Part 111

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Part 111

Sang's POV

We had finished eating breakfast. To my surprise there were Chocolate Chip Cappuccino muffins waiting for me on the counter.

"I called Uncle last night and asked him for the recipe. He wants you to know he is sorry for your loss Sang and anything he can do for you, just let him know." Luke told me.

North put two of the muffins on a plate and set it in front of me. I looked at him with raised eyebrows. "Who am I to tell you what to eat when you are sad. If the comfort of these muffins helps heal part of your sad heart, I want you to eat them."

I am not about to argue with him when what I want is to eat these muffins. I ate and got thinking about Mr. Peters and the fact he was alone when he died. Well, probably with nurses and or doctors present, but no one he cared about was there to hold his hand as he left this life.

A tear started down my face. I had seen him before we left and he told me he would see me when we got back. Were we gone to long? Or did he give up his life before we got back so I wouldn't see him on his death bed? Why was I feeling such a loss for an old man I barely got to know?

"Sang, sweetie, Mr. Peters lived a good long life. It was his time to leave this world. I bet he is with his wife in Heaven right now telling her all about meeting you. How in the end of his life, he wasn't alone. A beautiful, smart, sweetheart stepped into his life and opened up her heart to allow an old man a few moments of joy." Kota marveled.

"Kota is right Peanut. I saw the way his eyes lit up proposing to you. It was the best moment of his day to ask you that. I don't think he really meant to marry you, more he just wanted to tease you."

"Even though he was old and pretty much stuck in a bed, I was a bit nervous to have to admit to him I loved you, Aggele. I was worried he would tell you to choose one of us or tell you that this was not a good plan. But Mr. Peters surprised me and accepted you with each of us, and even encouraged our relationship. He was protective of you Sang. He wished he had known you for longer, I am sure of it."

With the tears rolling down my face I asked, "Meanie, is it ok if I don't want to wear all black today? Don't get me wrong, I am sad to have lost Mr. Peters from my life, but I want to be happy he gets to be with his wife again, free of pain and loneliness." I was smiling with the tears flowing.

"It is never a bad idea to celebrate life when someone you care about dies Trouble. It hurts me to watch you have to deal with grief. I know what that grief feels like. I have my earrings to help remind me of the lives that I lost in this life."

"I think I am going to go get dressed now. Is it ok if I take a bath in Victor's bathroom?" I asked, not sure if the guys will feel we need to get dressed quickly.

"Take all the time you need Baby. Doc will be here soon, but we can have him sleep until you are ready."

"Thank you. All of you. I could never ask for better boyfriends." I giggled just a little for calling them all my boyfriends in front of the whole group. They sweetly just smiled at me. Gabriel walked with me up the stairs to go pick my clothes.

He picked a white button down shirt with a flat ruffled collar, a white pleated skirt with Japanese red roses that would hit at my knees, he also set out a short pink trench coat and pink high heels with a bow over the peep toe. This outfit was lovely. It makes me feel happy in my heart.

I got my bath and got dressed. When I opened the bathroom door Gabriel was waiting to do my hair. After blowing it dry he pulled it back in a heart shaped barrette. Sean was sleeping on Victor's bed and the others were in Victor's big sitting room.

When Gabriel was done helping me, I put on my shoes, gave him a kiss and started out to the bedroom. Meanie helped me into my coat and touched Sean on the arm to wake him up.

Sean took in a deep instant breath, then looked at me. His face melted into a pleasant smile. He stood up and gave me a hug. "You are so beautiful and strong and you look like you are dealing with your feelings and emotions in a healthy way. The boys told me you had cried and talked and now you look put together, ready to take on the world. Magnificent!"

"This is all new to me. I am sure I will have more crying before this is through."

"And at least one of us will be right there with strong arms and a perfect shoulder or chest for you to cry on."

"Thank you. Let's go so you can get back to sleep."

"I plan on sleeping with you in my arms in the car Pookie. We both need it so don't even try to argue with me. I'm a doctor!"

I nodded my head and giggled at him. We went to the sitting room and Kota and Nathan got up to join me.

"You look lovely Baby." The rest of the guys were voiced their approval of my clothes. We got in Sean's car with Kota driving, Nathan in the front seat, Sean was laying across the back seat and pulled me on top of him to hold me tight to his chest.

He was out like a light and I allowed my eyelids to droop closed as we drove in silence. Just the hum of the car, and the strength of Sean's arms and chest, lulling me to sleep.

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