Working keeps my mind focused on other things."

"Didn't one of the Steven's team offer to help distract your mind?" Luke sniggered as he asked the obviously inappropriate question. I smacked his chest.

"Thank you Baby. I would have hit him, except then Star would be mad I exerted myself." North smiled a half smile.

Star was smiling at us, "awe, family. You have to love them, no matter how inappropriate they can get. Am I right Sang?" She had remembered me.

I smiled, not sure how to answer her.

"Star, when do I get to eat real food?" North suddenly asked.

"When your chest tube comes out and you are out of ICU."

"How much longer does he have in ICU?" Luke asked.

"At the earliest, the tube will come out Friday." Star answered.

"Just a forewarning, my brother gets cranky when he doesn't get meat and vegetables. So brining him a jello cup or pudding cup might not be in your best interests." Luke cringed at his thoughts.

"I know how to fucking behave Luke! Star has been nice to me. Not all the nurses are nice."

"Well, I do kind of owe you guys my life and all."

"You don't owe us anything. Although, if someone from the Steven's team asks you out on a date, could you at least go once? I think they were smitten with you and your sisters, and they really are good guys." Luke requested.

Star smiled sweetly at Luke. "I have already accepted my first date."

"With which one?" North curiously asked.

"Why am I telling all of this to a bunch of teenagers?" Star looked exasperated. "With Cannon, are you satisfied?"

Luke and North both got a serious look in their eyes and tilted their heads at the exact same time, thinking. Then they looked at each other and their expressions brightened.

"Yep! Good fit!" Luke exclaimed.

"Just his type." North added.

Star looked at me and I shrugged. "They do that communication thing all the time. I don't know, I just go with it. So far, they have been right about most things."

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