Part 29

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Part 29

Sang's POV

I barely made it. Nathan and Gabriel pushed me to a full sprint at the end of the mile run, but I did it. 7 minutes 47 seconds. I was sweating like a dog and I smelled like one too. Gabriel was just barely glistening and Nathan hadn't even gotten his heart rate up enough to start sweating. It wasn't fair. Girls are supposed to smell all flowery and pretty and boys are supposed to be stinky, not the other way around.

"Yuck! I need a bath." I looked down at my gym shirt and I had a sweat pattern on my shirt that went between my boobs and under them. It was like a giant sign saying, 'look at my boobs. They are sweaty and they are this big.'

"You made it!" Karen smiled at me as she gave me a high five.

"How fast did you do it in?" I asked her. Gabriel and Nathan were flanking me and smiling at Karen.

"6 minutes 53 seconds. It wasn't my best, but I felt good about it." She shrugged her shoulders but was smiling.

"What the f**k do you like about running?" Gabe asked her.

"I just get a rush and I feel good." Karen responded.

"Endorphins." Gabriel said with a knowing nod.

"You both did great. I think you were the only two girls to make it under 8 minutes." Nathan said as he looked around at the other students.

"Come on, let's get our stuff and be done with this Hell hole today!" Meanie exclaimed.

The coaches didn't care if we left because we were done with our run and it was the end of the day. Karen and I went to the girls locker room and got all our cthings. "What are you doing today?" Karen asked me with curiosity clearly on her face.

"I am just going to hang out with a couple of the guys." I responded.

"Still deciding which one you like best?" She had a smirk on her face.

"We are all friends. Aren't friends aloud to just hang out without having an ulterior motive?" Why does she keep pushing me to choose one of the guys? I like them all, but is that anyone's business but mine?

"Let's go before they come in here looking for you." She said looking a little hurt. When we got out of the locker room, Honey and Meanie were waiting already. Karen waved bye and walked off.

We made our way out to the cars. "I better stop sweating before I get into Victor's car. I don't want to ruin his leather seats." Nathan grabbed me into a tight hug and I squealed. "You really don't want to be near me right now. I stink." He bent his head down and sniffed the top of my head. And started laughing.

"A shower might not be such a bad idea." Honey said while chuckling.

"What do you mean? She couldn't smell bad if she tried." Meanie countered.

"Thanks Gabriel, but I really do smell bad. But we are headed to Victor's house, right?"

"F**k yea! You can take a bath in his three person tub." He waggled his eyebrows at me.

I again started thinking about the time Victor and I took a bath together. I was only in a towel and he was fully clothed, minus his shoes and socks. And it felt so relaxing and good to have him wash my hair for me. It was different than the way Meanie does it, but it was still nice. But then his dad had to come in and ruin everything. I hope his dad won't be there today. I know I am blushing now and I feel bad for thinking about Victor when Meanie is the one who always washes my hair.

"Oy, what are you f**king guilty or worried about? You had that damn look earlier before our run and I didn't have time to ask."

My eyes went wide. How do I tell him about that bath with Victor? Will he be mad Victor washed my hair? "Umm, well.... I was just remembering...umm, the time..." I looked to the side and saw the others were almost here. "I'll tell you later."

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