Part 139

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Part 139- Wednesday Dec. 4th

Nathan's POV

We got done checking out a couple different students that had been absent from school today. One of them was Wil Winchester, but he was not at his listed school address. We had texted Mr. B about it and he gave us a hotel address. But again, Wil wasn't there. We were given some possible friend's addresses to see if Wil was at their houses, but he wasn't. It was like he had disappeared.

Another person that was absent was Jer, Mike's friend. We were able to confirm he was at home and he was in his bed, covered by his sheets. We couldn't tell if he had an injury on his left leg. There obviously wasn't a cast under his blankets though. Other than those two, that Kota and I had to search for, the other students we were to check on had not ever had contact with Sang before.

Gabe and Silas had a couple interesting names on their list too. Derrik and Danielle, Sang's own sister Marie, Karen and Rocky. We were pretty sure whoever came to Luke and North's house was Male, so they began their search with Rocky and Derrik. We haven't heard from them yet tonight.

Just after we got home from our search, Luke sent me a text telling me he was bringing Peanut over. She was staying at my house tonight. I love it when Peanut stays with me. Although, after last nights scare, Mr. B has instructed us that we are to have two guys with Sang at night. Until we figure out who this Volto person is.

"Are you staying with us tonight?" I asked Kota.

"Yes, but I have to go home right now. I'll be back when it is time for bed."

"See you then." I got out of Kota's car and went into my house. I looked through the food options and decided it was a frozen pizza night. So I got the oven preheated and the pizza on the cookie sheet. While it was cooking I chopped some tomatoes, cucumbers and yellow peppers. I opened the bag of lettuce and added the chopped vegetables.

The front door was unlocked and I heard, "Hi honey, we're home!"

"Luke, only Peanut gets to call me Honey."

"Oh, you're no fun!" Luke teased. "Pizza for dinner?" He asked as he sniffed the air.

"Yes and salad. I wouldn't want North hearing that we weren't feeding Peanut properly." They both nodded their heads. Right now, no one wanted to do anything that would upset North or his healing process. "Are you staying for dinner Luke?"

"I wish! I need to get back for Uncle. I can't worry him about both of his boys tonight." Sang reached out to Luke and hugged him tightly before giving him a quick kiss goodbye. I walked Luke to the door and gave his a brotherly hug. The kind that is only tight for just a moment to let the other guy know you care but it doesn't last so the other guy knows you don't swing that way.

"Call me if you need me." I told Luke as he left. He waved and left in North's Jeep.

I heard the oven beeping that the pizza was ready. Peanut and I went to the kitchen to put dinner on our plates. Like usual, we took our plates to the living room to watch TV. I put it on "The Amazing Race". As we watched, we chose which detours we would have picked had we been a team on the show. Also, who would have done the challenges and we laughed at how much these people got mad at each other when all they needed to do was talk.

We cleaned up dinner and did our homework before Kota came over to stay the night. When he walked in, he was wearing his pajama pants and t-shirt. "I didn't know you were staying tonight." Peanut said with surprise because of Kota's sudden appearance.

"Mr. B doesn't want Volto to try again and only one of us be with you." Kota explained.

"Do you think he will try again?" She asked.

"Peanut, the letter he left at Luke's house said he was going to show us how it felt to have you taken away from us. That doesn't sound like someone that is planning on giving up right away. It sounds like a psycho stalker!" I exclaimed.

"I just don't get it. He has had times available to hurt me before, but didn't. Why would he want to hurt me now?"

"He said he wanted to take you away from us, he didn't say he wanted to physically harm you." Kota corrected.

"But taking me away from all of you would hurt me. Probably more than anything he could do to physically harm me." Peanut quietly spoke. "I don't want anyone to take you guys away from me. You are my world, my life, my loves, my future."

"Hence the reason behind two of us staying with you at night." I pointed out.

"It's time for bed now." Kota commanded in his authoritative tone.

"Yes sir." Peanut saluted him. I started laughing as Kota looked stern. Peanut turned on her heels and took off toward the bathroom. Kota was faster. He caught her around the waist and hefted her over his shoulder, then gave her sweet ass one swift spank.

"Ow! What was that for?" She asked as Kota set her down on her feet.

Kota looked concerned. "I'm sorry Ten. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was trying to playfully spank you for talking to me like I was a drill Sargent."

"Oh, you didn't really hurt me." She said as she spanked Kota back and then ran to hide behind me. She gripped my forearms to use me as a shield. I was laughing like this was the funniest show ever.

"I give up." Kota uttered as he went to the bedroom.

"Uh oh. I think I went to far." Sang worried over what had just transpired.

"I think it is just the stress from the day. Why don't you get ready and I'll make sure everything is ok with Kota." I pushed her toward the bathroom to go ahead and get ready.

When I got to my room I closed the door. "Kota, you know Sang was just playing. What's wrong?"

"We still don't have an idea who Volto is. I talked with Mr. B before I came over. Silas and Gabe couldn't get confirmation on Derrik. He wants one of us to try to sneak over there at about 3am to see what we can through his window. Rocky seemed to be skipping school today. It sounds like his skipping class has something to do with why Danielle and Marie were gone too. I just cannot stand for the answer to be so close, yet we cannot seem to grasp who this guy is."

"Just remember not to take your frustrations out on Sang. It wasn't her."

"I know." Kota replied then took in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

Peanut came into the bedroom looking all comfy in her flannel pajama pants and tank top. "Will you be warm enough?" I asked because of the tank top.

"When I sleep in between two of you, I am always warm enough. If it was just one of you, I might get cold, but not between two."

I kissed her cheek as I went to get ready for bed myself. Once I was done, I made my way back into my bedroom. Both Sang and Kota were already lying in bed. Kota's arms around her shoulders as her face was pressed into his chest. I turned out the light and climbed in. Peanut shifted slightly, her back now pressed up against my chest. I held her firmly around the waist and dozed off to sleep.

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