Part 195 Wingman

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JenniferJones229 you have always been one of the biggest cheering sections for all things Academy. I give you the cheerleader award. :). Thanks for always encouraging.

Part 195 - Thursday December 19th

Silas' POV

At the end of my first class' exam time, I received a text from North.

North: teammate Patrick, staring down Baby, ready to give you shit.

Me: what happened?

North: she touched Nate's back during the test, Pat saw.

Me: so what? She touched his back?

North: he was giving her a "I'm ready to fuck you" look on his face when she wasn't looking.

Me: tell me you rearranged his face!

North: I could only growl from my seat.

Me: he will get his due next class.

We have our football class next period. With as many players as we have, and only a handful of coaches that don't give a flying fuck about anything... Patrick is dead.

I waited for North outside the entrance to the field house. Today we were supposed to lift weights, run 40's, practice tackle drills, do ladders and blocking drills. We have two hours in class, ample time to give Patrick his due.

"Ready to bust some ass?" I asked.

"More than ready." North responded.

We entered the locker room of the field house as if we didn't know the shit Patrick was about to try to dish. We each changed into out school issued shorts and t-shirts for the football players. The shirts didn't have sleeves and the shorts are longer, like basketball shorts. Not like what Nate and Gabe have to wear in their PE class. I would look like a freak in those short shorts they have to wear.

I was just tying my shoes when Patrick and his little posse turned the corner, shit-eating grins plastered on their faces. Patrick was the one to start, "I thought you took care of the gingerbread man back in October? But here it is, December, and your woman is making a fool of you during class. She was feeling up that guy you say is your friend. Practically giving him a hand job during the exam. Maybe you should have taken Rocky up on his offer to take her off your hands. Or if it is an ego thing, where you can't let her go to Rocky, I can help you out." His posse fist bumping his shoulders and laughing roucously.

I stood to my full height, fists clenching at my sides, "you don't know shit! I already know about the "so called" feeling him up incident. She touched his back, for Christ's sake. You just want a crack at my girlfriend. You think you can take me on Patrick? Let's go!"

With angry North as my wingman, Patrick and his posse have a look of worry on their faces as they start backing away. I stalk their every movement, advancing toward them like the prey they have just become.


"Damn, that felt good!" I said to North.

He grunted and chuckled, agreeing with me. "And the look on their smug ass faces as we kicked the fuck out of them for an hour and a half. Cathartic!"

"Now lunch, then Aggele time!"

"Are you really going to play Frisky dice? With Mr. B there?" North asked, looking all kinds of curious. We were on our way to the cars to meet up with everyone else.

"Why wouldn't I? The rest of you have played some crazy ass games. Speaking of, are you playing another one today?"

"Don't know. Have to see what Victor and Sang say."

We were the first ones to the cars, no surprise there. "What's for lunch? I'm starving!" I whined at him, just to get a rise.

"You're always starving. We are having Caesar salad, Balsamic Chicken with roasted vegetables and for dessert, Luke has made some kind of death by chocolate shit! Five layers of unhealthiness."

"What are the five layers?" I asked him, curious and surprised he allowed Luke to get away with making it.

"It is a chocolate cake with a chocolate mouse filling between the layers. It had a chocolate ganache icing with shavings of chocolate on top." He made a disgusting face.

"That's only four layers. What is the fifth?"

North thought for a moment, "I didn't ask and don't know if I want to know."

I could see Aggele and the guys from across the parking lot. "Aggele is on her way, so unless you plan on upsetting her... Keep you thoughts about dessert to yourself. And be prepared to at least eat a bite of dessert." I was giving his a death stare. No way is he going to ruin her mood before I get a turn to study with her!

He held his hands up in surrender, "no complaints." I nodded at him, then turned my biggest smile on Aggele Mou. She raced toward me, leaping into my waiting arms. I caught her easily and held her close to my body. I can never get enough Aggele hugs.

A silly thought just went through my head. One of these days I am going to try out that Dirty Dancing move, and when she leaps into my waiting arms I will raise her up, high above my head and then lower her down by sliding her body down the length of mine.

"Si!" North boomed in my ear. I set Aggele down and looked at my best friend with frustration for interrupting my train of thought. "Stop daydreaming. Time to go."

North and Aggele rode in North's car. Victor and Luke rode in Vic's car. Gabe rode with me. And Nate and Kota were in Kota's car.

The whole way to North's place, Gabe kept bellyaching about Trouble not getting to ride with us. I just let him rant, get it out of his system before we are all together. It is hard, we have to share her time and not be selfish.

We all helped set out plates, silverware, napkins and glasses of tea for lunch. Luke and North are definitely masters of their domain, the kitchen. I am going to have to work out hard for the rest of my life, eating the way we do when we are all together.

After lunch was over, Nathan, Kota and I were on clean up duty. It wasn't so bad. And with three of us working, the chore was done with in about five minutes.

I gave Aggele a kiss goodbye and Victor told me he would drop her off at my place when they finished studying for their history exam. I nodded and grabbed Gabe by the back of his neck, prying him away from doting on his Trouble. "Oy, what the fuck?"

"They need to study, so Aggele and I can study." I spoke in a gruff voice.

"Fine! I can't fucking wait for exams to be over tomorrow." Gabe grumbled as I took him to his house.

"We are all ready for a break from the school." I confirmed.

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