Part 166 Going in our Family History

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This one is much shorter, but I was told I had anywhere from 6-12 hours due to the last one being a "Severe Cliffy". :). I have also been working on updates for my other stories, so writing out two for this today was not in my original plan. I accept thank you by way of pushing the star button and commenting. (I have been giggling like a loon all morning about the last chapter comments. Thank you for those, by the way.)

Part 166 - Sunday Dec. 8th

Silas' POV

We had talked in the living room for a bit about what kind of pizza to order and that we should place the order just as we are leaving the hot tub. That way we have enough time to change before it arrives.

I could hear Aggele giggling in the bathroom. Her giggles are like angelic music that my ear would tune into no matter how far away from me she is. It's like her own personal dog whistle. We all cease talking and our ears perk up at that sound.

I nudged Nathan with my hand, we better go change. We went back to my bedroom, pulled out our suits and began removing our clothes. Nathan had one leg in his swimsuit, the other hovering just above it and I was naked, my suit in my hands when the door opened up.

Nathan startled, stepped down onto his swimsuit instead of in it. His hands held on tightly to the suit as he toppled over and face planted in the carpet. His bare ass in the air. It was hilarious! I couldn't help but bellow out with laughter at the sight.

Sang was standing in the doorway, eyes wide. Instead of shutting the door like I expected her to do, she saw Nathan's situation and ran to him. "Oh Nathan, Honey, are you all right?"

Her hands flit over his shoulders and face. She was kneeling on the carpet next to him. His legs were tangled in his swimsuit and it was looking difficult for him to right himself. I thought I would help him out.

"Aggele, he will be fine. Just give him some room so he can get his ass out of the air." I laughed again, this was going down in the history books of our family.

Aggele turned toward me, looking up from her kneeling position on the floor and just froze. She was a total deer in the headlights. Shit! Did we do something to scare her? Aggele's face turned a beautiful pink and a smile started creeping across her face, getting bigger with each passing second.

Maybe she found Nathan's situation hilarious too now. I smiled back. We can enjoy this moment for years to come.

Nathan started laughing himself as he laid down flat on his stomach on the ground. His ass still showing but at least he was laughing with us now.

"Dude! Your baring all for Peanut right now! Have some respect, put some clothes on!" Nathan shouted through his laughter.

I looked down and sure enough, I was naked as the day I was born. I was standing here with nothing on but a smile. Literally!

Being the Greek God that I am, I struck a bodybuilder pose. I was flexing both biceps, I tightened my abs and flexed my thighs. Then I asked, "Aggele, what do you think of my Herculean physique?"

She didn't say anything. I looked down at her and she was biting her lip, her eyes glued to my package. Nathan stood up and lifted Sang to standing. She kept looking between the two of us, like she was watching a tennis match. We both took that as our cue to put our swimsuits on. This was too much for our sweet, innocent Sang. And we would probably have hell to pay when North, Doc, Kota or Mr. B heard. We are guaranteed they will hear, too. Nothing in this family stays private.

"What the HELL are you two doing to Princess?!?!" Victor demanded from my doorway. He looked livid. And there it is!

"It's not what is looks like." Nathan began.

"It's my fault really." Aggele's sweet voice cut Nathan off as she finally spoke up. "I opened the door on them when they were changing, then Nathan tripped and landed on his face and I ran in to see he was okay. I think Silas forgot he wasn't wearing clothes, he seems so comfortable in his own skin, and I was just about to leave the room when you came in."

"You forgot the part about Nathan's naked ass pointing up to the sky Aggele."

"What about your striking a bodybuilder pose and asking Peanut if she liked your Herculean physique? Dirty fucking Greek."

"Princess, come with me. Leave these two Neanderthals alone while they clear their heads and put clothes on." Victor reached out and took Sang's hand. He gave us both stern looks and shut the door behind him.

"You do realize we are in a shit load of trouble now, don't you?" Nathan asked me.

"Yes I do. It was fun while it lasted though. And even if we get in trouble, it will be our manhood she pictures as she drifts off to dreamland each night. We might just start to star in her dreams." I was smiling like a fool again.

Nathan looked down at himself, "Besides the making a fool of myself part in the beginning, I don't look half bad just standing here."

"Bro, I am not giving your package a compliment, but you're right. Aggele got lucky with the nine of us. I have had to change around too many football players the last couple of months. We are all a bit more endowed than the average guy. Not that I'm looking."

"I didn't think you were." We both put our suits on. "She will definitely not be disappointed with our family."

We left the bedroom and entered the living room to find Sang was kissing Victor and she was taking his shirt off of him. Hypocrite! I cleared my throat loudly. Victor looked startled and Aggele looked guilty. Her hand stuck in the cookie jar. Or should I say, her hands stripping my brother on my couch in my living room with me in the other room.

"Aggele, are you feeling a little randy today?" Nathan punched my shoulder. "Because I could totally go for that!" All us guys laughed. Aggele stood up and walked toward my front door.

"Those that want to join me in the hot tub, I'm going there now." That was all it took, we were climbing over each other to go after her.

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