Part 137

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Part 6 of my other story "5 Birds for 5 Academy Brothers" explaines why Blaze's sister Star is North's nurse in The Academy Hospital.

Part 137 - Wednesday Dec. 4th

North's POV

I hate being in the hospital. Even worse is being in the ICU. You barely get to sleep and then another nurse is there taking your blood pressure, asking you how you feel and poking my arm with more needles to take even more blood. Can't they just poke me once, leave in a line and when they want blood just tap the line?

I know I am cranky and rude and being a total dick, but I want out of this bed! And it fucking hurts to breathe. Mr. B told me Volto came in the house to take Sang and it was my quick actions that prevented us from now searching for a missing Sang Baby.

I just need to hold her and see her again to know she really is safe. Kota had texted me to keep me updated about the goings on. Gabe texted me a picture of Baby. His message said, "she is fucking upset about your ass in the hospital, look at the shit clothes she is wearing!" This made me laugh and that hurt.

I know he was trying to cheer me up and let me know Sang was upset with my predicament. She really didn't look bad. Her jeans fit her well, her shirt hugged her curves, her ponytail was sporty. But I saw the lack of color in her face. There was not a sparkle in her eye. She looked tired. My heart ached to be near her.

School should be over by now. Maybe I'll get to see her now. One can only hope. I closed my eyes to allow myself to get lost in my thoughts about Baby. I heard a rapping sound on the door. No one in the ICU knocks. They all just barge right in.

I opened my eyes and looked to the door curiously. It was another nurse, but this one looked nice. It was the eyes, they were kind. "Good afternoon! I am going to be your nurse until you go to sleep tonight. I have four other patients as well so if you need me, make sure to push your call button, ok?" She was saying as she came in the room, flitted over to the monitors, and fiddled with buttons. Then she turned to me.

"My name is... Wait! Why are you in the hospital? I just saw you two days ago."

It was one of Blaze's sisters. What is she doing here? Just then, Doc came in the room.

"North! How are we feeling this afternoon?"

"Fine. It only hurts if I take in a deep breath or laugh."

"Alright, Star..." Doc turned to Blaze's sister Star and continued, "North is not to exert himself of have any jokes told in his presence until it doesn't hurt to laugh." Doc was giving me one of his huge grins. Ugh!

"Whatever you say Dr. Green. Any other instructions?" Star asked him.

"Oh, he might get a few visitors this afternoon and early evening. I think we can let the 5 minute rule slide. That is, as long as you are feeling up to seeing your visitors North."

A half smile broke across my face. "Please, staying in bed with nothing to do is driving me bat shit crazy!"

"North, watch your language around Nurse Star please. I wouldn't want her to dislike our hospital because of a few unruly patients." Doc sternly told me.

"Sorry Star." I mumbled my apology. "Are you working here now?" I asked her.

"I'm just filling in today for a nurse who is out sick." She shrugged her shoulders.

"We might need you more this week. I don't know when she will be feeling better. What days are you currently working at the other hospital?" Doc questioned.

"I have to work Saturday and Sunday night shift this week. Then again Tuesday night and the following Saturday and Sunday nights." She recited her schedule.

"Wow, who's panties are in a wad over at your hospital? Those hours are horrible." Sean grimaced.

Star chuckled a sarcastic sound, "apparently, being abducted and missing two shifts was my fault." I could see the glisten on her eyes that she was going to start crying. She turned away from us to change my Saline bag.

I communicated with Doc through our eyes. 'Her fault?' I asked.

'No worries. The Academy's helping now.'

'Did a Steven's team member claim her?'

Doc mouthed 'Cannon'. Huh! I didn't see that one coming.

Then out loud I uttered, "welcome to the hospital. I hope we are better patients than your other hospital. And I will try not to be a jackass."

Star smiled at me, "I'm sure you will be a model patient." She pat my shoulder.

"HA! North? Yea, good luck with that Star." I gave Doc the stink eye.

Just as Doc left Uncle showed up. "North, my boy!" He crossed the room to place his hand on my arm.

"I'll be back later, if you need me push the call button." Star commented, then left the room.

"Hey Uncle."

He pulled up a chair and sat right next to me. "I've been so worried about you. Are you in much pain?"

"Some, but I can handle it." I tried to be nonchalant.

Uncle let out a sigh and slumped back in his chair. He looked so worn out. He placed his hands on his face as he leaned back in his chair. "I messed up North."


"I messed up. After seeing you this morning, I was angry and I took it on Luke, Sang and you, even though you weren't there. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it."

"What do you mean you took it out on Luke and Sang?" My temper was flaring.

"I put 2 and 2 together North. I know you all slept in Sang's room together. Owen explained it all to me and I apologized to both Luke and Sang for the mean things I said. I am apologizing to you now. I know better, North. Family First! You guys are family. You are grown up enough to make your own mistakes. I will stay out of it."

Well that was unexpected. Mr. B explained our relationship to Uncle and he is good with it. Huh. I relax back in my bed and respond, "apology accepted. Thank you Uncle."

"You're one of my boys. I don't want to lose you."

"You won't Uncle."

We sat there in peaceful silence when Mr. B came to see me.

"North, how are you doing?"

"As well as can be expected after being stabbed."

"Mr. Taylor. You look tired." Mr. B said to Uncle.

"I am. I'll get some sleep tonight. I better get going before the diner becomes unmanageable. I left Luke in charge until I get back."

I grumbled, "fuck Uncle! He's going to put chocolate chips in everything!" Uncle just laughed as he left my room. "Did we get any leads Mr. B?"

"Misters Korba, Lee, Griffin and Coleman are all checking up on the absent students as we speak."

"The waiting is what is killing me."

"You will be out of here soon enough." He assured me. "I believe the others will be stopping by at some point during the evening. Get your rest. I'll be back tomorrow."

I nodded and closed my eyes again to try and sleep.

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