Part 5

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Part 5

Dr. Sean's POV

We all got to Nathan place and Sang was still out practicing driving. I think we all made it here in record time. Sang sure is getting all of us to act quicker. If she is involved, we all seem to jump. From what I understand, they have been gone for about 20 minutes now. That was a good sign. Pookie must be doing well if they are still out. I can't wait for her to get back so I can see how it went.

"Family meeting begins now". Owen commands.

"I already told you why she asked Kota to teach her and Kota made her sit down and have a lesson on driving before she was behind the wheel." Luke told us.

"And that was some boring s**t too. He gave her all these f**king rules. And she listened like every word he said was the law." North complained.

"Do you expect anything less from Princess? She is taking this seriously." Victor asks seriously.

"Rules? What kind of God damn rules did he give Trouble?" Gabe asked.

"Something about safety first, knowing traffic signs, and using her turn signal." Luke said flippantly.

"What was that last f**king part about a tractor? That s**t was weird! And why would Sang Baby even need to know anything about f**king tractors?" North boomed.

"Motherf**ker! Why does Trouble need to know s**t about tractors? She doesn't live on a f**king farm!" Gabe yelled.

"What was it?.....How fast can you drive one on the road?" Luke questioned, tilting his head to the side.

"20 miles per hour." Owen stated matter-of-factly.

"Haha! Owen, why do you even know that?" I laugh while asking him. Only Kota and Owen would know this information without looking it up.

"It is on the written test." Owen responded. "But back to the matter at hand. Mr. Taylor, you said Miss Sorenson almost hit the garage?"

Luke doubled over in laughter, clutching his stomach. I couldn't help but join him in laughing. I can just imagine the scene playing out in my mind. And so can the others since they all are laughing too. Well except Owen and North. But both of them were smiling.

"Sang baby was in the drivers seat. Kota was in the passenger seat. And Nathan had just climbed in the back. And he was wearing..." North was saying as Luke interrupted him.

"I almost forgot about Nathan's protection!" Luke whooped. He was now rolling on the ground in laughter.

"Why did Nathan need condoms?" Silas asked, confusion clearly on his face.

"Not that kind of protection Silas." I stated. That boys head is definitely in the gutter. "We are getting sidetracked here." Thanks for the visual Silas. Now I have Nathan's need for condoms when he is out with Sang in my head. (I groan and wipe my hand down my face to try to clear the image from my mind.)

"Don't just roll around laughing you a**hole. What kind of s**t protection did Nathan need?" Gabe screams at Luke.

"He had on, haha, a helmet, knee pads, and hahaha, elbow pads. Hahahaha!" Luke chortled.

Just then the front door opened up and Kota was carrying Sang bridal style. But the way her head was lolled back and her body was trembling I jumped out of my seat and crossed the room to them in 3 steps. The rest of the boys exploded in questions, "what the f**k happened to Sang Baby?" "Princess...are you ok?" "S**t! What motherf**ker did this to Trouble?" "Aggele? Tell me who did this!" "Oh no! Cupcake! What happened?" "Mr. Lee, what happened to Miss Sorenson?"

"Lay her on the couch Kota." I instructed. "Tell me what is wrong."

"This is the after shock she goes through after something traumatic happens. Someone sped out of the diner parking lot right in front of Sang and I had to grab the steering wheel to keep us from hitting them. It was really close and the other car kept going." Kota explained.

"So this is what will happen to you every time you have a close call behind the wheel Pookie?" I ask inches from her ear. "If so, maybe driving is not the best idea." Concern laced in my voice. "Nathan get me some water."

"I-It just sc-scared me." Sang stuttered.

Nathan handed me the bottle of water. I took the top off and helped her sit up. "Just relax, take deep breaths, and drink this." Sang started to drink the water slowly.

"What s**t-tastic kind of look is that Nathan?" Gabe asked through a laugh.

"I just thought I would tease Peanut a little. You know, right of passage and all that s**t? She didn't appreciate my need for all three seat belts in the back. " Nathan chuckled. We all joined in.

"The next person that does that will get kicked out of the car." Sang stated with as much strength as she could.

"As you wish, Miss Sorenson."

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