Part 65

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Part 65

Silas' POV

Blaze was here with a big smile on his face. "Normally I don't run this game, but those that do run it had to leave." The way he just said that makes me wonder what they must have done to get in trouble. The way he keeps glancing at Aggele makes me think it had something to do with her.

Blaze continues, "Alright gang! Here are the rules. 2 equal teams, one green and one blue. There are 4 spots to shoot on each vest. Center chest, center back, and on top of each shoulder. Center chest and center back are a kill shot worth 100 points each. On top of the shoulders are wounding shots. It takes 3 hits per shoulder to turn the light red. Each hit on the shoulder is worth 10 points. This means that you have to go back to your home base and stand inside the circle until the light goes from red back to it's green or blue color. Another points shot is the top sensor on the gun. That is worth 25 points. Also, across the top of your home base there is a bonus shot. I'm telling you now, you can only hit it if you are out in the open and exposed to get hit yourself. But if you do hit it, it is worth 1,000 points. Each gun has 20 shots of ammo. When you are out, no more lights will shine on the gun. To reload you have to put both hands on the sensors for 5 seconds. It will turn green or blue again when it is reloaded." He pointed out the sensors on the top and bottom of the gun.

Blaze looked around at everyone happily then asked, "any questions? If not each team go to your home base and wait inside the circle. When the buzzer sounds, the game begins. The game lasts for 10 minutes so shoot wisely."

We separated into our teams to wait for the game to start. "Kota, what is our strategy?" I ask.

"We have our base to defend, but we can't win from a defensive position only. So, Silas and Victor will stay back in the beginning to defend our base. Gabriel, Doc and I will fan out and attack their base. When one of us needs to reload or reboot our vests we will rotate. Always leaving two back and three forward."

"And remember, do not get distracted by Aggele's sweet face."

"You mean Trouble's sweet ass!" We all nodded and mumbled she does have a sweet ass.

I have noticed a half wall just beyond the home base circle and to the left. My eyes have already adjusted to the low lights. As the buzzer sounded the fog machines in all the corners and the one in the center of the ceiling are spraying that nasty smelling fake fog. They only spray for about 5 seconds but it is enough to make it difficult to see more than 15 feet in front of you. I have gone to the half wall on the left and Victor goes further past me to a big column on the right. We are both crouched low trying to hide our vests and guns from being shot.

I can hear Gabe shout, "motherfucker!" And Luke was laughing. I motioned to Victor to be ready to go when Gabe gets back. I have my gun at the ready just in case anyone is using Gabe as cover.

As Gabe passes us to go to the base circle, Victor takes off into the smoky fog. "Shit! That ass wipe shot me center back. I didn't even know he was behind me." Gabe complained.

"Did you get any shots in?"

"I only got a shoulder shot on Trouble. She popped up in front of me then turned and I aimed and shot, but Luke was right behind me and shot me center back. Oy! They were tag teaming me."

Maybe Doc and Kota are having better luck. "Nnnnnooooo!" I heard North roar as a siren went off with flashing red lights. Kota came barreling back toward the home base, his vest all lit in red. I'm up!

I tried to run crawl on my hands and feet to stay low. Out of the corner of my eye I saw green movement. I dropped flat on the floor like a sniper and took a shot. The light turned red and I heard a giggle then "Darn-nit." I got Aggele. Ha ha ha. I am laughing quietly so I don't give away my position.

"Go back to base." I hear Mr. B from her right. He was looking right at her and I took another shot. "Shit!" Gotcha Mr. B! I scream in my head silently. They both get up and hurry toward their home base.

I try to Army crawl on my belly toward their base and see their bonus light above base. I quickly scan for North, Nathan and Luke. No one is in sight. I scrunch my knees up underneath me so I am bent over and kneeling. With a quick motion I rise, aim and fire.

Again, the sound of a siren and red flashing lights go off but so does my vest. Kill shot! Back to base I go.

When I get there, Gabe is heading back out and Kota is still there. After charging back up I crouch near Kota, "where's Doc?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen him since we started." Kota said looking at me.

"Get down!" I pushed him down as I saw North and Nathan trying to approach our home base. I signal with my hands that Kota takes Nathan and I take North. On 3. 1, 2, 3! We rise and shoot. Two kill shots, center chest. But what we didn't anticipate was Sang and Luke right behind them. Both Kota and I have kill shots center chest and we need to reboot our vests. We hurry toward the base circle but Luke shot the bonus shot with sirens and red lights flashing. As soon as it was done, Sang hit it too. Again, red lights and sirens.

Doc popped up behind them and hit two kill shots center back. He ducked again and was lost in the fog. I could hear Gabe again, "take that you fucker!"

"Everyone, Now!" I order.

My whole team ran full force toward their base and shot at the green team and the bonus shot. Sang was lying on the ground and Gabe did a forward roll toward her. As he came up from the roll he shot, aiming down at her back and got her. They both were giggling like 5 year olds and I have to was really cute.

Doc made the bonus shot as Kota got the kill shot on Mr. B. North got me, then Victor got Nathan. Kota, and Victor were in pursuit of North as he tried to get to our home base. But where is Luke? Then I heard the siren and red lights and knew Luke got the bonus shot.

"Damn Doc! You scared the shit out of me." Luke exclaimed but skipped back to his home base. Doc was laughing like crazy.

Suddenly, the lights came on, and all the vests were blinking red. Game over. We head back to the entrance to see who won.

Green Blue
Team. Team
3,800. 4,110

"Come here Trouble and lay one on me!" Gabe was pointing at his lips. Sang giggled at him. Then she placed her hands on his shoulders and Gabe closed the distance. I know we told her we wouldn't watch, but surprisingly, this doesn't make me uncomfortable. It makes me happy.

As soon as Gabe has finished kissing her, I hug her from behind. She melts back into my chest. I tilt her head up and back toward me. I kiss her with pure Greek passion. My front plastered to her back. Damn, this is sexy. I chuckle low in my chest and pull back from the kiss. She is looking at me with wide eyes.

Victor is standing in front of Aggele, looking nervous. I push her toward him and turn to give them privacy. I can hear Victor talking to her quietly though. "I don't want to force anything on you Princess." Then all I heard was Victor moaning. I have to smile that Aggele took the initiative to kiss him even though he was nervous.

"Do I get to kiss you too,10?"

"Of course 52." And he kissed his 10.

"Pookie, do you want to do batting cages or rock climbing now?"

"How about..." She put her finger to her lower lip, "rock climbing?" Doc pulled her finger away from her lip and replaced it with his own kiss.

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