Part 107

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Part 107

Silas' POV

I like to be able to go do things with Sang outside. Because outside I don't feel like I might break something if I use too big a hand gesture, or hurt someone because there just isn't enough space. Outside I feel free. That is until I threw the football at Aggele and broke her boob.

I knew I was dead meat the instant it hit her. North was going to come out here and tackle me. I would have let him too. I deserve it for hurting Aggele. I felt bad. It's that size thing again. I was trying to throw softly, but my soft is still 10 times too rough for Aggele Mou.

I know she was being brave when she cracked a joke about getting hurt. That's when I offered to kiss it better. She might think I was kidding, but I was willing to take one for the team, admit I was at fault, then do my duty to make it all better. And what makes any boo-boo better? Kissing it.

Then, Doc steps out asking us if everything is ok because it looks like we are hovering over a hurt Sang. He must have been watching through the back window. Yup! I'm dead. Sang might have played it off as nothing, but they saw and they will deal with me later. I will keep quiet about my punishment too so Aggele doesn't feel the need to protect me. I was at fault.

After throwing the ball for about 10 minutes Aggele was done. We set a chair out for her to watch Nathan and I throw the ball. I could feel her watching me. Her eyes were like lasers, wherever she looked my skin burned. I have become hyper aware of her.

After she happy cried and we hugged her, or squished her was more like it, I scooped her up in my arms and took her back inside.

"What are we doing now?" She asked.

"There is a football game on and I want you to watch it with me." I answered.

"With us Silas. You are not the only one who likes to watch football."

"Right, sorry. Will you watch some football with US Aggele?"

"Gooooo team!" She said punching her fist in the air. "By the way, who are we rooting for?" She whispered in my ear. We had just walked into the house and I was heading past the living room full of the guys to the media room.

"Aggele, we have a day FULL of football!" I said excitedly. "The game that starts soon is at 12:30pm. The Detroit Lions vs. the Buffalo Bills. We will have to break for our Thanksgiving meal at 2pm. The second game begins at 4:30pm. The Dallas Cowboys vs. the Philadelphia Eagles. The first game might not be over yet so we will have picture in picture turned on where we can watch both games. Although, we will have to leave for Victor's concert before the second game is over. Then after we get back from the concert the third game will already be in progress. The Seattle Seahawks vs. the San Francisco 49ers game begins at 8:30pm and Victor's concert ends at 9pm with an hour of meet and greet after. We should be back by 10:30pm and we can watch the second half of the game then."

"Ummm, I like spending time with you watching sports and all, but I don't know if I can take football for 12 hours straight! Even with the break for lunch and the second break for Victor's concert."

We all were laughing since everyone had followed me into the media room. If she is just going to be hanging out, everyone wants to be where she is.

"After lunch, Trouble will only have enough time for a short nap before she needs to start getting ready."

"Since Miss Sorenson and both Mr. Taylor's have prepared our feast today, Mr. Coleman and Mr. Morgan and Mr. Lee will do the set up. Then myself, Dr. Green, Mr. Korba, and Mr. Griffin will be on clean up duty."

"That sounds fair." Victor commented.

"It sounds like I am being punished for something!" Doc complained.

"On the contrary Dr. Green. Someone with surgeon skills is required to debone the turkey. We all know that Mr. Korba and Mr. Griffin are excellent dish washers. And besides, Mr. Morgan needs to rest before he works tonight and Mr. Coleman will be busy getting Miss Sorenson and Mr. Morgan ready for the concert."

"Thank you for the compliment about my skills Owen. On that note I accept my duty." Doc was showing everyone his hands like we were going to worship his skilled doctor hands.

I sat down next to North with Aggele still in my arms. Nathan sat on my other side. When I sat, the couch dipped and woke North up. He was smiling at Sang. She reached out and stroked the sleep marks on his face and gave a little giggle.

"Am I allowed to pull out the snacks for the football game before our meal?" Luke asked rubbing his stomach. Mine growled loudly in response to his question.

"Sounds like you better get the snacks out Luke before Silas decides Pookie is a treat." They all laughed. Aggele looked at me with huge eyes.

"They better hurry." I chuckled pulling Aggele closer to me so I could make "num-num" sounds as I pretended to eat Aggele's neck. She was giggling as my lips brushed her neck. "Aggele, you are supposed to scream, not laugh. Someone give her the script please!"

"She does that to me too Silas." Nathan added. "I go all zombie on her ass, ready to eat her brains, and she giggles at me. Hasn't anyone taught her how to act?"

"That would be Gabe and Victor's job." North said in jest.

"Maybe I haven't taught Princess how to act because I LIKE the sound of her giggles."

"We all like the sound of your giggles Aggele. Especially when they start slow and eventually build up, increasing in depth, more and more until we hear the giggle climax."

North grunted and hit my arm. Nathan groaned and shifted on the couch. Luke and Gabe were laughing through their noses, trying to hold the laughter in. I was smiling like the Greek God I am.

Aggele looked confused. "If you guys all like hearing me giggle, why does Sean always tell me to stop giggling?"

Doc came up right behind me, stroking his finger down Aggele's face while answering her. "It is because I really do like hearing you giggle. They make me take a long, hard look at just how limp my life is without your giggles." Then he leaned over the couch and kissed her as everyone else was fighting laughter. Mr. B was shaking with silent laughter.

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