Part 78

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Part 78

Kota's POV

I arrived at the diner and saw a few of the Toma team were there. Two of these guys she recognized, according to Silas. He was over at their table talking to them.

"Hey look. It's Kota. Where is South when you need him?" Raven called out.

"It's North, not South, and he has the night off of work."

"You want to come eat with us?" Marc asked me.

"No, I just came to pick something up. I'll see you guys later." I walked into the kitchen and found Sang cutting up fruit for Uncle. "Are you ready to go home Sang?" I asked her.

"Little Bird, have a good night and I will see you after school tomorrow?"

"Yes, bye Uncle." But instead of taking her out the front I took her out the back and stayed to the shadows until we got to my car. I held the door open for her then climbed into the drivers seat.

"Ten, do you want to go to Nathan's house or would you like to come to my house for dinner?" I reached out and held her hand.

"Ummm, I don't want to upset anyone." Her other hand went to her mouth, her finger worrying her bottom lip.

"Why would we be upset? It's dinnertime and you need to eat." I reached up with my hand still holding hers and hooked her finger with mine to pull it away from her lip.

"I think Nathan is expecting me to make him dinner tonight." Ah, she feels obligated to feed Nathan. Decision made.

"You are coming to my house. Dinner is ready, and I'll have Nathan come over and eat with us. How does that sound?"

She nodded her head, "that sounds nice."

We walked up to the house hand in hand. At the door I stopped and ran the back of my hand, with the one that was still holding her hand, over her cheek. Her eyes closed as I touched her face. I just wanted to lean in and kiss her senseless.

"Just to warn you, my mom and Jessica are here. Sorry, but you have to be my girlfriend right now."

"I don't mind being your girlfriend. But you should probably warn Nathan before he comes so he doesn't get upset."

"Smart thinking. I do enjoy being your boyfriend, because I get to do things like this." I leaned in and kissed her lips. I kissed a second time. She parted her mouth and I traced my tongue around the entrance of her mouth. Her tongue came out and met mine. I pressed my lips in harder for a deeper passionate kiss. My hand on her face, tracing her cheekbone to her ear, around the shell of her ear, down the side of her neck. My other hand encircled her waist, tracing over the top of her jeans, back and forth, back and forth. I felt the edge of her shirt had come up when she had raised her hand to my ear. MY EAR...OH GOD YES!

I flicked the edge of her shirt out of my way and danced my fingers across her bare back. The way she is caressing my ears and the hair behind them makes it hard to think. EARS, BARE SKIN, EARS, KISSING, TONGUE, EARS, HARD ON, CLOSER, EARS, YES, MORE.

I pulled back from kissing her before I tried to do something she would hate me for. I rested my forehead on hers while calming my breathing. "I'm sorry, I should have asked before kissing you."

"You don't need to ask Kota. I already told you I love you. That was granting permission to kiss me."

"Ungh! You are making it hard for me to think straight and be good. But we need to go inside and my mom and sister are there, and I need a minute." I stepped away for her and turned my back so I could run my hands through my hair and take a deep breaths. I need my excitement evidence to go away. That is not what a teenage boy wants his mom to see.

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