Part 70

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Part 70

Owen's POV

It was time to go back to Victor's house so we could do presents and cake for Gabriel. Blaze had towels with Laser-fx printed on them for us.

"I doubt you brought towels with you. You all can have these."

"Thank you Blaze. I don't think they would be very happy if we ruined their leather seats dripping on them." Sang told him. She is right, I would have made everyone wait until they were dry or remove any clothing that was wet before getting in my car.

"We have your helmets and the hot pink beats headphones waiting for you up front at the door."

"Thank you for allowing us this private party." Victor said and extended his hand to Blaze. They shook hands and Blaze looked happy to have found a friend in Victor.

I wanted to personally thank Blaze for helping us to have a great day. I knew he was the manager on duty today. I waited until the others got to the door and motioned for Blaze to stay back with me for a moment. "Blaze, thank you for the welcoming atmosphere and most enjoyable time in your establishment."

"It is our pleasure to have you and your family here." I looked at him curiously. He called our group a family. He must have been watching us closer than we thought.

I also wanted to know what had happened earlier with the missing laser tag employees. I saw how he kept glancing at Sang as he talked about those employees needing to leave and knew it had something to do with our bird. But I didn't want to ruin the day we were having by making a scene.

"Can I ask you what happened to the laser tag employees that had to leave?"

He cringed and my suspicions were confirmed. My face hardened, ready to hear the worst. "I fired them for being ass hats." He said shrugging his shoulders.

I wanted to laugh but know there is more to this. "Lots of people are ass hats, but they usually have to do something to get fired."

"I really don't want to tell you, but I guess you should be made aware in case you come across them."

I gave him the 'go on I'm listening' look.

"You see, Steele and Kevin were talking about a girl's perfect rack and it fitting perfectly in their hands. Then they said they were going to feel her up when the laser tag room filled with fog. That's when I realized they were talking about Sang. They didn't know I was listening and they went on making plans to attack her, drag her to the storage closet and have their way with her."

I was raging mad and it took everything I had to keep myself in check. It is a good thing it is me listening to this over North or Nathan. They would hit Blaze due to the rage they would feel for this Steele and Kevin.

Blaze continued, "I took them to the back and asked them about it. They denied planning anything. Then I lost it. I grabbed them both by the hair, drug them outside, slammed them into the cement wall where Kevin crumpled to the ground. Steele decided to fight back. He swung but missed. I got him under the chin with an uppercut and he was out for the count."

I wanted to break into a huge smile and hug Blaze for defending Sang. I let my barely smile show. "Thank you for your watchful care of our Miss Sorenson." I glanced toward her with my brothers, "she seems to run into trouble everywhere we go. It is a full time job to protect her."

"I know what you mean. I have five sisters that I have been the guardian for since I was 18. I have kicked a few asses along the way for them. Sang reminds me of my youngest sister Breezy."

"It seems we have found a friend in you, Blaze. Here is my card. If you ever need me for anything, give me a call." I pulled a business card out of my pocket and handed it to him. "And thank you again for defending Miss Sorenson when we didn't even know she needed defending."

"Your welcome. And if you guys are ever coming back to play, let me know so I can be here."

We shook hands and parted ways.

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