Part 42

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Part 42

Sang' POV

I was out practicing driving with Mr. B, enjoying the freedom of driving. He seemed so much more relaxed than I have seen him in a long time. I glanced over at him again to take in his handsome perfection when I was jerked forward. My eyes grew wide with fright as I started looking in each of my mirrors. Mr. B looked over his shoulder out the back window. 'Keep going Sang! Don't stop.'

I accelerated instead of pulling over like I knew we should, being in an accident. But the car that hit me accelerated right along with me. 'Who hit us?' I asked.

'I don't know, but I don't think we should wait around to see. That accident was intentional.' He told me. What surprised me the most was that Mr. B unbuckled himself and then me. 'Scoot forward in your seat, and I will climb into the drivers seat behind you.'

While driving around traffic at nearly 100 miles per hour I scoot until I was flush with the steering wheel. Mr. B climbed into the seat behind me with his legs straddling me. He encircled my waist with his arm and slid his legs under mine and his foot knocked mine off of the gas pedal. I leaned over toward the passenger seat and pulled myself over to the other seat.

Mr. B had already buckled himself in and increased his speed, weaving through traffic with ease. His driving was skillful as he out maneuvered whoever hit us. I was worried about his car being damaged but he hadn't said anything about it yet.

My heart was racing and I kept trying to spot where the other car had gone. They were completely out of sight when Mr. B pulled onto a side road. The further we drove down this small road the more reassured I was that he had lost the pursuer.

Mr. Blackbourne had pulled into a dirt parking lot at the head of a trail. I have no clue where we are. Are there trails in Charleston somewhere? There must be. I looked at Mr. B in question when out of the blue his door was yanked open and he was pulled out by arms clothed in black. I turned to open my door and staring in my window was Volto's mask. I screamed until no sound came out. I was yanked out of the car and drug into another car before I could even find where Mr. B was.

But if Volto is the person who pulled me out of the car, who grabbed Mr. B, and who is in the drivers seat? From the back seat of the car, I tried to grab the driver to make them look at me. When they looked back, all I saw was a white mask, just like Volto's. How many people were Volto? I turned to look out the back window as the car I am in is speeding away and I saw 2 Volto's punching and kicking Mr. B while he was laying on the ground. 'Owen!!!' I yelled as I tried to find the handle to open the door. But there wasn't a handle.

"Sang, Sweetie! Wake up!" Kota was commanding me. "Mr. B isn't here. Do you want me to call him?"

I was so confused and tears were streaming down my face. I realize it must have just been a bad dream, but it seemed so real. I could feel the heat from his body as he wrapped an arm around my waist and straddled me in the drives seat.

"Peanut, tell me what you need. Do you want me to call North or Mr. B?"

I shook my head no, climbed out of the bed and stumbled my way to the bathroom. In the bathroom I splashed cold water on my face and reached for my toothbrush. Kota's hand was where my toothbrush had just been. He was holding it, already with toothpaste on it. "Thank you Kota."

"Do you want to tell me about it? Or do you want to talk to someone else? Or do you just want to go back to sleep? We still have another hour before we need to be up." Kota asked with concern.

"I can't keep waking North up every time I have a nightmare. Can I just tell him in an hour?" I was asking Kota, but I could hear Nathan talking to someone in the bedroom. It confused me even more. I went back to the bedroom and he was on the phone with someone.

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