Part 164 Naked Boys are Much More Fun

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Part 164 - Sunday Dec. 8th

Sang's POV

I rode to the hospital in North's jeep.  Luke was driving and Gabriel sat in the back seat.  We had a fairly quiet drive.  Quiet was good.  I had enough visuals flitting through my head, if they asked me a question I might respond with, 'Sean's butt or Gabriel's penis or Luke's not wearing underware'.

I was anxious to see North.  I know I have seen him everyday he has been in the hospital, but it always feels like forever since I saw him last.  He might be loud and demanding at times, but he is my North, and I don't like him being away from our family like this.

At the hospital I hurried gleefully toward North's room.  Meanie and Always holding my hands as we skip through the corridor.  I like how they let me feel young and carefree.  We can't always be serious, doom and gloom.

At North's hospital room, Luke opened the door and I entered followed by Meanie.  My jaw dropped, eyes wide, as I came to a grinding halt.  Meanie bumped into the back of me then quickly covered my eyes with his hands.

Luke's hands went around my waist and I was carried out of the room faster than I can say 'shower'.  Why would I choose to say the word shower?  Because that was what I just saw.  North was in the shower and the bathroom door was wide open.  I had a very nice profile view of all of North.  You wouldn't think your mind can process what you see in 5 seconds, but let me tell you, I have some amazing mental images of three of my boys now today.

"Today just keeps getting better!"  I mumbled excitedly to myself.

I could hear Luke and Gabriel laughing and was brought out of my naked North musings.  "Was that a diss to me, Trouble?"  Meanie demanded, his foot tapping with hands on his hips.

"What?"  I was confused.  Was what a diss?

"You just said today just keeps getting better.  Are you saying that North's nakedness is better than mine?"  At first I think he was teasing but the guarded look in his eyes told me I could hurt him if I am not carful with my words.

"Meanie, there is no one else like you.  I could never compare any of you to each other.  What I was mumbling to myself about, is how lucky I am to have seen three magnificent hard bodies with nothing on."  Looking at Luke I continued, "and one stomach that seems to go on forever with the promise of nothing on underneath the jeans."  I was getting heated just thinking about the guys.  My cheeks flaming red, my thoughts sending heat to between my legs.

Gabriel smashed my face against his chest as he hugged me tightly.  Luke smushed in behind me, arms going around both of us.  One small group hug.  The only way for a big group hug is to have all my boys involved.

"Do you really think I have a magnificent hard body?"  Meanie asked, then laughed.

I nodded my head, not sure I could answer without squeaking.  My voice would fail me right now.  My brain is on sensory overload.

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