Part 179 Morning Fun

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Part 179 - Saturday December 14th

Sang's POV

I woke up hearing that ridiculous yipping dog that belonged to Victor's neighbor.  Ungh!  I rolled over to face the window but all that did was caused me to roll over until I was on top of Luke's back.  I giggled as this action startled Luke.

Victor spoke before opening his eyes, "Princess, it's too early for the giggling."

"Just ignore us Vic."  Luke said as he held me in place on his back.

"Hey, you can't have fun in my bed without me!"  Victor announced before he was laying on top of my back, completing the breakfast sandwich.

Not being able to breathe, I wheezed out, "You guys are going to squish my boobs into pancakes."

Victor was immediately off of me and I was flipped onto my back, they both hovered over me.  "They look fine to me."  He stated.

"If you would like, I can make sure their shape is still intact."  Luke was wiggling his fingers a over my chest.

"My boobs are not mounds of play-dough Luke!"  I laughed.

"Sorry if I hurt you Princess, should I kiss your boo-boo better."  He had a teasing look in his eyes.

"Nice one Vic!"  Luke fist bumped him.

I laughed at the guys, folded my arms over my chest and called out, "idiots" in my most loving, indulgent way possible.

Luke clutched his heart and fell back on the bed, "ow, you wound me."  I gave him a playful shove in the arm.  He was laughing and I giggled even more at his antics. Victor's face had fallen and he almost looked sad.  He laid back and threw his arm over his eyes.

"Victor?"  I shifted so I was leaning over him.  I was worried I had gone too far calling him an idiot.  Luke understood I was playing along with them.  Maybe he got his feelings hurt when people called him names.  I should really be careful.  All of us come from broken homes.  Stupid, stupid Sang!  Think before you speak!  "Oh, please Victor.  You have to know I was just playing with you.  I don't think you're an idiot.  Please, look at me."  I pleaded with him.

His lower lip jutted out just a bit and it quivered.  No, no, no, no!  I could never hurt any of my boys on purpose.  "Victor?  I only called you an idiot because you asked to kiss my boo-boo better.  You could have just done it, then told me why you kissed my boobs."  

Suddenly, Victor's arm flew off his face and went around my waist.  His eyes were flaming with humor.  He rolled us so I was flat on my back and he was over me.  With the biggest grin he bent down and kissed he top of my breasts.  I gasped with how fast everything changed.

Luke was cackling like a kid in a tickle war, while he clutched his stomach.  Victor lifted himself off of me, with a smile he said, "I just kissed your not-squished-into-pancakes-boobs better."

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