Part 13

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Part 13

Mr. Blackbourne's POV

Sang was saying goodbye to all the boys, giving them hugs and kissing their cheeks, and here I am wishing I was NOT her teacher right now. But because of the situation we are in, I know if I give in I will want to hold her and kiss her just like the boys do. Sean is already walking a fine line at the school being so flirty with her and being her teacher.

I look over at Sean, who is lounging on the couch and I can see he knows my thoughts. And he is enjoying every moment of my internal debate. I sit down next to him while we wait for Sang to finish saying her goodbyes.

"You're not at school right now." Sean whispers.

"I know. But there are always eyes watching, even when you don't see them." I return.

"Are you talking about her sister or Danielle or Derrick?"

"Just the fact that you could name three people on this street in less than 2 seconds should be enough reason to control yourself." I point out. "Not to mention Mr. Hendricks has a fleet of tails following us regularly."

"They don't get anything from me. I'm boring. I go to the school, I go to work and I go home." Sean mentions.

"It takes me a while to shake my tail. Whoever he is, he seems better trained than all the teachers and students following the rest of you." I mull that over for a bit. I have to be very careful when I am alone with Miss Sorenson.

Sang came shyly over to the couch where we were sitting. Her finger was pressed to her lower lip and she seemed a bit stiff. "All done saying bye Pookie?" Sean asks her and winks.

"Yes. So, what exactly is our plan?" She asked so quietly I could barely hear her.

"You and I will go to learn parallel parking and then I will bring you back here to Dr. Green. He is staying here right now to relax. Then Dr. Green will take you out driving as I have some business that will not wait all day. Dr. Green has a shift that starts at 11am so we better get started ourselves." I explained.

"Ok." Is all she said.

That's it? That's all I get? How am I to build trust, build a relationship on single word answers? I need more to work with. Last night I was able to let my guard down and enjoy being 19. I even winked at her and went full cowboy with her. When Sean asked me if I was still commando, what I wanted to do was invite Sang to come check for herself. But she isn't ready for that and I was not going to scare her.

"Shall we?" I ask her. Motioning to the door.

"You two have fun. And don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Sean says while laughing. I just rolled my eyes at him. There is not a lot he wouldn't do.

"Here are the keys." I handed them to her as I helped her into the drivers seat. No tail in sight, this is good. I got in the passenger side.

"I like the feel of your car seats. Victor's car seats too. The leather feels soft, like butter." She mused while running her fingers lightly over the seat. Does she know that the way she is gently stroking her seat is bringing all kinds of thoughts to my mind of her touching me like that? Just a whisper of a touch can drive you wild. And apparently, so can the thought of that touch.

I noticed that her skirt, that had hit mid thigh while standing, had crept up her thigh a little more. And when you drive, you cannot sit properly and lady like. I can see why Silas got distracted. If I started touching her thigh I would probably forget where I was too.

"Do you remember how to get to the school?" I questioned.

"Yes, I think so." She said with a nervous sound to her voice.

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