Part 196 Spin the Bottle

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1Lisamurray I know you are a North girl and I have enjoyed getting to know you and the friendship that has ensued. Also, your Blackbourne Investigations (BI) story is truly amazing. I know you are crazy busy right now with Life and cannot write as often. But I still eagerly await every post you give of (BI2). Thanks my friend!

Part 196 - Thursday December 19th

Sang's POV

Luke and Nathan went to the diner for a shift and everyone else left so Victor, North and I could study. "Do either of you have a game idea?" I asked with a wink, standing in the doorway of the living room.

"No, do you Baby?"

"I am up for anything you've got Princess."

I was excited. I clapped my hands with glee and ran to my bag. I dug through to the bottom and found the small pink bag. I came back to the boys holding out my bag, "will you play whatever game I suggest?"

"Sure Princess!" Victor smiled.

North swallowed hard, "what kind of game are you thinking Baby?"

I pouted my lower lip, "please North Star."

"Fine, whatever you want to play Baby."

I sat on the floor, tucking my feet under my butt to the side of me. I know they have seen me naked, but I don't need to purposefully flash my panties at them. I opened up my small pink bag and smiled really huge before I announced, "we are going to play spin the bottle."

"Baby, does that mean we get to spin if we get it right or only if we get it wrong? Because I will probably miss everything if it means I get to kiss you each time." North chuckled and Victor agreed.

"You will spin the bottle when you miss the question." I pulled out a small bottle of nail polish. "We will spin the nail polish bottle and if you miss a question, I get to paint one of your nails with that color. Then we switch to a different color."

"That is the WORST spin the bottle game version ever." Victor teased with a smirk.

"Can I make an amendment?" North asked.

"What amendment do you want to make?"

"For every question we get right... We get to kiss you for that many minutes at the end of the game." I raised my eyebrows, very interested, but had to stay aloof.

"And what do I get for all the questions I get right?"

"Whatever you want Princess. You could choose minutes for a massage, number of girly movies we have to watch with you, ..."

North cut in, "number of places we kiss you, number of clothing items you want us to remove." Holy schmoly! Is it getting hot in here? North sat there, completely relaxed like this was a normal thing to say like, take you grocery shopping.

I nodded my head, swallowed the saliva that was filling my mouth at the thought of removing clothing from my boys or having them kiss me all over or even getting a massage. Mmmm, sooo good!

I set out the first bottle of nail polish. "Let's spin the bottle for who gets the question. That way we actually spin the bottle." I set the bottle on it's side and spun it. Victor!

"What was the last state to join the United States of America?" I questioned.

"Easy, Hawaii." Victor spun the bottle and it landed on North.

"Name a country that never had a colony in Colonial America."

North answered without hesitation, "Germany." Then he reached out and spun the bottle, it landed on Victor again.

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